
Far From Free: Secrets of the Soul

"What does it mean to be free?" That's the question that's always lingered in Nicolas Gregory's mind, a prince struggling with internal turmoil and suffocating feelings from the life he has as the only heir to the throne. After regaining all his memories from that dreadful night of his 7th birthday with the help of those involved and a little bit of digging, he decides to abandon everything in search of the freedom his soul is longing for, along with the hope of saving his loved ones from the threat that's been chasing him. Later on his journey, he would meet adversities that would answer the mystery of his unearthly ability, a twin, his origin, purpose, and mission. All of it came to light as he decided, for his last act, to end everything and face the truth. Will he achieve freedom? Will he fall into despair? Is freedom even part of his choice? Only he can decide.

Grey_Petrichor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

A Year and A Half Later

It was a busy day in the city of Yggdryas, many travelers and merchants lurk the town's market together with the locals as they searched for tools and food for their daily lives and explorations. The voices of the shoppers asking for discounts and desperate calls of traders for customers is what sounded the streets even before the sun had risen to bring light and warmth to the surroundings.

"What's on the menu today?", said Nicolas as he sat on the window of a clock tower that's towering over the view of the market's fresh fruits, meats, and other various products. He smiled, already imagining its taste in his mouth as the distinct savory scent from the cooking stands down below fills the air. He paused briefly in order to inhale and prepare himself for what he's about to pull off.

Down he goes, grabbing the corners of the tower, climbing down swiftly and cautiously, landing on both feet as if nothing happened. Raising his cloak's hood, he began walking straight to his prey.

"How much are those?", he asked one of the shop owners.

"This one?", the man placed the freshly cut meat he got from the back.

"No, the other one at the back", Nicolas cleared. "Can you bring it to the front so I could see it clearly?", he added, keeping an eye at the two slices of meat in front of him.

"Sure, this one, right?"

"Yes, the large one"

"Just a second"

As soon as the man turned to take the meat, Nicolas already has his pouch prepared. Without even a heartbeat and hint of hesitation. He grabbed the two pieces of fresh meat in front of him.

"You know what, I think I'll just take these ones at the front", he shouted before sprinting away, "Thanks", he laughed as he waved goodbye to the surprised vendor.

"One... two... three...", seconds later a loud long horn was sounded and five guards came to his pursuit. "Now we're talking", he smirked as he jumped over a fruit vendor's table and used it as a steppingstone before jumping back down and kicking two of the guards trying to corner him to the ground.

"That was close!", he exclaimed as excitement filled his body.

One of the other three guards almost grabbed him but it's not enough to stop this agile thief. Trying to evade everyone on his way, he surely had a hard time, but so are his pursuers. He even stubbed his foot on a table while taking a turn but he's too high on adrenaline that he did not even noticed the pain.

A few more dashes and turns with the beats of his heart getting louder and faster, he already gathered a large distance from them. "I guess I could slow down and take a rest for a bit", he sighed, slowing down before making another turn on a long alley way then leaned against the wall. Checking his pouch for the two pieces of meat he successfully nabbed, he again started to fantasize its taste and smell. With his eyes closed, the pouch in his hand, he laid back and imagined his prize over the fire.

The obnoxious hymn of another horn forced him back to the surface of his deep daydream. "They spotted me already?", he stood up in distress. The voices of men growing louder as they draw near coming from the alleyways both his left and right brought beads of sweat to his forehead.

"I'm sandwiched", he nervously chuckled. Panic slowly crept from his feet and spread to his spine as he felt his fight or flight sense in action, but this time fleeing is impossible. In the middle of his brainstorming, a loud thud from above grabbed his attention.

"SRAMBLED EGGS", a high-pitched voice came squealing down as a girl fell in front of him. Her face was hidden with a cloak as she nest a similar kind of pouch.

"You slipped?", Nicolas sarcastically asked.

The girl just looked at him sharply as a response before frantically collecting herself and scanning the surroundings. "Out of all places, why here"

On the distance, the guards finally had reached the alley way they are in. Their footsteps grew even louder as the sound bounced off back and forth the walls as if a drum. "THERE SHE IS", a guard with a spear pointed at the girl as they began to sprint.

"Looks like they're after you. Maybe I should lay down here and pretend to be your victim", Nicolas declared with a devious smile. Again, the girl gazed at him sharply as if hoping that he would incinerate.

