
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


"Ah Tia-chan, it's been awhile what brings you here?" Lux casually asked, he was picking some special red grapes off a vine in one of the vineyards.

Tia-chan or better known as Tiamat the Chaos Karma Dragon, rolled her eyes and responded coldly. "Don't play dumb Lux, you know I'm here for more of those delicious dragon apples of yours. Also it hasn't been that long since I was here just a couple days ago." She's in her human form instead of her dragon form.

Lux chuckled. "I know you're a dragon and all but why are you going through the batches I give you so fast? I literally gave you 200 of them the last time you were here."

Tiamat grunted. "I'll admit that I did eat the majority of them but I gave the rest to the other dragons who reside in the familiar forest. Usually they would be too cautious of my aura to approach my cave. Yet it seems that the scent of your dragon apples is so potent that it makes them ignore their fear and dare to get close to my home."

"Uh huh, I'm not buying it. There's no way someone as powerful as yourself has no way of preventing the scent from leaving your cave." Lux said with a knowing grin.

"Yeah…I kinda forgot to do that this time….I was really craving those apples." Tiamat admitted, feeling a little embarrassed to admit such a small mistake.

"Be grateful you aren't a human, otherwise eating that many would surely make you fat." The immortal farmer told her.

Tiamat scoffed. "I would be dead before I got to that point, while humans can surprisingly eat your dragon apples, eating 10 of them in a short timeframe would be disastrous for a human. Well, every human excluding your human wife. That woman makes humans who are experienced sacred gear users, magicians or exorcists look normal compared to herself."

The Chaos Karma Dragon met Lux months ago when one day he randomly appeared in her cave. Usually Tiamat would try to kill anybody who suddenly appeared in her home in such a disrespectful manner. However, the moment she laid eyes on Lux, he dragon instincts immediately screamed at her to submit to him or she would die. Honestly it scared the hell out of Tiamat since it was her first time she ever experienced such potent fear. Not even the Biblical God or Great Red had ever made her feel that way.

Luckily for Tiamat, Lux had no intention of causing her any harm. He just wanted to finally introduce himself to one of the dragons who had been trying to spy on him but were too scared to actually meet him face to face. Tiamat had been shocked to learn that Lux was the one who she's been trying to spy on, she like several others in the supernatural has also noticed that odd events that's been going on within the Forest of Death. Once Lux started to allow him and his actions to actually be noticed, it was pretty hard for the supernatural to not notice the sudden massive increase of supernatural beings residing in the most dangerous forest in the world. Truthfully, for many it was extremely worrying.

Along with being shocked, Tiamat was offended that Lux accused her of being scared. Sure, she was a bit wary but scared? She found that insulting, especially to her pride as a dragon. But she chose to keep her thoughts to herself at the time.

When Lux asked her to visit his farm, Tiamat declined at first but quickly changed her mind when Lux offered her a fruit basket filled with different kinds of dragon fruit. The moment the strongest Dragon King bite into a dragon pear, she actually moaned due to how delicious the pear tasted.

From that point on Tiamat was a frequent visitor to the farm, she was amazed when Lux gave her a tour of the farm and was more amazed when she saw the many new types of dragons within Lux's care.

Obviously during her frequent visits she's met Zenith, Kuroka, Shirone, Ranga, Kuro, Yuki and the others. It shocked her a lot when she sensed how much power resides within Zenith, yes she knew the others were extremely powerful. But Zenith is the first human that Tiamat has ever come across that was so powerful as she was with her own power and not a sacred gear or any other external source.

As a dragon who respected strength, Tiamat felt a lot of respect for the blonde woman.

"Hehe she is my beloved wife after all. It's no surprise that she outclasses other humans." Lux bragged.

"She outclasses more than humans at this point…" Tiamat mumbled. "Anyways can you just give me another batch? It's not like I'm getting them for free anymore, remember I agreed to start helping out on the farm starting in 2 weeks since you said you don't want me as a familiar. I even have to move here." She crossed her arms.

Tiamat blamed Zenith and Kuroka for being too persuasive. She, the strongest Dragon King, has to move all of her precious treasure from her precious home, to move here on the strangest farm she's ever seen in her entire lifetime just to become a worker on said farm.

A farm that's located in the Forest of Death of all places.

Lux chuckled, he didn't mind giving her more apples. He was only teasing her just for the hell of it. "Yeah, yeah sure I'll give you another 200 but you have to train the dragon hatchlings today. Those little guys are pretty riled up today."

