
No signal Movie Fantastic art, imagining, illumination, romantic Author Morn kunthea

Maria, Dr. Shark's wife, reviews city maps in which their No signals are designed for people with special powers. She has a son, Jams, an elementary student at cloudy school, whose family is also the sub-chief of the village. In their country of residence, there is a space that can create land and produce all kinds of things, especially those resources that can be regenerated and can be destroyed as original resources. Their people are not divided by status, rich or poor, or fear the lack of food, shelter, and trash that can destroy the environment. Because they have unlimited energy conversion and live peacefully away from the human world. Their inhabitants can magically create paths and objects that have different locations, different civilizations of the earth, and are always on vacation as they wish. Their team can also grow or contract and come out in whatever shape they want, with no time limit in their lifetime. For example, in the city, the president enlarges her body, holding a giant vacuum cleaner to clean the toxic smoke pump, and a loving couple riding a ship in the galaxy, looking at the stars. As Maria drove around with a flying saucer as she shopped for a crowd-pleasing weekend, she saw a poster for a new water park development project that her husband is the manager and she started angry at her husband. Because he never told her about those plans. Maria launched the flying saucer home at high speed, causing many giant mushroom caps to break off in the wind as she passed through the giant mushroom fields. Dr shark sneezed a lot, thinking maybe his wife was talking about him from behind, and while he was fixing the drainage system his son had taken a rubber duck down the borehole while bathing. He watched his systems during the renovation, giving him a new idea to build the longest swimming pool around the mountain. The door opened so loudly that he heard his wife's footsteps walking straight towards him and she seemed to be angry, so he hurriedly closed the bathroom door, as expected, his wife called him so loudly that the force of her shout shook the whole house. He took a deep breath and tried to make a cute anime voice that his wife likes asking what happened. His wife was a bit quiet and asked about the water park, which made him start to get scared because he sold his wife's new makeup to take over the water park. He lied to her that he sold her makeup to fix their warehouse. He hurried to open the door and hugged his wife so as not to be angry with him and apologized to her while his wife's head turned into a dinosaur trying to bite him. His son was sitting on the stairs eating a bag of corn while watching his parents argue like watching a movie.

Seeing his mother start screaming again, he pretends to run clinging to his mother's feet and cries asking her to let his father build the pool. Maria took a deep breath, looked at her son with the same face and character as her husband and she nodded in agreement. Then she goes into the kitchen to cook. The food she buys is so small as ants in a big sack, but as the flour spreads over the food and the goods get bigger, she starts cooking dinner with music from the 80s. Mr Shark paid bribes to his son, who came to his aid with the sign of his eyeballs, without sincerely helping him, and he began to prepare his things and quickly design a new water park. A month has passed since the successful construction of the water park, with the longest pipes surrounding the volcano, including 5D games, flying zebra water cannons and underwater water parks. On the first day, many customers came to visit their water park, and their families requested more water from Mrs. Famous, who held a watering can to fill the waterfall once a day. Jams ran through the orange sky with a group of beautiful girls jumping into a pool of fruit while Shark wanted to swim in it too. But he was caught by his wife who knows his tricks and told to stand and sell tickets outside the water park with a group of water lady hippos. While they were both counting the lottery tickets, a giant squid in the sea was caught by a baby who was growing into a giant himself whose stand at Purple Beach. Suddenly, the giant squid sprays a black liquid on the baby's face and makes him cry loudly, creating a high wave. So Maria quickly got bigger, took out the giant squid and threw it in the middle of the sea, and she pulled her husband in a circle longer so that the baby could play and hold until he stopped to cry. Their water park became even more famous after their family helped the baby, the village chief's grandson. Over the next few months, their town saw steel springs appear on road, sending cars or buildings flying through the sky for no apparent reason. Even the flea pool with spinning wheels was badly damaged and crashed into the roof of City Hall, causing much unrest in the no-signal area and special emergency meetings.

According to astronomers, these problems are due to the impending solar flare, and as soon as she finishes speaking, the sun begins to burst like a fried egg, and heat vapors spread through the city. The mayor seeing this enlarged her body and eats the sun like jelly, making it even more chaotic as their world is as dark as the earth, but only Dr. Shark's house, lighting up with electricity from the papaya plantation behind his house makes his neighbors come to sleep in his house with no place for his family to rest. Seeing this predicament, Maria and Dr. Shark decided to go on an adventure to find Sun Egg solar cells in other Galaxy systems to replenish light energy in their world. And Dr. Shark didn't forget to launch solar lanterns to aid the human world for a while, with the robot cat as the system monitor and the boba-eyed dog as the pilot. As they ride the flying saucer, they exit their galactic system and hear a disassembly noise in the back, with their son hidden in the backseat. When they scolded their son, forgetting to look at the road in front of them, they hit a star shape which made their flying saucer spin like the ball of the game and the last hit made their flying saucer swing towards the planet Cheese, the planet of mice .