He was just about to dramatically fall to the ground when another guard yelled, "It's him, the burglar from earlier, they must be working together."

"Well, would you look at that, you're a thief", the girl could only laugh watching the boy who's now starting to really panic.

"Well, it turns out you are too", Nicolas raised his knuckles up, preparing for the worst. "What should we do?"

"What should WE do? I have no recollection of us being friends", she repeated. "I'm not someone who would depend on others, especially on a stranger", she took a knife from her thigh and also took her stance as the first wave of guards came charging in.

"We can work together or else there's no getting out of this mess. Your choice, but I think we can agree that we'll not be good cellmates", Nicolas tried persuading her as he kicked one of the men towards the others.

The girl also fought for her life as she dodged the punishing pointy end of a spear before ultimately taking it from the enemy. "Fine", she sighed, "Normally I would decline your help, but I still have plans for the future, and getting caught here is not one of them", she fiercely pushed the crowd back with the non-lethal part of the weapon.

"What should we do then?", Nicolas asked as they managed to survive the first wave.

"Boost me up"

"Boost you what?"

"Boost me up so I can climb up the roof."

"How would I know that you won't leave me here?", suspicion filled Nicolas's mind as they went back-to-back and continue the fight.

"It's simple, I'm a person of my word, now BOOST ME UP", the girl yelled as the second wave fell.

"Fine", Nicolas agreed without any other complaints before lifting her just like how a groom would carry his bride and smiled.

"What are you doing—", she squealed as Nicolas flung her up in the air. Upon getting back to her senses, she quickly grabbed the brick roof then climbed as if she were a monkey with a lifetime of experience.

"So? You're just going to leave me here?", he watched her from below.

"I suppose I could", she sassily replied before pausing. "Just shut up and grab my hand."

"They're really close now", Nicolas advised, the worry in his voice prevalent upon hearing the desperate shouts of the guards wishing for the thieves to stop and submit to them without any additional trouble.

"I'M NOT BLIND, just grab my hand and let's get this over with"

Nicolas on the other hand froze on the spot upon hearing the phrase she said. He was brought back to a distant memory he thought he had already forgotten.

"What are you— WHAT THE HELL. Spacing out won't do you any good Mr.", she yelled, watching the boy stand there as if he had seen a ghost. She's already at the end of her cool and considered leaving him there, but her conscience wouldn't let her. The thin thread she calls patience already snapped when she threw her pouch straight to the boy's face, "AIR HEAD"

"Submit yourself", the guards pointed their spears at the frozen Nicolas.

They were about to grab him when suddenly, the boy snapped back to reality. His reflexes where unnaturally fast that their fat asses could not keep up. By the time the others got close, Nicolas had already ran towards the wall, stepped on it then jumped to grab the girl's hand.

"FINALLY", she yelled in relief and immediately pulled him up.

"Later, slowpokes", Nicolas gave them a salute before both of them continued to traverse the roofs, leaving their pursuers alone and empty handed.

"That was extremely close, too close for comfort", the girl murmured in disappointment. "What in the world is your problem, spacing out in a situation like that, really? I should have left you there instead."

"Then why didn't you?", Nicolas sounded serious that the atmosphere somehow shifted. "I could have managed on my own without even a single scratch", he said but his thoughts says otherwise. But there will be bloodshed. "If I were you, I would have left you there. I would have saved energy by doing so."

"Ungrateful", the girl whispered to herself.

"But anyway…", Nicolas cleared his throat. "Thank you". Although her face is not visible, it seemed like the girl had at least eased out when he heard the boy's gratitude. "Then again, I, doing what I want is none of your business. Who are you anyway, what's your name?"

"Why do you care", the girl replied as she checked her pouch. "Are you kidding me?", she uttered in irritation. "My pouch, that was my only food. I even risked my life for it", she whispered as she finally felt fatigue caught up to her. "I should have not thrown it just to wake you up from your stupid daydream", she sat down at the corner, silent and hungry as frustration filled the run-down house they seek refuge to.

Seeing her sulking, Nicolas felt a little sorry for her. With everything said and done, she still saved him from resulting to violence. He walked up in front of her, "Do you know how to cook?", Nicolas freed his pouches from his waist.


"I'm thinking that we can at least share what I got as long as you'll cook it", he proposed before flashing out the two slices of meat he got from the heist.

"Are you expecting me to believe you?", she glared at him in disbelief. "I'm not a child that will easily fall for your Good Samaritan act. If you have any ulterior motives, just forget about it. I'd rather starve."

"You're too vigilant, did someone hurt you or something? Fine then, If you don't want to, then I'll see you when I see you, fellow thief", Nicolas bid her farewell putting his right hand to his chest and doing a curtsy as he turned his back and walked away. With just inches from jumping out the window, the girl inaudibly uttered something. "You're saying something?", he made sure as he paused halfway from leaving.

"I said wait. I— I'll cook it", she cleared before a loud grumble came from her stomach. Nicolas, although unseen due to his hood and the darkness, grinned, "."


"Do you have other ingredients?"

"Just this", Nicolas showed a cabbage and a little bit of salt and other spices from his other pouch.

"You stole that too?"

"I'm not that much of a bad person you know, an old lady gave it to me after helping her yesterday", he assured her.

Despite lacking some ingredients, the dish still tasted fine, enough to ease their hunger and cravings. A simple dish yet it tasted like a high-class meal that royalty could only eat that his idea of how to cook the meat earlier seemed like a pathetic excuse for a meal. They savored it quietly while thanking the gods with every bite and slurp as they pleaded repentance for what they did earlier. Looking at the food, Nicolas can't help but remember what to him seemed like a very distant past. Back when he first heard the phrase, "I'm not blind."

Almost 10 and a half years ago on the day of his 7th birthday. He was greeted by a girl named Alisa, his childhood and only friend.

It was one of the few pleasant memories he could remember from his innocent days, safe in his home, away from danger. He could only stare at the fire thinking that he should have more memories of those times but he also know how unreliable a child's memory is. "It's scary", he thought, for there are times that he can't make out the sound of their voices nor remember their faces anymore. It scared him more, more than losing his life.

"Are you even listening?", the girl clapped her hands startling Nicolas. "You've been staring so keenly at the fire and your also smiling, what's your deal?"

"Wha— What?", Nicolas examined her, flustered as he was forced out of his wonderful daydream.

"I said you asked my name earlier, so I suppose I'll tell you."

"Oh, okay"

"Wait, did you really spaced out again, is that some kind of your hobby?", the girl burst in laughter, almost crying her eyes out as she braced her now full stomach.

"Very funny", Nicolas made sure his upset tone could be heard. "Just cut the crap and introduce yourself."

"Are you that interested to know this beautiful maiden's name?", the girl tried to laugh once again but immediately stopped as the boy lowered down his hood showing his unamused face. He was glaring at her with his cold brown eyes with an equivalence of murder.

She cleared her throat. "My name is Alice. 16 years old. Nice meeting you fellow thief, although this is my first-time shoplifting something. So, should I call you Mr. Thief or would you prefer Mr. Spacing out, or do you have a name?"

Nicolas paused. First because he thought she said Alisa instead of Alice, and second, due to the hesitation of revealing any information about him, especially his name and origin.

"My names Nick", he finally replied after deliberating on how to make an excuse, enough to not induce to much of a suspicion. "Yes, I'm a total liar", he thought. "I'm not a thief, and just like you it was my first-time shoplifting. I'm a traveler and just got lazy to hunt"

"You can hunt?", Alice went in closer, her face still hidden under the shadow of the cloak but it can't contain her amazement.

"The question should be about you. Don't tell me you can't? With the movements you displayed earlier I bet you can even take down a bear".

"Well sorry to disappoint you but I can't", she returned back to her corner. "So, what brought you here at Yggdryas", Alice asked while looking straight into Nicolas's eyes again. She finally got a clear view of them, but still, she felt as if his eyes are cold, if not completely empty and lifeless. His remarkable dark hair that somehow glows a shade of brown when the right amount of light passes through it complimented them.

On normal occasions Nicolas would straight out say that it's none of their business but for some reason, he feels at ease with this girl despite only meeting her today. Maybe it's the way she carries herself that he can at least relax, or she mixed something on the meal, he thought before once again weaving an excuse. "I'm looking for something, and Yggdryas is my final destination, that, and for some other reasons"

Alice wanted to ask what those reasons are but restrained herself. She knew that that's no longer her business, and she sensed that Nick is not the type of person that would tell personal information to a stranger.

