
Fantasy: I, Who Listen To Music In A Brothel, Simulate Becoming A God

[Fantasy, simulator, live a life of luxury, no heroine, upgrade flow] Jiang Yifeng traveled through time and space and became the eldest son of the Jiang family of the Great You Kingdom. He originally thought that he could spend his whole life in brothels and listening to music, but who knew that five years after he traveled through time, the simulator was activated. In the first simulation, he discovered that this world was different from what he thought. There were actually immortal cultivators, and more than ten years later, they would come to destroy his entire family. After that, in order to protect himself, Jiang Yifeng continued to go to brothels and listen to music in reality. In the simulation, he kept exploring this world and worked hard to improve his strength. In simulation after simulation, his strength continued to rise, and the full picture of this world was also reflected in front of Jiang Yifeng. When he looked back, it turned out that he was invincible in the world.

simulated_man · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

chapter 6

[After you keep reading the nameless secret book, you have some new understanding of it. ]

[If it is true as the above record says, in fact, this nameless secret book can no longer be regarded as martial arts, or it is more accurate to describe it as martial arts and body cultivation. ]

[There is only one set of strange movements in this secret book, which is said to be used for body training. ]

[The rest is the division of martial arts realms and some theoretical knowledge. ]

[It explains how to break through the limit and continue to grow one's own strength. ]

[After reading it, you think this may be a good thing. ]

[So you took out a stack of silver notes again and gave it to Wu Youdao. Without waiting for him to refuse, you thanked him and left with the secret book. ]

[If what is said in the secret book is true, you think that now is the right time for this secret book to appear. ]

[According to the record of the nameless secret book, the beginning of martial arts is to temper the body and make the body stronger and stronger, so it is called the body tempering realm. ]

[Body Tempering is divided into nine levels, and each three levels are divided into a stage, which are also called the Skin Refining Realm, the Flesh Refining Realm, and the Bone Refining Realm. ]

[The limit of each stage has a bottleneck. ]

[To break through the bottleneck and improve again, either there is a special opportunity or you have to master a certain method. ]

[If you don't have either, just ordinary training, the highest limit of mortals can only reach the third level of the Body Tempering Realm, which is the limit of the Skin Refining Realm. ]

[You think that fitness masters (talents) can no longer increase your current strength. It should be what the nameless secret book says, reaching the limit of the Skin Refining Realm. ]

[Originally, you had no method, and you practiced blindly by yourself, and it might be difficult to break through forever. ]

[But now you have the nameless secret book. The strange movements in the secret book are said to be authentic martial arts training methods that can break the limit of the Skin Refining Realm. ]

[It can be said that Wu Youdao's nameless secret book is simply a timely help. ]

[In the same year, you began to practice the strange movements in the nameless secret book. ]

[But the seemingly strange movements made you miserable. ]

[With your current physical fitness, you can only barely complete this set of movements once. ]

[After that, you were exhausted and lay on the ground like a dead dog. ]

[You instantly understood why Wu Youdao said that he had never practiced before. ]

[With this difficulty, ordinary people really can't practice it. ]

[You feel that if you don't have the talent of a fitness expert, your physical fitness has surpassed that of ordinary people by several times, and you can't complete a set of movements at all. ]

[The good news is that after practicing this set of movements a few times, your strength begins to increase again. ]

In reality, Jiang Yifeng's expression changed when he saw this.

Sure enough, the martial arts of this world are also extraordinary.

The limit that I couldn't improve in the previous simulation was easily broken after practicing the nameless technique.

But obviously not everyone can do this, just like Wu Youdao said, he can't practice.

Jiang Yifeng estimated that he couldn't complete a whole set of movements, so he couldn't use the nameless secret book to improve.

Now Jiang Yifeng is getting more and more curious about this world.

There are martial arts and immortal cultivators, so where are these people?

Why have I never heard anyone talk about them.

With curiosity, Jiang Yifeng continued to look at the simulation panel.