In the kingdom of mice, a queen with three round tails plays golf in the pit of a rubber cat, their enemy. She has a son who is the same age as Jams and always wears shirtless white underwear and wants her to build a swimming pool like No Sign Planet. But because their world is Cheese World, it is not possible to build a large swimming pool, which makes the mouse prince always mad and bites the palace walls and destroys things. As the Queen was about to hit the ball in the hole, Dr. Shark's family's flying saucer crashed into the golf course, causing the Queen to jump upside down with her head stuck in the ground near the cat's head. Seeing this, the rest of the army rushed to caught the Dr Shake family and help the queen, but the Dr shark family grew larger and dragged stone throwers in the way, causing them to flee away. As for the queen who had just been pulled from the ground, she was still tottering and suddenly she was struck by a rolling stone which made her faint again near the soldiers who ran to hide behind her. Jams, who had been shot with a toothpick and an archer by army mice, laughed as Sensitive and his movement shook the ground like an earthquake. Because he can't stop laughing, he pulls his dad's stick net, punches on army mice, and turns them into banana slices. Maria saw the clumsiness of the Royal Air Mouse Army and dragged her husband and son to the wheat field, which grew near the clouds.

With such a large field of wheat and high growth, Jams wandered off, so Maria decided to use scissors to cut the rice around them to clear the way to find her son. James ran to the duck pond where the Mouse Prince was swimming in the pond with a flock of ducklings, making him laugh. The mouse prince, hearing this ridicule, flew off to fight the Jams who had no winners or losers, and the two became friends after the argument, Jams also asked his new friend to help his family to get out of here too. James' parents found their son fishing with mouse prince , ignoring their concern. After his son introduced them to the mouse prince, the mouse prince took them along a shortcut from the wheat to their flying saucer, but their flying saucer's place was full of soldier mice with the queen sitting on a boar near their flying saucer. The Queen ordered the planes to drop bombs on them, unaware that her son was standing behind them. Luckily, Dr. Shark pulled the fan to blow the missile backwards, bursting into the ground and causing the cheese to swell and collapse, causing the mouse population to riot. The Mouse Prince came out shouting through the head of a microphone Siren told his army to stop the war and told them it was a misunderstanding, and he also asked his mother to tell the army to lay down their arms. After negotiations, Maria helped inflate the cheese with a pump, closing the cap of the wine bottle in the leaking area. She also fixed her flying saucer tires. The Mouse Prince bids farewell to James, promising to visit the Jams' swimming pool as well. The jams family travels to the kingdom where all the clone planets are kept in a giant flying freezer in the middle of space guarded by the Tiger galaxies. They know that every night in the middle of the night, the tigers will open their freezer to check the goods, so they can sneak into the freezer to steal the sun eggs. When they steal a Sun Egg as planned, Jams slips and falls on Pluto's bottle, where his parents forbid him to touch anything inside, but Jams was naughty kids who didn't care about speech of his parents and make sounds heard on the tiger holding the bottle by the top, leaning down to hunt them. Dr. Shark was stripped of his shirt by a tiger, his chest is full of sexy feathers like a monkey, and he used his fork to stab the tiger's arm, then ran after his wife, who was riding a flying saucer and he jumped to clinging on his flying saucer outside the window, knocking the sun's eggs down, even though they left unharmed. But Jams suddenly pull up his T-shirt that his stomach was tied to a sun egg he stole while his parents were busy fighting a tiger. Maria and Dr. Shark were thrilled, praising their son for being so smart and ready to hug their son, but Jams yelled, "Be careful!", waking them up and laughing happily. Back in their world, Dr. Shark hastily knocks the cracked egg over, appearing to light up his world and earth as he pulls his lantern back. A few days later, their city was renovated and its water park filled with more and more visitors. Jams swims with the Mouse Prince through an elephant's trunk while his parents soak in hot water in a private bubble. Maria came to check on her pregnancy that she had a daughter, and already named by Dr. shark Sunflower. He also threw a big party for his daughter's name, even though his wife had not yet given birth. Their family happily danced the disco rhyme, suddenly his wife shouted during the dance that she was in labor, and her husband rushed to take her to the hospital. The cries of Sunflower, which has just been born, shone as brightly as a diamond on which she could sit, and a hand reached out like goodness mercy making everyone bow down to her, even her parents shocked and stood glowingly near their daughter. Her previous smile and the bling of one of her eyebrows as the screen was turned off with the words happy ending.