
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


Three weeks have gone by since Kuroka found herself becoming the pet of an immortal. Yes, she learned on the first day of her new life on the farm that her new owner/master is an immortal. Not like those immortals who are only called immortals because of their long lifespan or divinity but a true immortal. It was quite shocking to wrap her head around that once she truly understood the levels of immortality.

During this time it's been a real challenge for Kuroka to not lose her sanity from the pure insanity of her master's farm. Starting from the fruits, vegetables, meats, grains and so on. Most of them were filled with either magic or another source of energy and even the ones that are normal are still of much better quality than anywhere else in the world.

Then there's the magical and demonic beasts, the black-haired Nekoshou's mind was blown when she saw a phoenix for the first time! A real legendary phoenix much unlike the devil clan who inherited powers similar to a phoenix. It was more shocking to learn that there's more than one type of Phoenix that exists. It was humbling to know that her master can create powerful living beings as easy as blinking. Another thing it made her realize that the heaven faction will probably freak out once they learn of her master's existence. After all he can perform the same feats as the biblical god without even trying.

Kuroka had been told by her master's wife Zenith that Lux's power far outclasses even a thousand Great Red's combined together. That information alone told the black nekomata that she was extremely lucky to be taken in by the immortal farmer.

"Nee-san, you're daydreaming about master again." The voice of her little sister brought her back to reality.

"Well you're nee-chan can't help it, our master is making me question my sanity everyday because of how utterly insane the farm is. If it's not that then it's his power." Kuroko replied to her little sister.

Yes, her dear little Shirone is sitting right next to her as they both watch their master and his wife Zenith spar in high speed hand to hand combat. Their movements were similar to how powerful martial artists in dragon ball fight.

When Lux told Kuroka that she would be reunited with Shirone soon, she hadn't expected him to reunite them an hour after saying so. He didn't even leave the farm or ask any questions about her whereabouts. She watched him snap his fingers only once and suddenly her little sister appeared before her eyes. The black-haired didn't question if it was a fake or not since she knew Shirone's scent.

While Shirone was confused, she did cry and hug her sister once she saw Kuroka. It didn't take much to explain the situation and for her to thank Lux for his help and to be accepted as his pet along with her sister. So Lux gained a pair of Nekoshou sisters that day instead of just one.

Speaking of Lux, the immortal had been a bit stunned once he saw both Kuroka and Shirone's appearances. Instead of one being 15 and the other being around 19-20, both nekomata were actually older than their canon counterparts. He learned that Shirone is 22, definitely not a teenager and her body shows it. Her body is the same as her 'Shirone Mode' form from the light novel. Sharing a lot of similarities to her older sister. Her attire consists of a short white kimono, a light blue skirt and sandals. Kuroka's attire is pretty much the same as her canon version, though her breasts are a size bigger and waist is a little thicker, her age is 28.

This made Lux wonder if Rias and Akeno were older as well.

"Understandable, even though we've been here for barely a month. I can honestly say that I love being on the farm onee-san. I never thought I would say that before but meeting our master made me feel this way. If it wasn't for him, I still would be a prisoner of Kokabiel." Shirone stated, remembering her short time as a captive of the cadre. It wasn't pleasant, that warmonger took pleasure in seeing her powerless against him.

Shirone isn't weak, she has two tails and is as powerful as a low-tier Ultimate-Class being.

Kuroka grimaced. "Ugh don't remind me, I failed you as your big sister that day."

The white-haired nekomata shook her head. "No nee-san it wasn't your fault, we were both caught off guard since we never expected to suddenly be hunted down by Fallen Angels. Our chances of survival or escaping were even slimmer because Kokabiel himself was directly involved in hunting us down with 6 other eight-winged Fallen Angels with him. I still don't know why he was specifically targeting us so intensely."

She knew Shirone was right, but Kuroka hated not being able to keep her precious sister safe. Luckily Lux can protect not only Shirone but Kuroka herself as well if the need arises.

"Who knows, lately it's been pretty chaotic in the underworld. I heard even Heaven is going through some problems. All that matters now for us is to help out our master on the farm and get stronger to protect ourselves." Kuroka said.

Shirone nodded in agreement. "You're right, we can't afford to be dead weight to master. I mean there's already a lot of magical beasts here that can kick our ass…"

That was another humbling experience for the black-haired nekomata, there's so many powerhouses on the farm that she's not even ranked in the top 100 of the strongest on the farm! It makes her respect Zenith that much more for being a human yet able to easily smack around most of the dragons in just her base power alone.

"Oh nee-san look! The spar between Zenith-san and master is heating up, I can barely keep up with them anymore." Shirone pointed out.

Up high in the air the battle between husband and wife could be seen becoming more intense. Zenith was throwing punches, kicks, knees and elbows all at a high speed. All the while Lux casually deflects or parries her attacks, every now and then he will throw a couple fists of his own to test Zenith's reaction speed. He's proud of how far she's come in her usage of ki.

