
Far From Free: Echoes of a Forgotten Memory

A boy longing for revenge with blood painted hands. He is a cold blooded psychopath dressed in the glamorous clothes of a prince. In a planned attack during his 7th birthday, Prince Nicolas Gregory lost three important things, his friend Alisa, his innocence, and his memory of his merciless massacre of the culprits with a mysterious ability to conjure a sword. Attempting to fight his emptiness, he tries to live normally as a prince and fulfill his duties regardless of what his heart's cry. But there are things that one tainted with blood could not escape. With reminders popping out one after another and the continuous threat to his life, what will he do if his lost memory resurfaces. Will he once again wield the blades of revenge? Will he open his heart for the future? Or will he fall into deeper despair and follow the path of blood?

Grey_Petrichor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Don't Touch That

The 2nd floor of the castle is where the Great Library was located, he already knows that Meriane does not have that much fascination for books so they walked passed it without having a look together with the throne room and continued for the chambers on the same floor.

"Does the knights also sleep at this floor your majesty?" Selene asked as she scanned the long hallway. Other maids can be seen walking pass, greeting the prince and the princess as they walk by.

"Knights or do you mean Anton?" Nicolas cheekily smiled, which turned Selene red. He cleared his throat before continuing. "The Knight order has a separate quarter. If you remember, there is a hallway beside the stairs on the main hall. That leads to the knight's quarters and armory so that they can respond to things more efficiently."

"Too bad—," Meriane teased her maid as she rubbed her shoulder.

"But don't worry. Since Anton was handpicked to be my personal guard, he also sleeps up here too. If you want to, you can sleep in his room tonight. It's at the far right, and the last room"

"That's a great idea Selene. I won't be calling you tonight if you want to, you know, have fun," Meriane again added fuel to the fire.

"Oh, come on princess, I— I can't do that," she desperately recollect herself, "We should get going Prince Nicolas so I can prepare the princess's things.

"Right, so anyway, on top of these stairs leads to our chambers," Nicolas explained as they reached two branching stairs. "This right one directly leads to the top front flank of the castle where the tower that my room resides and your temporary room opposite of it. The other one is directly at the back half where the guess room and my parent's room resides. Although it won't matter whatever you choose, you will always end up on the same floor so you can just circle around," he pointed to the back half as they finally made it to the top. "And here we are at your room"

The room was remarkably big, it was intended to be a guest room ever since. The walls are filled withs scenic paintings of the mountains and flowers at most. It was tidy and thoroughly clean, the furniture, cabinets, and even the bed are specifically arranged to match the chamber of the princess back at Algernon. Meriane was left amaze at the door, he had invited the prince once to her room several years back, she never expected that he would memorize most of its contents. Two of the maids are still inside, placing white roses at the window and making their last preparations before the princess settles.

"Does your room have the same layout? Where is it?" Meriane asked as Selene and the other maids settled her baggage.

"Didn't I told you that this whole floor is a square. Of course, it's the one directly opposite here," Nicolas pointed at the other room.

"May I come and see?"

"I can't see why that's necessary," he avoided her gaze, "Besides, my room have no appeal. You'll probably be disappointed to how it looks, not to mention it has the same view and all."

"What's up with that long explanation? It's not like I will ransack your room for your belongings," her eyes are awfully determined.

Nicolas could only scratch his forehead as he let out a lengthy sigh. The servants are also staring at him so keenly which made it harder for him to decline. With nowhere to hide from their persecuting eyes, he once again sighed, "Fine, just this once."

Meriane ran ahead of Nicolas. She was so eager to see what's inside and did not wait for the owner of the room to open the door for her. She intruded with a smile on her face only to be disappointed at how baren and boring the bed chamber looked. Except for the books on the shelf that he has, there was no decoration, not even a painting nor a single petal of a flower. It was rather black and white making her wonder if this could even be considered a room, to her, it looked more like a cell.

"What's up with that look on your face. I already warned you didn't I?"

"How would I not be disappointed. The walls are bare, you only have white cloth for everything, even your books are a shade of dead colors. How can you live with such lifeless environment," she marched into the room straight towards the closed curtains, "There you go, much better, bright and fresh air."

"I like my chamber the way it is, besides, I'm not like some girl I know that fills her room with unnecessary things," he smirked.

"At least her room is colorful and fun unlike some boy I know," Meriane glared at her, retaliating as best as she could.

"Haven't you seen enough. We should get going now," the prince walked out the room and waited outside.

"But I just got in. Give me one more minute," the princess insisted as she scanned the cabinets, but seeing that he's not watching, she went straight to Nicolas's wardrobe. She got a bit distracted from his undergarments but a small box at the bottom distracted her from her distraction, "Hey Nicolas, what's this tiny box?"


"Yes this one," she bent over as she tried to reach for it but Nicolas was fast on his feet.

He quickly pulled her away before shutting the cabinet's door. "You should not be touching other people's stuff, especially without permission," he roared, his eyes sharp and focused before taking the box and placing it back to its hiding place. "Moreover, isn't that enough sightseeing in my room, want to go for a walk instead?"

"Sorry, but you didn't have to pull me like that you know. I would understand if you told me nicely," she held her hand close to her chest, regretful and ashamed as she walked out the room. The thought of the box still lingered in her mind.

"Forgive my insolence too, I should have told you nicely."

"It's my fault so its fine," the awkward silence took over for a minute before she broke it, "So, where are we going again?" she wore her smile once again but Nicolas remained guilty.

They left the room before going down to the ground floor in the main hall. They traversed the hallway at the back of the stairs where they met some of the knights that's preparing for their guarding shift and rounds. Continuing through the hallway separating the knight quarters and armory, they found themselves on the training field.