
Fantasy Or Reality

Charity_Pheonix · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


"We have a serious issue on our hands, the Mayor just called. The Bus stations are out, can't get power to any of them." The sheriff exhaled sliding his fingers through his gray, becoming overwhelmed with all the 911 calls. The deputy chewed on his lip nervously making phone calls to the city maintenance. He glared at the phone his brown eyes going dark, a busy signal again. The last 45 minutes he hasn't been able to get a hold of anyone. Seeing the sheriff become even more irritated as more phone calls came in.

Thinking to himself, 'This is going to be a rough day, hopefully everyone can keep their jobs today.' Observing the Sheriff his face going flushed, his fingers sliding through his gray hair repeatedly.

While he answered another phone call, "This is the police department...your speaking to him...there's a riot? Give me the location...beside the Jewelry store. Are you alright? We'll get there as soon as possible....yes the ambulance is on the way. We'll be there."

"Deputy Saigen get your team to Monarch St Ste 200 pronto, take a sniper with you. I'm calling the ambulance, there's a riot of 200 people directly at that bus stop. We have casualties make sure you get that crowd under control! So we can get the casualties out, Damn it to beat h*ll. Where the h*ll is that maintenance team! Why the h*ll are we having power shortages!! Mr. Hymia get a team out to the bus station. We already have one riot, don't allow another riot.

Get moving all of you. Patrol those bus stops, and boy by g*d keep the peace till we figure out what the h*ll's going on! Don't Fire until Fired upon. MOVE IT!"

The Deputy nodded holding his silence he waved at his team to follow. Quickly checking their armor, and their weapons they headed out the door. Frowns creasing their brows, nobody was looking forward to this. The deputy just hoped the casualties are still alive and no more had been made. His back stiffened as a chill went up his spine, 'Something is wrong, I have a bad feeling about this. Strange happenings, something just wasn't right.' He thought as his hair began to stand on end. Shaking his head he opened the car door as his partner jumped in. They both buckled up, turning on the siren's he heard the engine roar with power. He's partner looked at him, suspiciously. "So what do you think caused all this? You've barely said a word all day, a penny for your thoughts?" The Deputy just lifted a brow turning the steering wheel taking a short cut he glowered. "My instincts are on the high, its in the air partner. This is bad news." The Deputy stated taking another turn, his brown eyes darkening. "You think its that bad Saigen?" He's partners eyes took on a deep blue as he scanned the street. Sure enough the crowd was increasing, pushing people around, fist fights broke out. As Women and children took cover some even fled the area. The Deputy hissed through his teeth, "Like I said....Bad News." His partner went silent and nodded in agreement, as the ambulance sirens grew louder. His partner grabbed the radio turning up the volume. "Clear the area calmly, this is an order! Clear the way for the ambulance or we WILL use force." Slamming the car door shut Deputy Saigen headed for the crowd, as his partner took cover behind the other car door.

Deputy Saigen frowned taking in the surrounding area. Clouds darkened and rumbled covering the skies above them. Lightning streaked in a chain lightning effect creating a dangerous glow in its depths. Thinking to himself, 'Bad News...' More chills went up his spin, feeling the static in the air, his frown deepened. 'Very bad news.' Sensing a movement he dodged, catching a large man's wrist pulling it downwards. The man stared at him stunned as he flew to the side landing on his face. "You s*nofab**ch that's police brutality!" The Deputy raised a brow his eyes narrowed as he kept walking through the crowd. Turning on his flashlight he cleared the area instructing the civilians to go up against the wall. Several obeyed, not wanting to go to jail. They watched Deputy Saigen stand to his full of height of 6'6.

The look he gave them was a warning in its self, he frowned. Several cleared the way as he began to guide the ambulance through a clearing crowd.

Cops filtered everywhere taking down those who fought and guiding others to safety. Finally the ambulance parked lights flaring, as their crew moved towards those who had been injured during the riot.

A large boom echoed through the skies as more lightning streaked through the swirling, dark clouds. Hearing his partner telling the crowd with reassurance that the buses would be fixed and apologized for the inconvenience. Keeping them calm as he encouraged them to calm down and clear the area. Deputy Saigen kneeled down checking on an injured woman in her late 20's as he guided one of the medics in his direction.

She smiled weakly, "Thanks..., He's dangerous. You must...stay away from him. They vanished...I could smell it..Stay away from..." The young woman closed her eyes going unconscious, blood streaming from her temple, cheek and lips.

Deputy Saigen turned her head gently as the medic sighed, "She's unconscious, we need to get her in the ambulance as soon as possible. She's in critical condition, she's taken quite a blow. Here put this blanket on her, well I brace her neck. We can't let her go into shock, it could kill her." Watching the medics place her safely in the ambulance sliding the bed in to secure her. Another ambulance pulled up picking up more casualties. Four hours later the street finally cleared, Deputy Saigen leaned against his car crossing his feet at the ankle. "You know that guy threatened to sue us. Can you believe that b*llsh*t. You should've cuffed him Deputy." Deputy Saigen took a sip of his water looking down the street, he smirked,

"He's lucky to be walking and talking after he swung at me. We have a right to self-defense." He frowned taking another sip of cool spring water. "Why were you in such a hurry, we have policies we have to follow when it comes to a riot. Your lucky your alive partner, why such a rush?" Deputy Saigen swirled his bottled water, taking a deep breath calming himself down. He's gaze turned to the skies as they rumbled and rolled dangerously. Thinking to himself he observed the weather change. He'd have to contact a military friend to find out what's up. The weather forecast didn't say a storm was coming only clear skies and a sunny day. 'hmm...strange he thought it could be the cause of the blackout through the entire city.' He turned to his partner sighing, thankful the crowd cleared. 'Strange behaviors he thought very odd.' He opened the car door looking straight at his partner. "My sister had been injured during the riot. She's the one who called 911."