
Fantasy Legends

This is a fairly calm novel, no plot twists, no drama, just to have a good time. So if you don't like that, please don't read this novel. Also the Fantasy Legends game, all the champions will be created by me, it is a MOBA identical to League of Legends, only new champions, etc. _________ Once upon a time, there was a former assassin named Frank, known in the underworld for his deadly skill and incredible laziness. For years, Frank had led a life of violence and danger, until a strange event changed his destiny completely. One day, as Frank dozed in his simple apartment, a mysterious object fell from the sky and struck him on the head. Upon awakening, he realized that he had been reincarnated in the body of a teenager named Frank White. Frank White had a rather tragic life for a normal teenager, his parents died when he turned 18, leaving him only a large house to himself, and enough money for his studies. From an early age, Frank White had demonstrated exceptional skills in video games. His mind adapted to and quickly grasped complex mechanics, allowing him to master any game he was faced with. However, Frank had stopped playing due to the death of his parents, and he needed to work and study for a promising career, because of this his skills had been relegated to oblivion. With his new body, Frank decided to take advantage of this unique opportunity. He realized that he could combine his acquired skills as an assassin with his natural talent for video games. Frank embarked on the path to become a professional gamer in the game called Fantasy Legends. Frank immersed himself in the world of gaming and quickly rose through the ranks. His combination of strategic cunning and mental dexterity, inherited from his past as an assassin, allowed him to outperform his competitors. His unique style of play, a fusion of ruthless tactics and a lazy, yet resourceful nature, brought him to fame in the professional gaming community. As he progressed through the competitions, Frank encountered other players with similar skills, each with their own strange stories and backgrounds. Together, they formed a formidable team and became an unstoppable force in the Fantasy Legends world. The team became famous for their bold strategies and crazy gameplay. *** https://ko-fi.com/opiumm Discord: https://discord.gg/Ax97UA62 Twitter: @lazy_addicted *** I don't speak English, so there will be many mistakes, at least I hope it will be legible. The cover and images are not mine, if the author wants me to remove them, contact me.

_opium · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Alex Ferguson

Looking at the screen of his cell phone, he sees that it is an unknown number, he was thinking about not answering, but something inside him told him to pick up this call.

He moved his finger to a green cell phone icon and took the call.

"Hello?" Frank said in a quiet, curious voice.

"Hello, is this Frank White?" A young man's voice was heard on the other end.

"Yes, this is Frank White, with whom do I have the pleasure?" Frank asked, as with his left hand he took out a cigarette.

"Hi, Frank! I'm Alex, a Fantasy Legends player just like you. I've noticed your skill in the game, and I'd like to offer you an exciting opportunity. I'm organizing a professional Fantasy Legends team with very good players, and I'd love for you to be the mid of the team. Would you be interested?"

Frank was surprised to hear the voice of Alex, a well-known Fantasy Legends player. He had heard of him and knew he was a talented and respected player in the game's community. The proposal to join a professional team as the mid laner piqued his interest and excitement.

"Hi, Alex! It's nice to talk to you. I've heard about your skills in the game. The idea of joining your pro team as a mid laner sounds incredibly interesting," Frank replied calmly, though you could tell the excitement in her.

Alex went on to explain the details of the team, their vision and the goals they had. He talked about competing in tournaments and professional leagues, the intensive training and the opportunities for growth within the team.

Frank, cigarette in hand, felt a mixture of excitement and determination. He knew that joining a professional team would mean devoting a lot of time and effort to the game, but it also meant an opportunity to achieve his goals in this life - lots of money, he wants lots of money to live on without worrying about anything.

After a moment of reflection, Frank responded with determination, "Alex, I am excited and honored for the opportunity to join your professional team. I am willing to give my best, train hard and work as a team to achieve our goals. Tell me more about the next steps and how I can prepare properly."

Alex shared details about the practices, the tournaments they would participate in and the focus on teamwork and constant improvement. Both agreed to keep in touch to discuss logistical details and the training plan.

Alex also commented on the other members of the team, but when everything is confirmed, he will tell you all the details.

At the end of the phone call, Frank was excited about the prospect of joining a professional team and competing at the highest levels of Fantasy Legends.

But thinking slowly about it, it is certain that he was blessed by some God, it is impossible for him to be reincarnated, a renowned player to contact him, invite him to a professional team and everything is aligned with his goals.

Although he doesn't really complain about that blessing, the easier the road the better, but he's not worried either if it's a road full of potholes and problems.

Playing the music again, and exhaling the smoke from his lungs, Frank finally decided to click on 'Search game', after a queue of 8 minutes, he finally found a game.

He banned Arctica, as her passive slows down champions that are close to her, as he wants to play Somnus, if he doesn't ban Arctica, he probably won't be able to play the early game quietly, besides Arctica is also a pretty complete champion, with mass control and explosive damage.

As the game progressed, Frank felt more and more comfortable with Fantasy Legends, he wanted to play as much as possible and try all the champions of the mid lane, and most of all he wanted to play Somnus, he thinks he is a very interesting champion, since he never saw another champion similar to him, not even in his previous life.

The game was easily won, Frank had his positive stats, with good control of the map, and helping the other lines.

Frank spent the whole afternoon playing and testing different mechanics with the champions, watching the occasional stream of professional players and copying some mechanics.

Frank got up from his gaming chair and headed to the kitchen for dinner. As he sat at the table, his mind kept going over the games he had just played. He was happy with his performance and felt satisfied with what he accomplished today.

After dinner, Frank decided to take a break and relax a bit. Although he was a bit tired, he wasn't very sleepy, so he decided to watch a series on TV along with a small pot of sambayon ice cream.

As the hours passed, Frank began to ramble on about his plans for the future as the series was not so entertaining. He was convinced that he had the potential to compete at a higher level in video games and dreamed of having a lot of money again and living placidly as a hedonist.

After a while, Frank decided to go to sleep, knowing that the next day he would have to keep playing to keep getting better at the game. He lay down on his bed and let himself succumb to the world of sleep.

Frank, still sleepy, woke up and stretched his arms. He decided to get out of bed and head to the bathroom to sanitize himself.

He took a refreshing shower, letting the hot water relax his muscles and wake him up completely. After getting dressed, he headed to the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee to help clear his mind.

As he enjoyed his coffee, he lit a cigarette, and let the smoke drift out of his lungs, as he slowly sipped his coffee and enjoyed the morning.

Just as he sat down in his computer chair, his phone rang. It was Alex Ferguson, one of his teammates, calling him to discuss team details. Frank listened intently as Alex told him about the team members.

The team members were:

Max Williams (Top)

Alex Ferguson (Jg)

Frank White (Mid)

Lucas Sotello (Adc)

Ivan Selusky (Supp)

Frank only knew Max, as he was on his team several times in the game, the others he didn't know at all, but he trusted Alex to pick good players.


Note: Thanks for reading :3





I remind you again, in case there are mistakes, I don't speak English, and I translate the chapters at DeepL, before uploading them to webnovel.

If there is any mistake, comment it in the sentence and I will correct it.

_opiumcreators' thoughts