
~Chapter 2~

As the young elf continued down the path, the bright yellow sun turned a burning orange then a light blue shade. She took this as a sign to make camp for the day. Setting up her tent, she heard a noise. It was subtle, but just loud enough to be heard. Startled, she turned fast and readied her small sword, ready to attack if needed. When her eyes met fluffy ears, she lowered her weapon, knowing exactly who it was. Liam. He followed her out of the village, but the reason is unknown.

"Liam!? What in the Gods name are you doing out here!? Why did you-" she stopped. Was that blood? She dropped her sword and ran to the young jackal and cupped his face. She now noticed the cuts and bruises upon his features. Her mind thought back to the kids that he was so far away from in his village. 'They must've done this..' She thought.

After cleaning up his face, she looked into his eyes. "Did the children that were playing do this to you?" Liam looked up at her then looked away.

"No... They protected me.." Liam said while tears started to race down his face. Elenora's face whitened. Then who could've done this?

"My parents did this... That is why I followed you. They said that they would find me if I ran away, so I ran when they slept! I was scared for my life!"

Elenora felt tears run down her face when the little boy said those words. It reminded her of her childhood.

"I said no!" The man raised his hand to the sky.

"Daddy! Please, not again!" The young elf pleaded. The man's hand struck her on the right side of her face. The young girl's head was thrown to the side, and tears ran down her face. The man grabbed Elenora's wrist and threw her in her bedroom.

"Don't come out until I say so, you ungrateful brat!" The bedroom door slammed shut. Elenora curled into a ball in the corner of her room and cried.

It seemed like hours before a knock came to her door. Afraid it was her dad, she got up and opened the door slowly. When her eyes met her mother's she broke into tears and fell to the floor. Her mother picked her up and shut the door, taking them both to the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed, rocking Elenora back and forth, humming a lullaby and stroking her hair. It wasn't long before young Elenora fell asleep.

"Elenora?" Liam's soft voice come through finally. She whipped her head in the direction of the small boy.

"Sorry! I must've got lost in thought! What were you saying?" She said with a smile.

"We shoulf probably go to bed. It is very late." Elenora looked to the sky and saw that the many stars littered the sky.

"You're right. You go into the tent Liam. I will stand watch."

"Are you sure-"

"I am positive! Now, go sleep!" Liam smiled softly and nodded, standing up. As he walked to the tent, Elenora shook her head, banishing the evil thoughts and memories that plagued her mind.