

Trnn Trnn.... Fiza phone is ringing pick up the call asma said. Asma is fiza's mother.

Hello! Fiza picked the call and greeted.who is there fiza asked. Your friend sumble had died her funeral is at 3'o clock. Somebody said in a very sad voice. What? who are you? Is this true. Fiza suddenly got panic and trying to confirm what someone said. On the other side there was no answer and suddenly someone cut the call. Hello! Hello!....who was he? Submle what is it true should I call her fiza was very confused at that time.

Mother I had a call from someone I did not know who was he but but... Mother.... Fiza got panic and can't even complete the sentence.

Fiza calm down dear. Asma relaxing her daughter. Sumble is no more mother sumble my friend fiza was crying in sorrow.

Who was on call asma inquired.i don't know I asked but no one answered and cut the call and on over land-line there is no display so I have no his number. Fiza keep saying in sorrow as she got hurted with this sad news.

You should call your friends and confirm that news. Asma suggested her daughter.

You are right mother fiza stood up and run towards her room and started finding her mobile. She dialed a number but on one picked it up.

Mother I tried everybody's number but no one is picking up. Fiza was upset.

Last time we met on last day of our university and sumble was so sad and also crying... Ahhhh! Sumble ahhhh...! