
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs


A few days have gone by since the attempted wyvern attack on the farm. Lux knew other factions were trying to spy on the recent activity in the Forest of Death. So for that particular scuffle he allowed them to get a brief glimpse of the power of his All-Purpose Farming Tool. Reasons being he decided it was time to show his face to the supernatural of this world. Also he is a farmer so why not have fun and display his prowess as a farmer?

This led to him wanting to go to the underworld to finally start forming a friendly relationship with the Satans. Being a public ally with the Devil Faction as a whole doesn't make much sense if the Old Satan Faction is going to be a minor annoyance to him in the near future. Perhaps after they are taken care of, he can revisit this topic.

When he arrived in the underworld, it was easy for him to instantly locate the 4 Satans. The immortal farmer teleported to their workplace and stayed invisible to all of their senses for most of the day. Which explains how Serafall didn't sense him in her home when she arrived. His power can not be detected unless he wishes it to be. No matter how talented or powerful of a sensor someone may be, they will never be able to detect Lux when he's completely suppressing his power.

To be fair, if he raises his power to levels beyond a person's limitations of sensing power, the results will be the same, they will feel nothing.

It's similar to how Aizen and Ichigo from the bleach universe reached the transcendent realm of power to where not even a Captain-level Soul Reaper would be able to feel their power unless they were on the level of squad zero.

Now Lux didn't spy on the Satans their entire workday, he left an hour before Serafall and came to her home. He learned where she lived by reading her memories, the female Satan didn't notice anything while her memories were being invaded.

After making himself comfortable in her home, he decided to wait for her while he took a bath. As for the reason why he's doing this in particular, simple when he told Zenith and the others he was going to the underworld to introduce himself to Serafall and potentially the other Satans. Zenith knew from her and Lux's conversations that he had interest in Serafall.

So being the wonderful wife she is and seeing the opportunity, Zenith suggested to Lux that he should seduce Serafall. Devils are creatures of sin, the blonde woman knew that once Serafall got a full look at Lux and his body. The female Satan wouldn't be able to hold herself back if Lux made a move on her.

In Zenith's mind, a Satan was hardly decent compensation compared to anything Lux does to help out the Devils. At the same time, Serafall is mainly all the Devils have that Lux has any real interest in. Sure, there may be a few more women that the Devils can offer but in the end Serafall holds the most value in terms of an exchange.

Not that Lux would treat her as an object or anything.

Some might see this as Lux being a simp and in a way they are right. But at the same time it's not that black and white. A true immortal such as Lux finds little interest in what most mortals would have to offer. He's been alive for so long and has an impossible amount of experience he's gained from his various past lives. This means he's seen a lot of materialistic things that currently don't mean much to him anymore. Which is why he and Zenith agreed on negotiating for women with other factions to help out on the farm and potentially join Lux's harem.

Back with Serafall….

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't erase you from existence?" Serafall demanded in a cold tone while releasing her demonic power onto Lux.

She was a bit surprised that he was completely unaffected by her power.

Lux snorted in amusement. "Hate to burst your bubble Sera-chan, but even at your max output I can wipe you out and make everyone who ever knew you forget you ever existed by simply blinking my sexy yellow eyes. So how about you calm down, I'll even let you sense my power for you to see if I'm bluffing or not." He shrugged.

Serafall stared into Lux's eyes for a moment before nodding, she stopped summoning her demonic power then focused her senses on Lux. Noticing that she can now actually detect his presence unlike prior.

When she sensed his power inside of him, Serafall's heart nearly stopped while cold sweat appeared all over her body. Honestly she felt absolutely terrified from what she's sensing from this man. As one of the few to see and experience the power of Sirzechs true form. She instantly came to a decisive conclusion.

'T-This guy's p-power is…oh Satan, even with me, Sirzechs-chan, Ajuka-chan and Fabi-chan all working together at the peak of our powers we still wouldn't come close to being a challenge to this guy…he could easily erase not only the Devils but the entire underworld without breaking a sweat…' Serafall thought in amazement, fear and a bit of lust.

"By the way what you are sensing is not close to a full 1% of my power." Lux casually revealed.

Hearing this made Serafall drop straight on her bare ass in pure disbelief.

She wanted to say he's lying, yet in the end it didn't matter whether he's telling the truth or not. It doesn't change the fact that he's still excessively more powerful than her.