"I live on the opposite side of town. I only stole some food because my family can no longer support all of us, so I needed to find ways to survive on my own. Anyway, I think I should probably get going now…", she lowered her hood and her long black hair popped out as she walked towards the window. "I guess I'll see you when I see you then. Thank you for the meal, Nick", she added before jumping out.

It was a rather long day after Nicolas encountered Alice. With his full stomach, he decided to walk across town, placed his cloak over his shoulder, and wandered back and forth with no place in mind. Deciding to go out of town, he enjoyed the view of the place from a hill where he watched the town folks go about their day.

Children running around left and right, playing as they avoided the passing carriages and navigated the crowd. They had a bright expression on their faces together with laughter that added beauty to the moment. Nicolas can't help but think about how long those genuine smiles will last before they fade away out of sight, for nothing is permanent, and the world is a big cruel place.

His entire afternoon was spent sitting on the rocks beside the river, waiting for fishes to come and fill his stomach for the next following meals. The calming ripples on the water as he saw his reflection on the surface of the almost transparent lake drifted him once again to a memory.

"Nicolas look, there's so many fish", he can still hear her calls Alisa as she rushed over the wide pond.

"Well of course. It is a pond after all, are you somewhat expecting to find birds on the water?", back then, he'll always reply with sarcasm together with a smug face.

"I'm just pointing it out mister know it all", Alisa whisked her wet hands towards him. "I wish someday we can visit a lake, a large one where we can swim. Oh, I caught one", she exclaimed happily, holding a fish captive with both her hands.

"It's itsy-bitsy tiny though", Nicolas pointed out while Alisa stared at her sharply. "What, I'm just pointing it out"

"Blah blah, How about you? You caught nothing."

"Now, now, stop that before you get into a quarrel", said Arthur at their side while putting his 10th catch to a basket.

"Wow, you caught so many", Nicolas, like a kid that he is at the time, quickly shifted his attention to Arthur.

"Hey Nicolas", Alisa called him back, he turned around and without warning, she splashed water right on his face, wetting his clothes.

"Why you—", he could wide smile as he splashed the water back at her.

"Stop now you two", Arthur with a smile stopped them, picking them both up on the collars of their clothes.

"He was an old man that's almost in his early 50's back then but his strong physique says otherwise, I bet he can even lift a cart back then", Nicolas blurted out loud before letting out a laugh, thinking that he's alone.

"Is that even possible?", a familiar voice startled him from behind. To his surprise his third catch has slipped his hand. He quickly grabbed the knife he uses to cut open the fishes and pointed its sharp edge to whoever was on his back.

"A— Alice", he exclaimed upon taking a glimpse. "What are you doing here?", he scratched his head leaving Alice who's still frozen in place and speechless, focusing on the tip of the knife, cross-eyed.

"Isn't that a cruel way to greet a friend?", she angrily sighed after she finally calmed down.

"Technically I just know you, you're not my friend", Nicolas sighed and retracted the knife, "Sorry"

"Apology accepted, it's my fault for startling you like that. Now I know that I might die doing so, I won't be doing it again. As for your question, I'm here to take down a bear", she proudly declared while showing her bow. It was a bit old from the discoloration and ragged strings but still looks functional.

"You know how to use a bow? I thought you can't hunt?"

"Well of course, but I never said I can't hunt. I said I can't take down a bear", she laughed. "I'd better get going then before it gets dark", she added before running off into the woods.

"Are you sure? It's almost dusk. Besides, the wolves are quite active at this time of day, unless you have a death wish, find something else to do"

Alice halted, scanned the yellow-orange clouds from the distance and the growing shadows on the forest floor. She turned around, walking back towards the boy before finally giving up the thought.

"Scoot over then, I'll just fish instead"

Nicolas had bagged his catch, "Don't you typically need a fishing rod for something like that"

"Fishing rod?", she laughed as she laid down her quiver behind Nicolas, "What do you think of me, an old man that has no better use of his time but to fish"

"If you're trying to get on my nerves, it's working," he watched as Alice tied the end of her skirt shortening it for a bit before removing her boots. As guilty as he was, he couldn't take her eyes off of her as she tied her hair.

"What? Is this the first time you've seen a girl," she took one of her arrows from the quiver and freed the bow from latching on her back then smirked, "Now, let me show you how fishing should be done"

Slowly, taking cautious steps, she went into the water. Navigating the sleepy rocks while making sure that she stays at the shallow parts to properly execute her plan. Taking a deep breath, she drew her bow, paying her attention to the movement of the water before letting the arrow plunged.

