
Unanswered Questions

Cynthia had one hand in Gloria's hand and the other in Mrs. Edinburgh's hand, both women looked as if they had aged ten years, though Cynthia was sure she didn't look any better. 

They told her vaguely what has been happening while she was asleep. For two days, the only sane man around them was oddly enough, none other than Henry Robinson. Richard was their first to support Henry, but even Richard was ordered away from the hospital by George who wanted him to monitor the police's every single move. 

"So that's how it has been, huh," she said in a small voice. Avoiding the question that she wanted to ask most, 'Where is the man who pushed me?'

"The worst part was when Robert and George fought with each other, they were trying to avoid clashing for most of it, but truly…I've never seen them like this…" Gloria sounded disappointed with her husband and son.