"There's no way you can be a human." The female Satan shook her head.

"Well you are right about that, my body may be that of a human but I'm not truly a human. To keep it simple I'm known as a true immortal. I'm the only one of my kind in the universe, not that there are a lot of us in the first place. My kind is very few, by the way I'm sorry for not introducing myself until now my name is Lux Arcadia. As I said earlier, it's nice to finally meet you." Lux said.

"Only one in the universe? How is that even- you know what, forget about it. As you already know, I'm Serafall Leviathan formerly known as Serafall Sitri." Serafall decided to not think about what she just heard.

"So wanna join me? It's obvious you were about to bathe yourself and there is plenty of room for us to share comfortably." Lux offered.

"…How are you offering me to take a bath in my own house when you shouldn't even be here in the first place? Also asking a woman to take a bath with a man she doesn't know? Don't you have any sort of shame?" Serafall really felt amazed by his audacity and shamelessness.

Lux chuckled. "Sera-chan any sort of shame within me was long gone before this world even existed. Plus you don't have any right to question me about shame when you literally act like a teenage magical girl at your age."

Serafall giggled. "You have a point, Lux-chan, fine I'll join you. It's obvious you planned for this to happen. Plus it's been quite a long time since I last shared a bath with a man."

The black-haired Satan stood up and walked into the bathtub, when she was waist deep in the hot water she sighed. Enjoying the hot water on her skin.

She noted how muscular his shoulders, arms and pectorals were; it was very rare to come across a Devil with Lux's build. Looking down, she was even more surprised to see his cock sticking out of the water. Considering how most of his body is submerged in the water, she realized he's very big since it's a decent amount of his length sticking out. He's definitely the biggest she's ever seen by far which is saying something since male Devils usually don't lack in that kind of size department.

A blush appeared on her face, her current lust increasing.

"Like what you see Sera-chan?" Lux teased.

"I'm a Devil Lux-kun, I'm sure you already know the answer." She replied, making eye contact with him.

"If you want, you can straddle me." The immortal farmer offered with a shrug.

Serafall knew that she shouldn't, unfortunately today is one of the days where she can't resist her urges.

She didn't say anything, she stepped in front of Lux and straddled his lap. Pressing her wet, hot core on his hard shaft.

'Might as well go with the flow, at this point whatever happens just happens.' She said internally.

"So exactly why are you here Lux-kun?" Serafall asked the important question.

"Well as you and your fellow Satans know, I reside in the Forest of Death. Prior to arriving in this world, I decided in my next life I would live as a farmer. I woke up in the Forest of Death in the body of an abandoned infant. I immediately aged my new body up and started creating my farm. Ever since I pretty much have been working on my farm and enjoying life with my wife and the others you saw in that projection. It's only recently when I finally decided it's time to introduce myself to the supernatural. Long story short, I'm here to form a relationship with you Satans. We kinda have common enemies and as a farmer I'm interested in you guys tasting my top quality crops that I've grown." He explained.

"You're a farmer?" Serafall was surprised.

"Yep, the best damn farmer you'll ever have the pleasure of knowing." Lux smirked.

Serafall giggled. "By common enemy, I'm assuming you're referring to either the Fallen Angels or Old Satan Faction."

"Both are nuisances to me at most, however it'll be amusing to entertain them to shake the world up a bit. Although I have to be honest, I only chose you 4 Satans first to ally with only because of my interest in you." Lux told her.

"Me?" Serafall raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're sexy and I'm interested in you. Also I can tell you really want a break from the underworld. If you take a trip with me to my farm, I'm positive you would be very happy and grateful that I am interested in you." Lux said honestly, there was no reason to sugarcoat it.

"…you were spying on us earlier. Well not like it matters now. I gotta admit, it's been a long time since a man has caught my full attention like this. Your method of seducing me is highly unorthodox, but it's doing the job somehow. With me being as powerful as I am, most male devils would never be so brazen towards me." Serafall shook her head.

"That is because they value their lives, if I was weaker than you. We both know you would've killed me by now instead of being bare naked in the bath with me while straddling my lap." Lux snorted.

"True, anyways you got my interest, Lux-kun. I'll gladly take a trip to your farm. I'll just skip work for a day or two. The others will understand the situation." Serafall said with a smile.