"See? Easy", she rejoiced, showing the big trout that's been shot in the eye.

The boy was once again captivated, this time not with the beauty of the maiden but how she handled the bow. Without a word, he stood up, pointing at her with the fish as he exclaimed with a sparkle in his eyes.

"THAT, teach me how to do that!", immediately removing his boots and raising the ends of his trousers, he jumped on the water.

"Wow, I never thought you could smile like that. Wait, don't step there, be careful", Alice could only brace herself as Nicolas got swept off his feet and bathed with the fishes. She immediately came to his rescue and dragged him back to land.

She held him close, gently slapping his face, "Are you hurt? Did you hit your head? Do you know your name?"

"I'm fine, if something is hurting me it's you", he seized her hands "I just slipped, I'm not dying", he opened only to be trapped with her worried gaze, leading to a pause. The awkward atmosphere rattled his mind as both quickly distanced themselves from the other. "Anyway, would you still teach me how to fish with the bow?"

Alice could only turn around to hide her flushed face, "S— sure, if you still want to"

They burnt the last drops of daylight with fun exchanges of laughter as Nicolas struggled to catch even the slowest fish Alice had put her up to catch. Sometimes they will find themselves staring at each other but the boy was quick to divert the flow back to its course. With enough perseverance, and the girl's patience of teaching him the tips and tricks, he finally mastered the craft he was fond of.

It was a merry break for both of their problems

"You know how to properly use a bow, it's just that your timing is off", Alice sighed as they sat by the fire. Savoring the fruits of their labor dressed in some simple salt.

"Well, maybe I got rusty…" he grunted, attempting to remove his shirt when he noticed the uncomfortable look on the girl's face, "Sorry, cause of habit when travelling alone, I'll just dry them off like this"

"You mentioned that yesterday, but what are you doing here. Even though Yggdryas is a great place, it's not exactly a place where travelers like you visits often", she waited for him to reject her question when some kind of a miracle graced her.

He smiled, nudging new sticks into the fire, "I can't tell you why but If you want to hear about how I got here, I'd be most welcome to share"

The glades of Mathiola, the mountain tops of Cordiol, and the nameless wild animal infested forests of Grandel and Forleon. The times that he almost died of hunger, the nerve-wracking close calls with cliffs and old branches, his soul tormenting chase with a grizzly bear. He narrated his thrilling experiences with vigor and joy, amazing the girl with his glory and jokes to crack her up. Leaving only the dark shades and scars of his travels to himself.

As they finished sharing the fishes, they divided the rest evenly before leaving with a wave of goodbye.

"Nick, thank you again for the food. We should do this again next time"

"Next time huh…", he turned around and returned her smile, "Yeah, see you next time. Are you going to be fine by yourself?"

"You saw how I fought, be the judge"

With the absence of guards, sneaking inside and climbing the noisy spiral staircase towards the top of the clock tower was as easy as breathing. At the top, behind the clockworks, a small opening on the wall which led to a not so spacious space serves as his hideout. A room that's enough for him to crouch and lay down. It is where he had hidden some of the important possessions he has.

After putting salt on the fishes, he then hung them on a makeshift rack he built from the branches of trees he picked up along the way. He lied down on his back, using his cloak as protection from the cold hard floor as the hands of the giant clock pointed at eight. Closing his eyes, he got to his side trying to fall asleep into the dead silent night. He reminisced about the past as if it was a distant memory. Although he's certain that it's not. All he can feel is pity for himself as he remembered the time when his life was well, far from the illegal, pathetic, and always hungry situation he's in now.

"I even have a comfortable and soft bed back then. And although father was always angry, at least food was not a problem", he brooded as the tightening feeling in his chest made it hard to for him to breath as if there's a big hole that's refusing to heal. He could only brace it with his hands, holding it tightly like every time he had these thoughts, trying to at least lessen the gap.

His past was now only a fairytale, a magical enchanted once upon a time in a land far far away. But tales does not always end in a happy ending and life does not always go the way you want it to be. All you can do is deal with what you have, work hard, and hope everything will get better.

It was his lingering thoughts before at last, he's asleep. Through his silent agony, he prayed and hoped that everything would be alright on this path he decided to tread. Unknowingly that this is only the tip of an iceberg, getting bigger and colder as you take to the depths.

The worst is yet to come.