
Together in Paris


George placed his glasses on the table and rubbed his eyes, he knew he was tired, but he wasn't tired enough to be imagining things.


Cynthia was enjoying George's turmoil. But that said, she wanted things to be clear between them.

"George, a woman just confessed to you, is that how you treated your many admirers?"

George's face brightened up until he all but emitted light, "You love me... Now?...In the present moment?" he repeated her words that didn't fit the timeline he imagined, these magical words that he was willing to wait long before hearing, they came in the least expected time and place.

The happiness that bloomed in his heart was too much for him to feel in a seated position, so he got up to his feet and yanked Cynthia up too, then he bowed and wrapped his long arms around her knees and lifted her up high, he turned with her again and again while she held tight to his shoulders and laughed.

"You love me?"