Isn't she coming off as a bit too trusting? Certainly, but in the end what exactly can she do if Lux were to force her to do what he wants? Nothing, that's the answer. Luckily for Serafall, Lux is not an arrogant asshole. For someone with his power, it would totally make sense for him to be that type of asshole character. Serafall did not believe his current personality is a facade. Lux could've forced himself on her and raped her the moment he saw her, yet he did no such thing.

It helped that Serafall also thought Lux is really attractive, he clearly states that he's interested in her. Since she's also interested and hasn't found a man that captured her attention in many decades until now. Why not have some fun? She needed this, something to really help take the stress of everything she's been dealing with away.

Who cares if some say she's coming off as a slut? She's a fucking Devil and not married.

"Good." Lux smirked.

For the next hour the two kept talking, Serafall felt herself becoming more and more comfortable the more she talked and learned about Lux. During their conversation, Serafall actually got Lux to agree to be on an episode of Miracle☆Levia-tan for her. Lux thought it was fair plus he wanted to make Serafall happy. He did come here with the intention of seducing her and adding her into his growing harem. Granted it was more Zenith's idea than his own. He used his powers to keep the bath water warm.

Also, Lux has been paying close attention to Serafall's arousal towards him. The more they talked, the more comfortable and aroused she became, it's obvious from Lux's personal experiences that the female Satan is supremely horny. Even without his ability to sense or smell her lust, he can still effortlessly read her body language.

Serafall knew what the situation was leading to, it only made her more hot and wet knowing the inevitable is about to happen.

For the first time in many decades, she's about to have sex. Sex with a man she met an hour ago. Yet did she care? Hell no, she wanted him badly.

As they continued conversing, the moment Serafall began grinding her pink core onto Lux's dick, the immortal knew it was time to act.

He slowly slid his hands up her body to place them on her perky breasts. Serafall moaned lightly when she felt him begin to fondle her chest.

"Bad Lux-kun, you shouldn't fondle Levi-tan like this without her permission." She said playfully.

"True, but we both know you didn't want me to ask. Plus you're the one who started this by grinding on me, it seems Levia-tan wants me to fuck me just as much as I want to fuck her." Lux smirked, twisting and pulling both of her nipples. Her pink buds were hard, a telling sign of her current arousal towards him.

"T-That was an accident." Serafall moaned, her nipples were always a little sensitive.

Lux snorted. "Yeah an accident, just like you straddling me is an accident."

He continued to tease her breasts, it didn't take long for him to take her right nipple into his mouth and suck on it.

"Aaahhhh~!" Serafall moaned.

Instead of focusing on just one, Lux made sure to give her other nipple some love as well by taking turns sucking on each of the hard pink buds.

The combination of that plus Serafall grinding her wet snatch on his shaft, the female Satan soon enough reached her climax. A strong orgasm coursed through her body.

"Oh Satans, I'm cumming!" She loudly moaned.

It took her a little time to come down from her orgasmic high. Lux in the meantime is now fondling her ass cheeks, enjoying the feeling of her ass in his hands.

"Wow…I haven't had an orgasm like that in a long time." Serafall was amazed that he drew that strong of an orgasm out of her without even penetrating her.

"That's only the beginning, trust me you'll experience much more pleasure than that as I'm having my way with you. I'm not one to brag unnecessarily but you'll definitely be screaming my name all night." Lux smirked.

"Well if that's the case, you don't mind if we skip foreplay right Lux-kun? Levia-tan really needs a hard pounding more than anything, life is too stressful at the moment. I feel that your big, strong cock is exactly what I need." Serafall displayed her own smirk, sensually grinding herself on the man she's straddling.

"I don't mind at all, any particular position you want to start off in?" Lux asked.

"For now, let's go with the current position we're already in. I need you inside of me desperately."

Serafall wasted no more time, she raised up her hips and aligned her dripping cunt with Lux's manhood. His tip and her entrance were rubbing against each other, this didn't last as the former Sitri heiress slid herself down to where his glands penetrated her.

A moan escaped her due to his girth already stretching her folds, she took in more of his length moaning again once half of him slid inside of her.

In one go, Serafall slammed herself down to take in the remaining half of Lux's dick. Forcing another orgasm to spread throughout her body.


Lux didn't move, all he did was enjoy the sensation of Serafall's smothering walls trying to milk him. He enjoyed watching her ride out her release.