Seeing as she wasn't close to gaining the upper hand, Zenith broke away from their exchange for a moment and charged up her ki, her white ki aura changed to a crimson red color. All the while her power level shot up by 4 times.

"KAIOKEN X4!" Zenith shouted.

She soared at faster speeds than before straight to Lux, her punch was met head on with Lux's fist causing a shockwave to form from their collision.

"You know this was only supposed to be a simple sparring match right? There's no need for you to use the kaioken to this extent unless you actually wanted to train." Lux smiled, not really caring he just wanted to point it out.

"Yeah but I just wanted to show you that I finally had proper control over this much power now. I no longer feel a strain using kaioken up to 4 times." Zenith replied, not surprised in the slightest at how her husband is still casually handling her stronger attacks. She's just happy to share this type of intimacy with him.

Training with him is something she's grown to extremely fond of during their marriage, just like farming.

Eventually the married couple ended their spar, both came back to the ground next to the nekoshou sisters.

"Master nya~ you and Zenith-san are too overpowered." Shirone bluntly stated.

"Hey! I'll admit I'm strong but I'm far from overpowered compared to Lux!" Zenith pointed to her husband.

Kuroka scoffed. "Obviously if it's compared to master nya~ but excluding him generally speaking only someone on the level of the Four Satans could handle someone as powerful as you Zenith-chan nya~"

Now that truly shocked Zenith to the core, she knew she had grown immensely strong over the 1 year of her intense training from Lux. But she had no idea that it was to such a degree, however the more she thought about it the more Kuroka's words made sense. After all, Zenith remembers Lux declaring her power officially crossing over to Satan-Class some time ago. That's when she kinda stopped thinking about how much her strength was improving even though she still kept up her training routine.

'Also there's no doubt that the food I've been eating for the last year hasn't also played a huge factor. Our crops are not only extremely delicious but extremely nutritious to the body as well.' The blonde woman thought.

"Speaking of that, I think it's time that I give both of my lovely nekoshous a massive power boost as well. That includes making the two of you true sages as well." Lux suddenly said, causing the other three to look at him.

"True sages? You mean like Sun Wukong nya~?" Shirone asked her master.

Lux smirked at her. "Exactly like him, I will make sure that you both surpass him in every way. While Sun Wukong knows how to manipulate and utilize his ki and senjutsu better than most. He's a bit lacking when it comes to pure chakra and it's not only him but all youkais are."

Kuroka raised an eyebrow. "Does this have anything to do with those weird shaped fruits you called chakra fruits?"

The immortal nodded. "Yeah considering both you and Shirone are Ultimate-Class, the chakra fruit should easily put you around Sirzechs and Ajuka's level or a little lower. With some training from yours truly it won't take long to reach Sirzechs' power in his true form."

His words stunned all three women greatly. "So those fruits are that POWERFUL?!" Kuroka shouted.

"Nya~ no wonder why I felt that they contained an unimaginable amount of chakra inside of them. Not to mention that the chakra seemed to hold some…divinity within it." Shirone added, amazed that her master has the ability to grow such powerful crops with ease.

What's even scarier is that the chakra fruits are less tame compared to others in the farm.

"And you're just gonna give them to us just like that?" Kuroka asked.

Lux shrugged. "Yeah why shouldn't I? I mean you three are stuck with me forever so why help make you all as powerful as you can be? Compared to the many multiverses and outerverses out there, this universe is pretty mid-tier to be honest."

Hearing his words, Kuroka couldn't help but to tease her master. "Stuck with you forever? Nya~ master that sounds like you are taking me and little Shirone as your women~ I'm sure Zenith-chan wouldn't like that."

"Actually I don't mind." Zenith spoke up.

Both Kuroka and Shirone looked at her with surprised expressions. "You don't?" They both said at the same time.

Zenith giggled. "Hehe no I don't, if it was a year or even 6 months ago I definitely would've. But I know my husband is going to attract a lot of women to him because of his power and even the farm itself. It's inevitable that other women are going to try to seduce him. Even if Lux ends up having a big harem I'm not worried since I know Lux will always love me and never neglect me. I'll always be his main wife."

"…It almost sounds like you're going to be building up master's harem instead of master doing it himself." Shirone deadpanned.

"As his beloved wife, it's also my duty to be his greatest wingman and hype man." Zenith smirked.

'Holy shit, she's such a keeper.' Shirone, Kuroka and Lux all thought.

"Well as long as you're fine with it my dear wife then I'm fine with it too." Lux said.

"Master~ this means in the future you have to give me kids nya~" Kuroka declared with a smirk.

"If that's what you want but not before my first child with Zenith." Lux told her.

"No fair, I don't wanna be left out nee-san. Master, you have to do the same with me too!" Shirone said.

"Of course Shirone-chan, now enough about this let's head to the chakra fruit orchard. The sooner you two get started on your training the better." The immortal farmer answered.

As he was leading them there, one thought crossed his mind.

'As Aizen would say, all according to my plan.