
24Chapter 24 Wan Chen comes on stage

Therefore, the Iron Sword Sect also sent a disciple of the sixth level of physical training. After the battle just now, the disciple of Qingtian Sect named Lei Yun was almost exhausted, and was easily knocked off the ring by the disciple of Iron Sword Sect.

The Black Bear Sect also sent a disciple to the field. He was practicing at the peak of the sixth level of physical training. He fought with the disciple of the Iron Sword Sect for a long time before the winner was determined. In the end, the disciple of the Iron Sword Sect won. It turned out that this disciple He is also at the peak of the sixth level of physical training, and he has also practiced a very powerful sword technique of the Iron Sword Sect.

"It's boring, it's boring. A small place like this really can't produce any geniuses." After watching it for a while, the second young master suddenly felt bored. The Iron Sword Sect's swordsmanship was so rubbish, and those stupid people were still cheering there. He really hadn't seen anything like that. world.

All his own guards look much better than this one, and if he wasn't so bored, he would have left long ago.

The Lord of Qingfeng City naturally heard the second young master's complaint, and laughed sarcastically, saying: "Qingfeng City is only a small city, so naturally it cannot compare with those big cities in Qingzhou."

The second young master didn't say anything, and his eyes shifted from the ring to Wu Xuan'er. With that burning gaze, everyone knew that he was attracted to Wu Xuan'er.

Wu Xuan'er, who was sitting next to Qin Ye, noticed the second young master's gaze and glared at him.

The second young master not only did not look away, but looked at her even more wantonly.


Wu Xuan'er cursed angrily.

Qin Ye naturally saw all this. That young man should be the Second Young Master of Yanglinghou. The other man's eyes were just a little wanton, and it was not easy for Qin Ye to teach him a lesson.

When the Iron Sword Sect disciples won, for a moment, no other sect disciples came to the ring. The Iron Sword Sect master said to Qin Ye: "Qin Sect Master, all four of our families have sent people, and it's time for the Qingfeng Sect to come on stage. "

Qin Ye nodded slightly and told Wan Chen, "Go."

"Yes, Master!"

Wan Chen jumped onto the ring and announced his name: "Qingfeng Sect, Wan Chen."

As soon as Wan Chen came on stage, he immediately caused a sensation.

As expected, Qingfeng Sect sent Wan Chen to play, and it seemed that he was just going through the motions. Who in the entire Qingfeng City didn't know that Wan Chen was a loser who couldn't practice half a month ago.

Today, many people from the Wan family came, and naturally Wan Chen's father, Wan Yuanliang, also came.

Wan Yuanliang stared closely at Wan Chen. With his vicious eyes, he could tell at a glance that Wan Chen was already able to practice, and he was immediately excited. In recent years, because of his illegitimate son, Wan Chen, he has been criticized a lot. Now, Wan Chen has joined the Qingfeng Sect, now who dares to criticize him? Perhaps, we can use this opportunity to ascend to the top of the four major families.

Unlike Wan Yuanliang, the other Wan family members were not so polite. They looked at Wan Chen with jealousy. Some of them are still working hard to join the sect, and some have no hope of joining the sect, but Wan Chen has easily joined the strongest sect. How can this not make them jealous.

"Bah! What a bad luck."

"I wasn't there that day, but if I had been, I could have tried my luck."

"Qingfeng Sect shouldn't participate this time. It's just a shame for Wan Chen to go there this time."

"You can't say that. Wan Chen is my Wan family after all. The higher Wan Chen's status is in Qingfeng Sect in the future, the more benefits the Wan family will receive."...

There were a few sane people who spoke for Wanchen, but they were quickly drowned out.

If Wan Chen had been a genius since he was a child, then they wouldn't be jealous. But if Wan Chen is a loser and joins the sect that everyone wants to join, they will naturally be jealous.

The Iron Sword Sect disciple did not fight against Wan Chen, but said seriously: "After the fierce battle just now, my physical strength has been exhausted and I am unable to fight anymore. Take my leave!"

After saying that, he took the initiative to jump off the ring.

"..." Wan Chen.

Wan Chen looked confused, did he think he was making a mistake? You obviously defeated your opponent easily just now, but now you are telling me that you have exhausted a lot of energy. Is this a joke?

However, Wan Chen quickly realized that the other party must have lost on purpose.

The three sect masters of Baisha Sect, Black Bear Sect and Qingtian Sect looked meaningfully at the master of Iron Sword Sect. They quickly understood the intention of the master of Iron Sword Sect and couldn't help but secretly cursed the old fox.

Although the second young master is the most powerful, he will not stay for long after all, but the Qingfeng Sect is different. The future overlord of Qingfeng City will be the Qingfeng Sect.

If they want to develop their sect with peace of mind, they must either make good friends with the Qingfeng Sect or leave Qingfeng City. It's not that easy to leave and find another place to develop a sect. Most of the geomantic treasures are occupied by forces and can be wiped out accidentally.

This leads to the next player either taking the initiative to admit defeat, or losing as soon as they start, and a good game is ruined.

After giving up several games, Baishamen sent out a disciple of the seventh level of physical training, who was already considered a master in Qingfeng City. If he breaks through to the next level, he can become an elder in Baishamen.

The Baishamen disciple jumped onto the ring and said proactively: "Brother Wan, I will fight with all my strength this time."

"Okay!" Wan Chen suddenly became energetic and had been waiting for your words.

The disciples of Baishamen roared loudly, used Baishamen's secret skills, and took the lead in launching an attack on Wanchen.

However, his attack was just child's play to Wan Chen. Wan Chen easily dodged it, and then Wan Chen got close and hit his chest with a palm, sending him off the ring.


The Baishamen disciple was a little confused. He was defeated now. He didn't even pass a single move and was knocked off the ring? Could it be that my realm is fake? He suddenly doubted life.

Not only was he confused, but everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

Wan Chen actually defeated the seventh-level physical training disciple of Baisha Sect so easily, so he must be at least the eighth-level physical training.

Wan Chen has only been a disciple for about half a month, and he has already broken through to the eighth level of physical training? It is incredible and unbelievable.

"Haha..., he is indeed the unicorn of my Wan family." Wan Yuanliang laughed loudly. Wan Chen's rise made him see the rise of the Wan family. He believed that the Wan family would soon become the leader of the four major families in Qingfeng City.

The faces of the people from the other three major families were gloomy.

Wan Chen is at least the eighth level of physical training. Given time, he will definitely break through to the innate level. They can no longer stop the rise of the Wan family.


The second son, who had been listless, showed great interest when he saw Wan Chen's performance. He already had information about Wan Chen. He was surprised that he could achieve such a level of cultivation in just half a month. Even those peerless geniuses in Qingzhou could not break through so quickly, so he was more certain that there were pills in the Qingfeng Sect that could help people break through quickly.

Next, other sects sent people to the ring one after another, but without exception, they were easily defeated by Wan Chen. Even if they burst out with all their strength and played their trump cards, they could not change the fate of being easily defeated.

The entire ring became a stage for Wan Chen to perform.