
39Chapter 39 Wu Xuaner's Fifth Level of Innateness

Before this, she only knew that the heaven-level skills were the top ones, but now she knew that there was an immortal level above the heaven-level skills.

What's even more frightening is that this immortal-level technique is not from this world, but was created by a female fairy named Ice Emperor Realm. M..

In other words, there is more than just your own world in this universe. She wanted to tell Qin Ye about this immediately, but suddenly she thought that her senior brother had built this Kung Fu Building, and she had known it for a long time.

Looking up at the colorful light spots in the sky, Wu Xuan'er was already numb. Although she was not sure that all the techniques here were immortal-level techniques, one thing she was sure of was that there must be immortal-level techniques here.

"Senior brother, what kind of inheritance did you get? It's too scary."

Wu Xuan'er stuck out her tongue and thought in surprise.

"Hey, my realm——"

"Hiss—the fifth level of innateness—"

Only then did Wu Xuan'er realize that she had broken through to the fifth level of Xiantian when she was comprehending the technique, but she didn't react at all.

Regarding breaking through to the fifth level of Xiantian, Wu Xuan'er said that the immortal level skills were so terrifying, and she was filled with gratitude to her senior brother. If it weren't for her senior brother, she knew that with her qualifications, she would not even be able to enter the Xiantian level in this life.

At this time, Wu Xuan'er's stomach suddenly growled. It turned out that she was hungry. Suddenly, her face turned red, and she carefully looked around, and then she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw no one.

After reluctantly taking a look at the exercises in the sky, Wu Xuan'er left the exercise building.

She attracted everyone's attention as soon as she appeared.

It turned out that except Qin Ye, everyone's eyes were fixed on the Kung Fu Building. They all wanted to see what Kung Fu Wu Xuan'er had learned there for so long.

Innate realm momentum——

As soon as Wu Xuan'er appeared, her innate aura spread out overwhelmingly.

"The fifth level of innateness——"

The tenth elder Yuan Ming's eyes widened immediately. He even doubted whether his eyes were dim. He clearly remembered that Wu Xuan'er's cultivation was only at the eighth level of physical training before entering. How long did it take for her to achieve a breakthrough? Reaching the fifth level of Xiantian, this breakthrough is so astonishing. Even among the people who have been passed down through the ages on the mainland, few can achieve such a breakthrough speed.

What's even more frightening is that Wu Xuan'er's qualifications are simply average. Even though he can break through so many realms in this way, it shows that Wu Xuan'er must have comprehended extremely terrifying skills inside. Is it an earth-level skill? Or is it the heaven level?

The tenth elder couldn't help but stepped forward and asked Wu Xuan'er tentatively: "Miss Wu, are you learning heaven-level skills?"

"Heaven-level skills - sneer -"

Wu Xuan'er sneered and left without answering.

Several people were confused. Could it be that Wu Xuan'er had comprehended an earth-level technique? Are Earth-level skills so awesome? How come they don't know.

Old man Wu, who had been paying attention to this place, looked at Wu Xuan'er leaving thoughtfully.


At the same time, Yanglinghou's army had arrived at Qingfeng City. The entire Qingfeng City was surrounded. The residents in Qingfeng City had never seen such a huge battle, and they all hid in their homes and shivered.

Marquis Yangling personally led a thousand cavalry into Qingfeng City. He took the lead into the city lord's palace and saw the bodies of the second young master and Mr. Mo.

Yanglinghou personally inspected the bodies of the two men and came to the conclusion that they must have died at the hands of the master.

He was a little surprised that a strong master would appear in this small Qingfeng City, which surprised him.

Could it be that this powerful master really came for him? After all, Qingfeng City is his fiefdom. A powerful master appeared in his fiefdom. If he hadn't come for him, he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

After resting for a day, Marquis Yangling led the army straight to Qingfeng Sect. The leader of the Iron Sword Sect was the leader of the Iron Sword Sect. It was his bad luck. Yangling Marquis needed someone who was familiar with the Qingfeng Sect to lead the way. Someone suggested the leader of the Iron Sword Sect, so Yangling Marquis sent someone to invite him.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's a invitation, but it's actually a kidnapping.

Seeing the dozen or so Xiantian realm experts sent by Marquis Yangling, he patted his chest and said he was willing to be the leader.

The 10,000-strong army marched toward Qingfeng Sect in a mighty manner. As the Lord of Qingfeng City saw, there was no Qingfeng Mountain in front, but a burst of white mist.

"Are you sure this is Qingfeng Mountain?" Yanglinghou looked at the gray haze in front of him and asked the leader of the Iron Sword Sect.

"The Marquis is not wrong. I have been here several times, so I can't remember it wrong. I just don't know why, but there is white mist in Qingfeng Mountain." The Iron Sword Sect patted his chest and said with confidence, fearing that he would say Too late, he was beheaded by Marquis Yangling.

"Huh! It's actually a sect formation!"

After all, Marquis Yangling had seen the world. After taking a closer look, he could see that the white mist was a formation.

"Who will break this formation for me?"

Yanglinghou asked loudly.

"The last general is willing to come and break the formation——"

A young general walked out from behind. With a sound of driving, the horse flew up and rushed into the white mist, followed by dozens of soldiers.

Qingfeng Sect.

Qin Ye was playing chess with Old Man Wu. Qin Ye's chess skills were not good, but not bad either. But what surprised Qin Ye was that Old Man Wu's chess skills were even worse than him.

The two played more than ten games in the morning. Qin Ye won eight games and only lost two games due to carelessness.

"Are you used to Old Man Wu staying here?" Qin Ye suddenly asked while the two were playing chess and chatting.

"Thank you for your concern, Master. I'm doing fine." Old Man Wu smiled innocently.

Qin Ye rolled his eyes at him. You can pretend. The system has already detected your situation clearly.

Today, Qin Ye came here to confront Old Man Wu.

Just after putting down a piece, Qin Ye suddenly looked down the mountain. Just now, the sect's defense formation showed that someone had broken through the formation.

He used his mind to detect the situation down the mountain, and the situation down the mountain was clear at a glance.

"The army of Yangling Hou has arrived at the foot of the mountain, and they are breaking through the formation." Qin Ye said calmly.

"Yangling Hou is a big shot. Master, you must be careful. We can't afford to offend him." Old Man Wu shouted in horror.

"Are you afraid of him?" Qin Ye raised his eyebrows and did not expose him.

"How can we ordinary people not be afraid? I heard that Yangling Hou once massacred a city on the border of the Wei Dynasty. There were 100,000 people there, and he killed them all, even the old and the young." Old Man Wu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and said tremblingly.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Qin Ye raised his eyebrows. Qin Ye couldn't say anything about the war between the two countries, because there was no justice in it. When the Qin Dynasty was strong, it invaded the Wei Dynasty. When the Wei Dynasty was strong, it would invade the Qin Dynasty. Neither of them had the strength to destroy the other. The civilians on the border suffered.

Because both of them had done things like massacres, but Qin Ye, who was a modern person, still couldn't accept the massacres. Soldiers died on horseback, there was nothing to say, but those civilians were so innocent.

"Did the King of Qin punish the Marquis of Yangling?"

"I'm not sure about this, but I heard that the King of Qin was furious about this and wanted to execute the Marquis of Yangling, but the ministers tried their best to save his life. However, the King of Qin ordered people to whip the Marquis of Yangling 100 times in public to serve as a warning to others." said Old Man Wu.