"Deal." Tiamat liked training the hatchlings, so it's a win-win for her either way. "By the way, where are the others?"

"Hmm? Kuroka is taking a nap in our room, Zenith went to meet up with a friend of hers named Shuri Himejima and her daughter Akeno. Shirone-chan went to go save her friend Rias Gremory and her mother Venelana." Lux answered as he switched out the basket that was full of grapes with an empty one to put more grapes in.

"Gremory? The little sister of Sirzechs Lucifer and his mother? Why would they need saving? Last I heard the younger Gremory had been forcibly married to Riser Phenex by her father after she destroyed Riser in a fight to void their engagement." Tiamat said.

"Well it seems that shit hit the fan basically and long story short Zeoticus Gremory declared both his daughter and wife to be banished from the Gremory territory along with declaring them traitors to the Gremory family. It gets even worse since not long after he sold information about them to the Old Satan Faction and ever since then they have been being hunted down for months now by Devils and even Fallen Angels. Sirzechs has been helping them a little but his hands are tied since thanks to Zeoticus and Lord Bael, a good majority of the Devil faction sees Rias and Venelana as traitors strictly due to their sheep mentally. It's honestly just a bunch of nonsense in my opinion. I mean even Zeoticus mother Chysis Gremory tried to tell her son how much of an idiot he was. Yet shortly afterwards she somehow ended up in the Sleeping Disease, pretty suspicious right?" Lux explained in detail. He learned all of this from Shirone and Kuroka along with doing his own research into the situation.

Tiamat just shook her head. "This is why I try not to get too involved with Devils. They have too many internal conflicts for no reason."

"You're right they do, yet at the same time that's what makes them such an interesting race to observe. The Devil race will always find ways to keep life interesting." Lux smiled softly, thinking back to how many situations involved Devils in the original series.

"If you say so, though, why didn't you just save the Gremory girl and her mother? Couldn't you just use one of your abilities to teleport them here?" The strongest Dragon King asked with confusion laced in her tone. Over the months that she's known Lux, she's seen him do many things that's just way too insane even for her. Saving that girl would've taken a single snap of his fingers.

"Oh, well when Rias contacted Shirone for help I did offer my help but Shirone-chan said she could handle it which at first I found a little odd since I know that she knows what I can do. But I quickly understood her purpose, she just wanted to show off the fruits of her training to Rias since she's been bragging a bit to Rias whenever they talk to one another. Honestly if it wasn't for Rias and her mother constantly denying Shirone-chan's and Kuroka-chan's offer for help, they would've already been working on the farm like the rest of us. Well better late than never." Lux shrugged at the end of his sentence.

Tiamat rolled her eyes. "You're more obsessed with farming than the gods and goddesses of farming themselves."

"Thanks for the compliment Tia-chan." Lux grinned.

"It wasn't supposed to…yeah whatever I'm going to go train the hatchlings now."

"Uh huh, here take this for now until I give you another batch later."

Lux snapped his fingers, a second later a fruit basket filled with fruits specifically for dragons appeared in Tiamat's hands.

"….Thank you…I'll make sure to train the hatchlings really thoroughly today…"

"Have at it, by the way you can stay for dinner later if you want."

Tiamat left without responding, but both her and Lux knew she would be staying for dinner since Lux's cooking skills are godly.


"There they are!"

"Let's kill them! Failure isn't an option!"

"Death to the traitors!"

These were only some of the words that were being directed to Rias and Venelana. Usually they dealt with their pursuers by either killing them or escaping, that's how it's been for the last year or so. Unfortunately this time, it seemed that the Old Satan Faction weren't messing around this time. The mother and daughter duo were being chased all throughout the country of the United States, currently they were in the state of California.

There are around 100 Devils on their tail, all of them Satan Class and what's even worse is that there are some 8 winged Fallen Angels helping the Devils chase after Rias and Venelana. Honestly at this point, it's either the group is playing around or they are just that stupid for not capturing or killing Rias and Venelana yet.

"Rias! Come on! We can't afford to keep trying to fight them off, it's suicide at this point!" Venelana told her daughter.

Even though both her and Rias are Ultimate-Class Devils, they stand no chance against their current enemies. Their power and numbers are too overwhelming.

"I know mother but running away isn't solving anything either! No matter how much we run they'll just keep on coming after us if we don't fight!" Rias argued.

"That may be, but our best chance of survival is to keep flying!" Venelana retorted as she sent a powerful blast of Power of Destruction energy to one devil who was trying to send a fire magic spell their way.

