
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs


Whoever said immortality and absolute power never gets boring definitely lied.

While both are amazing to have, they come with negative consequences to many who achieve them, especially those who don't know how to handle themselves all that well. 

I'm certainly not the type who drowns themselves in their own power to the point where they become uncontrollable. I am the type who gets bored of life far quicker than I should. Then again being an immortal, it's expected.

Honestly, maybe I'm just a boring person in general. I mean hell, I even got bored of ruling the world back in one of my previous lives. So bored to the point where I said screw it and reincarnated myself. Safe to say that specific universe got erased from the timeline. Luckily I didn't have any wives or kids in that life. 

Seriously, who the hell gets bored of ruling the world? 

But in my defense, during my time I've seen plenty of kings, queens, emperors, empresses, gods and goddesses experience boredom from ruling over their domain. Although none of them were insane enough to give up everything they built because of said boredom. 

I, on the other hand, threw it all away without a second thought.

And I'll do it again if necessary.

Anyways, finally after several more times of reincarnating myself. I decided that this life will be different from the others. For starters, instead of picking which world to be reborn in. This time I set it up so that the world I go to will be chosen randomly.

Surprisingly, I ended up in the Draconic Deus universe, which is the world of High School DxD. 

Out of the many times I've reincarnated myself, this is actually my first time being reborn into the world of High School DxD. Which I find very odd considering I ended up being reincarnated into both the Naruto and Bleach universes at least 4 times each. Although each time involved different circumstances. For example, I killed Naruto twice. One time each in two different Naruto worlds. 

Enough about that, so it turns out in this world I'm an orphan. An abandoned orphan at that, I literally woke up as a human baby in a random forest filled with dense magical energy and magical creatures. Clearly my birth parents either wanted nothing to do with me or are dead. Not that I cared either way, unless my mother was hot then I absolutely had no intention of being in their lives too much. 

Using one of my many abilities, I immediately aged myself up to have the body of an adult. Looking between the ages of 22-26 with a slightly tan skin tone. My height is about 6 feet and 4 inches, my hair color is sky blue, and my eye color is yellow. I made sure to make myself ripped, literally took Toriko's exact build and applied it to myself. If I had to judge my face, all I have to say is that it's far from ugly. 

So far I've only been in this world for a few weeks, since then I ended up coming across several pieces of evidence that shows this world isn't the canon world of High School DxD from the original light novel. Yes, back in a few of my previous lives I watched a decent amount of anime as well as read a lot of fanfics. 

Anyways, after doing that I decided that instead of doing what I would usually do whenever I reincarnate myself, which is basically to start making myself known as a powerful figure. This time I decided to keep a low profile and become a farmer. While I do know that no matter what I will end up attracting the attention of the supernatural, especially considering the type of products I plan on growing. I'd rather it happen at least after a year or so. 

Farming has been a wonderful experience for me, I honestly love it. Although I am cheating a bit by using the All-Purpose Farming Tool from the isekai anime Farming Life In Another World. Obviously I used my powers to create my own version. Right now it feels like the only thing that is missing to make it truly perfect was a wife by my side. 

To be completely honest, I don't remember the last time I had a wife.

Literally for the last who knows how long, all I've had is either lovers or girlfriends, harems and all. But isn't it odd how none of those women ever became my actual wife? Well not really, at least to me. During those former lives I wasn't interested in actually being married, I was just a horny bastard who loved having a lot of sex.

Since I'm doing things differently in this life, I decided to actually have a wife this time around. I would also say I chose not to have a harem too, but knowing the world I am in it's going to be impossible basically. Power does attract women and I have power in spades and then some. Literally there's not a single threat to me in this world. Not Ophis, Trihexa or Great Red. Now what's going to be different is that instead of me actively building my own harem, I want to see my wife do so for me. It doesn't matter how long it takes.

It's safe to say that currently I'm on a 'wife hunt'. 

Which kinda leads me into my current situation, as of now I'm in Kuoh Town exploring, taking a break from farming. My farm is actually located in the same forest that I started out at. It's a pretty far distance from Japan. I recently learned that the forest itself is named the Forest of Death. 

Now while I did say I am exploring, it would be a lie to say that I wasn't also partially keeping an eye out on women who catch my interest. 

Sure it's weird since it's kinda stalkerish-behavior but I'm far from actually caring how I come off. 

I've already been in Kuoh town for a few hours now, and no woman has really caught my attention during this time. 

"Well, not that I was expecting anything." I shrugged to myself.

It's already night time, earlier I noticed 3 Fallen Angel energy signatures coming from the abandoned church. Not only them but a human is there as well, I can sense that this particular human has a sacred gear. It made me curious as to what they were doing, I mean it's quite possible that the plot to steal Asia sacred gear is already underway. However, I had doubts since I do not feel any Devils in the entirety of Kuoh. Then again just because there are no Devils to investigate doesn't mean the plot can't happen. 

"Whatever, let's see what these Fallen Angels are up to. Even though I said I didn't want to be involved with the supernatural this early, I just can't help but be curious." 

Plus it's not like they'll notice me, unless I want them to. 

Oh yeah my name, I had a tough time coming up with my new name. 

In the end, I chose to steal someone else's name.

Lux Arcadia. 

Yeah I know, it's lame and cliche but I can't help it. I always liked the way that particular name flowed. 

Getting into the church was easy, just make myself completely invisible to the senses of the Fallen Angels and walk straight in. My footsteps were silent due to a spell I used. 

Eventually I made it into some random room, I immediately became shocked because recognized two out of the four people in the room. 

'What the hell? Ok it was already official that this world is definitely an alternate universe of canon without a doubt. Now it's an undisputed fact because I know for a fact that these two aren't originally a part of the High School DxD universe.' I thought to myself.

One of the Fallen Angels I recognized as Paul Greyrat from the Mushoku Tensei universe. Honestly I don't know much about that world, I haven't been there personally yet nor did I watch the anime. Although I do know some characters and read their wiki page. Also read one or two fanfics about some self-insert reincarnating or transmigrating as the main character Rudeus Greyrat. 

As for the other, which is the human with a sacred gear, she is none other than Zenith Greyrat. 

From what I can tell, Zenith is tied up against a cross. Chains can be seen wrapped around her neck and wrist. More than they likely want her sacred gear. 

Though it makes me wonder if Zenith and Paul are married in this universe. I strongly doubt it seeing as I can sense the potent malicious intent and hatred Paul has towards Zenith. Looking at the beautiful blond woman, the hatred is definitely mutual on her part. The gaze in her eyes scream that she wants nothing more than to just kill the guy even at the cost of her own life. 

A smirk forms on my face. "Heh, well it seems that I found my wife to be."