A minute later, she came down from her high. Wrapping one arm around her waist and palming her ass with his free hand. The immortal farmer immediately initiated the first move by piping deep into Serafall's hot pussy. His thrusts kissing deeply against her womb with every stroke.

The water is splashing from their movements, skin clapping echoing through the bathroom. Serafall felt Lux hitting multiple spots simultaneously while also stimulating her g-spot. She could feel her clit being teased even though neither of them is touching it. She assumed that it was Lux's doing, not that she disliked it. No, the former heiress absolutely loved what he was doing to her.

"Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

It was a nonstop continuous motion for Lux to keep fucking Serafall, honestly back when he originally watched canon DxD the first time a long time ago. She was in the top 3 of the list of women in that world he wanted to fuck if he ever got the opportunity.

He likes how even though he is the one in control, she's still actively using her walls to bring him pleasure to the best of her abilities.

Lux brought her to another mind blowing orgasm that made Serafall scream in pure ecstasy. He gave her no time to come down as he stood up with their genitals still connected. While holding her in her arms, he turned to the wall and placed her back against it.

Then he grabbed her legs from under her knees and held them up, allowing her feet to dangle over his shoulders.

"FUCK!" The horny Satan shouted, her previous orgasm ended the moment Lux began brutally having her way with her against the wall.

His actions caused her to squirt only just from a few strong deep thrusts.

She felt it's possible that her mind may shatter from the pure euphoria she's experiencing. Never in her long life has apart of such amazing sex. What's even more shocking to her is that she's already violently came 3 times from penetration yet Lux still hasn't climaxed once.

"You like being treated this way Levia-chan?" Lux teased her.

"Mhhmmm~ Lux-chan kiss me!" Serafall demanded.

"Oh? Someone is being quite demanding. Well not that I mind such a demand." Lux leaned in and kissed her passionately.

Serafall happily and eagerly kissed him back, yes this is exactly what she needed. A good hard fucking after such a shitty day.

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

This round between the two lasted quite awhile, Lux made Serafall cum several more times in this position to her absolute delight.

Eventually they changed positions, Serafall suggested that he pounds her from behind and Lux readily agreed.

Now Serafall could be seen moaning like a whore due to being fucked doggystyle. Her hair is being tightly pulled by Lux with one hand as the other is constantly smacking her ass cheeks.

She gasped when she felt her asshole being invaded and stimulated by Lux's magic. Another gasp left her throat when he suddenly yanked her by hair towards him to smash his lips on her own to share another kiss.

Because of their intense fucking, her twin-tails became undone. Allowing her beauty to become more entrancing, Lux did always love women with long hair.

After some time, Lux finally felt his release approaching. He briefly broke their lip lock, much to Serafall's displeasure, to ask her where she wanted him to finish.

"Where do you want me to cum, Sera-chan?" He groaned in pleasure.

"Where else Lux-chan~? Inside!" She replied before continuing their kiss.

Two minutes later, Lux finally had his first orgasm of the night deep inside of her slippery walls. She was literally milking and smothering his cock at the same time as his semen painted and filled up her womb.

As usual because of the vast amount of cum Lux releases, he completely overfilled her causing their combined fluids to leak out of Serafall onto his balls and into the water.

"Oh Lilith this feels so good~." Serafall moaned as her body wracked with intense pleasure.

Lux was in the same condition as her.

To Serafall's shock, she came down from her orgasmic high before Lux. "Oh my, you are still cumming aren't you Lux-chan?"

"Yeah…I have long orgasms most of the time..usually for at least two minutes bare minimum." Lux groaned in pleasure.

Hearing his words, an idea came into her mind. "Pull out Lux-chan."

Already having an idea of what she's planning, Lux pulled his dick out of her gushing pussy. Serafall quickly turned around and took in over half of Lux's dick into her mouth, sucking him off and swallowing his delicious, potent release at the same time like she was his personal slut.

She also used her hands to massage his huge balls, using her demonic power to help her swallow every drop of his seed that's coming out of him.

By the time Lux stopped cumming, Serafall was repeatedly deep throating him.

She didn't stop until 5 minutes later, when she pulled away Lux's cock was covered in her saliva.

"That felt great, I hope you're ready for more Sera-chan." Lux grinned.

"You can stay the whole night right?" She asked him.

"That's the plan." The immortal smirked.

Serafall giggled. "Then let's take this to my bedroom, Lux-chan~."