Her attack landed and did cause damage but not enough to cause critical damage. Venelana wasn't surprised.

Rias was busy dodging numerous attacks filled with demonic energy that's being sent her way. Truthfully she's barely holding on, some attacks are slightly grazing her.

'Damn it! I've trained so hard and yet I'm still too weak to protect myself and mother! Satans, if father wasn't such an idiot we wouldn't even be in this situation!' Rias cursed mentally.

Seriously, what kind of father turns on his daughter just because she won the right to break off an engagement to a man she doesn't want to marry? Literally he's the one who signed off on the conditions of the contract and then blames her using the option he gave her to get out of said contract. What was the point of even adding the condition if you're just going to get upset about it being used?!

Just thinking of the pure idiocy of it all gives Rias a headache.

The fighting continued on but everyone knew the outcome was set in stone.

"This is it! They've exhausted all of their demonic power, now we can stop toying with them!" One devil yelled out sinisterly.

"Everyone, let's put these traitors down for good!"

All of the Devils of the Old Satan Faction and Fallen Angels began charging up their own attack.

"Rias….I don't think we're gonna make it out of this." Venelana grimaced.

"Don't give up yet mother!" Rias said. 'Even if Shirone made it on time I doubt she'll be able to help us much if she's alone.'

Usually Devils of Rias and Venelana status would have peerages. Sadly, Zeoticus had all members of Venelana's peerage killed and Rias actually never got started on building up her own peerage since she wasn't all that interested in ever having one.

"Die you filthy traitorous bitches! Fire!" A Devil signaled to unleash all of the charged up attacks on the mother and daughter pair.

"RIAS!" Venelana screamed as she ran towards her daughter.

"Shit! MOTHER!" Rias decided to use the teleportation spell to attempt to save herself and Venelana.

The reason why neither she or her mother used teleportation magic earlier is because somehow every time they use the spell their locations become locked onto by their enemies. Neither Rias or Venelana found any tracking spells placed on them. Which makes them confused on how they are being tracked unless their enemies are constantly searching for their energy signatures.

Once the attacks were launched, a huge explosion echoed throughout the surrounding area. Everyone assumed their Rias and Venelana were killed since they didn't believe that either Rias or Venelana were able to act fast enough to use teleportation magic to escape them this time.

Unfortunately their assumptions proved to be wrong, after the smoke cleared up all of the expressions of the Fallen Angels and Devils of the Old Satan Faction became shocked to see not only are the mother daughter pair still alive. But they were protected from their onslaught of attacks by a silver barrier.

Rias and Venelana were both shocked and confused since neither casted the barrier or knew where it came from. They were grateful since Rias' teleportation spell wouldn't have been fast enough to allow them to escape.

"See if you would've just listened to me and come to the farm sooner, you wouldn't be in this situation. But no, you just have to be the stubborn idiot who has to learn simple lessons the hard way. You may be an Ultimate-Class Devil but your stubbornness makes you seem like an immature child." A voice was heard by everyone in the area.

Rias' eyebrow twitched in irritation at being scolded by Shirone. But she couldn't retort since she knew her friend was right. In the end, it's all her fault that they were in this situation. She and her mother would more than likely be either dead or critically injured if it wasn't for Shirone's showing up.

"Ok I get it, I'm a big idiot." Rias sighed.

"Yes you are, but you're lucky you're my best friend whom I cherish and love a lot. Otherwise my words would be 10 times more harsh and I would contemplate even saving you." Shirone said as she released the barrier protecting Venelana and Rias.

Venelana looked at Shirone with immense gratitude. "Thank you so much Shirone-chan, I'm afraid me and my stubborn daughter were goners until you saved us."

Shirone waved her off. "Nah don't worry about it, you and Rias helped me and my sister out a lot in the past. It's only natural to return the favor."

"Oi! Who the fuck are you lady?!" One of the 8 winged Fallen Angels yelled what everybody else was wondering outside of Rias and Venelana.

"Your executioner." Shirone replied coldly.

"HAHA! As if you're enough to make a difference in the outcome. Sure, you got lucky by somehow using a barrier to block all of our attacks but it won't happen a second time!" A Devil said loudly.

"Whatever helps you cope better bro." Shirone retorted.

The same Devil gritted his teeth. "Fuck you, you damned Youkai!"

