
Fantasye Online

Khymaer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

1: Fantasye Online: A Whole New World

Myst returned home with his new Fantasye Online headset and bodysuit, excited to get started in the game. He had already taken the Character Identification Procedure (or CIP) in which you went to a specific location in real life and Fantasye Online workers would get data about your real body to make the vr headset and bodysuit better align with your in game body, and increase receptiveness and resonance between you and your character while in game.

As he parked his car, thoughts about the game still whirling through his head, he took his key, grabbed his items, and went inside. He quickly set up the devices, following the instructions, and quickly sat down, full bodysuit on, alongside the vr headset.

He pressed the power button on the headset, and a screen turned on.


Fantasye Online

Servers: Online

Player-Character Synchronization: Loading…

Player-Character Synchronization: 100%



Myst took a deep breath, readied himself, and said aloud: "Ready."

The screen went black. He felt some wet grass on his hands and arms, and slowly soaking through his thin shirt. He heard the rustle of leaves and the creaking of trees. He opened his eyes, and found himself in a new world.

{a/n for the rest of the chapter}

So, this is my first novel. I'm a Uni student in Sydney so I've got a little time but not a crazy amount so chapter updates are likely gonna be all over the place. Friendly warning that I'm alright at writing overall, but according to my previous English teachers I'm not particularly amazing.

I've always been interested in the fantasy genre and this is just the culmination of around 10 years of reading and imagination. I'm thinking that if this novel takes off (highly highly doubtful) or if it gets some following, I might set up a discord or something, so if it ever gets to that yell at me to remind me. It'll also help with keeping me on track if that happens because I'm horrible with following through sometimes so a little slap in the form of people angrily yelling at me over the internet would probably work.

Anyways, I've put the first 3 chapters together kinda as the start to a pet project, not entirely sure where it's gonna go but here we are.

For the record I've got no clue how Webnovel works just generally so if I need to do something in settings at any point I'd love it if someone pointed it out to me.

I'm always happy for comments and conversation (but only over the internet I'm a happy introvert) so if you got something to say to me I'm happy to hear it.

Anyway, that's enough rambling, enjoy reading or whatever you readers do.