[You found that your strength increased again, and in the following days, you practiced more diligently. ]

[At the same time, you found that every time you practiced this set of movements in the nameless secret book, your appetite would suddenly increase. ]

[You also became more and more fond of meat, eating freely, and you felt that you could eat a cow in a day. ]

[And as you continue to practice, this appetite is getting bigger and bigger. ]

[But fortunately, you are not short of money. ]

[It's just that every time you finish practicing, you eat a lot. When your father Jiang Fushan knew about it, he was a little worried about your physical condition. ]

[For this reason, he found famous doctors to check your body many times. ]

[You had no choice but to cooperate. ]

[Your father Jiang Fushan was relieved only after all the famous doctors said that you were fine and that you just consumed too much blood and qi from practicing martial arts, which led to your increased appetite. ]

[In the tenth year, thanks to the efforts of your father Jiang Fushan, Jiang's Business became the number one business in Dayu Country. ]

[In the eleventh year, Jiang's Business received a big business, and your father went on a business trip to the neighboring Liang Country. ]

[In the twelfth year, you knew that the black-clothed cultivator who used the palm would come to attack the Jiang family next year, and you thought it was time to leave Qingshan City. ]

[However, before you left, your father Jiang Fushan found you. ]

[He asked you to leave Qingshan City and travel for a while. ]

[You realized that something was wrong and thought that maybe your father really knew about the crisis of the Jiang family. ]

[You hurriedly asked him why he asked you to leave. ]

[But your father Jiang Fushan insisted that he just wanted you to go out and gain some experience. ]

[There is really no other way, you finally had to leave Qingshan City alone. ]

Jiang Yifeng in reality saw this.

It is completely certain that his father knows something.

He is just a little confused, why is this time different from the first simulation?

During the first simulation, although his father was restless for a year, he did not let him leave Qingshan City.

What did he do? He changed his father.

Jiang Yifeng recalled the comparison between the first simulation and this simulation.

He had some guesses in his mind.

He felt that it was most likely because he practiced martial arts in this simulation.

His father thought that if he ran away earlier as a martial arts master, he would still have a chance to escape.

Soon, Jiang Yifeng shook his head again and denied his guess.

Normally, if his father was sure of the crisis at home.

Even if he was not a martial arts master, he should let him escape, or even the whole family should escape together.

The correct answer should be that his father knew there was danger, but there should be hope in danger.

So in the first simulation, I didn't let myself run away. It was more dangerous to let myself run away like a weak chicken than to stay in the Jiang family.

After all, from the situation of several simulations, I encountered many bandits when I left Qingshan City. Obviously, it was not peaceful outside.

Now in this simulation, because I have martial arts to rely on, the risk of being alone outside is very low, so staying in the Jiang family is more dangerous.


Jiang Yifeng sighed.

The key is my father, why is he so stubborn.

Why don't you tell me?

If you don't tell me, how can I find a solution?

Jiang Yifeng was helpless and continued to look at the simulator.

[After leaving Qingshan City, you hid in the mountains and practiced hard. ]

[In the thirteenth year, your strength increased significantly, but without testing, I don't know the exact progress. ]

[In the fourteenth year, your physical strength is still good. ]

[In the fifteenth year, your strength increase has obviously slowed down. ]

[Even the last little increase is difficult to perceive, and it seems to have reached a bottleneck again. ]

[You know that this is the limit of the sixth level of the Body Tempering Realm, which is the perfection of the Flesh Refining Realm. ]

[According to the nameless secret book, it is best to use a medicine called Bone Tempering Pill to practice after this. ]

[Otherwise, it may take a long time to practice with the water grinding method to make a breakthrough. ]

[It's a pity that you don't know what Bone Tempering Pill is and where to get it. ]

[This makes you a little impatient, thinking that if you practice like this, you don't know when you can reach the strength that matches the man in black. ]

[So you don't give up, and continue to study the "Heavenly Mysterious Art" and want to cultivate immortality, but unfortunately there is still no progress, and a year is wasted. ]