"No thanks, I already have a man who is a trillion times better than you even on his worst day." Shirone smirked, she then looked toward Rias and Venelana. "I'm gonna end this, it'll be pretty quick so just sit back and relax."

"Shirone, are you sure…? There is over 100 enemies you will have to deal with, all of them being Satan-Class." Rias asked, not wanting her friend to do this alone.

"Whether the numbers are 100, 1000 or 10,000 the results will be the same. I've grown vastly stronger over the last year living on the farm. Just trust me on this Rias, plus not to be mean but you'll only be in my way." Shirone responded bluntly.

"O-Ok…if you say so." Rias accepted.

"Thanks, like I said it'll be over quickly."

Wasting no time, Shirone summoned her Demon Lord Haki upon the surrounding enemy Devils and Fallen Angels. Instantly 20 Devils and 10 Fallen Angels perished due to not being able to handle her powerful aura.

Everyone who saw this was stunned, no one expected those sudden deaths just from Shirone unleashing a strange yet powerful white and purple aura from her body.

The remaining enemies began freaking out a bit and started attacking Shirone with numerous demonic energy attacks or light spears. Shirone simply casted a multi-dimensional barrier to handle all of the incoming attacks.

Next she briefly entered Sage Mode then formed two white chakra arms, creating 4 Rasenshurikens.

'W-W-What the hell is that?!' Rias was stunned seeing the amount of energy Shirone is causally exuding.

'Sage Art: Wind Style Rasenshuriken!' Shirone said mentally.

She tossed each rasenshuriken towards their enemies at high speeds. 3 of the 4 made direct contact while one expanded suddenly in front of a random group of enemy Devils. Because Shirone ate a chakra fruit along with her sister. She now has access to incredibly monstrous chakra reserves. Tiamat herself stated that both she and Kuroka's chakra reserves make Yasaka's own reserves seem like a pathetic joke in comparison. Not only that but Lux also made Shirone and Kuroka True Demon Lords by giving them each a Demon Lord seed along with the necessary amount of souls to allow them to awaken as True Demon Lords. This really took their power to a whole different level. If Shirone was honest, it completely scared her when she realized how much power she had gained access to.

Rias and Venelana could only watch as each senjutsu enhanced rasenshuriken tore into their remaining enemies. It was quite gruesome to spectate along with seeing how easily Satan-Class beings are being killed by Shirone.

Soon it revealed that only 5 enemies were left, Shirone wasted no time and unleashed black thunder to erase the stragglers. Sure, using that move could be considered overkill, but it was also overkill to send over 100 Satan-Class beings to handle two women who are only Ultimate-Class.

"And they're dead, see Rias. I told you it would be quick. It hardly took 4 minutes to finish them off." Not that Shirone was seriously trying, she was massively holding back but decided to keep that to herself for now.

When the white-haired Nekoshou turned around, she wasn't surprised to see the shocked expressions on Venelana and Rias. It was expected.

"W-Wow…that was amazing Shirone…" Venelana was stunned to the core.

"Heh, yeah I'm pretty awesome, but both master and nee-san can do better." Shirone smirked.

"Ok! I knew you said you were getting stronger but this is just straight up OVERPOWERED?! What are you a mary sue now?" Rias questioned in a shocked tone.

"Overpowered? Definitely but mary sue? Hell no, I still have my flaws." The nekomata scoffed.

Rias could only sigh. "This is insane but I'm not complaining, at the end of the day you really did come through and save us. Thank you Shirone-chan, I owe you."

"Yeah you owe me alright, you owe me sweets and a lot of them. Not Venelana-san either, just you." Shirone replied.

Rias rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah whatever, what would I do without an amazing friend like you?" Sarcasm could be heard in her tone.

"You'd be dead, that's what." Shirone retorted.

"No need to point out the obvious!" Rias said loudly, annoyed knowing how right she is.

Venelana giggled seeing the interaction between her daughter and Shirone. It could be said that the two are as close as sisters by now.

"Sure, now let's head to the farm, I can finally introduce you properly to my master. Get ready to get used to the farm life Rias." Shirone warned her.

"I'm more than ready to become a farm girl, especially if it will finally allow me and my mother to be safe and have peace. I'm soooo over the damn Underworld and Devil Faction as a whole. If another civil war starts within the next two years, it won't be my problem." Rias replied with pure conviction.

'The farm life huh? Well it seems that the next chapter of our lives could be interesting and hopefully peaceful.' Venelana thought to herself.

Shirone teleported all of them to the Forest of Death.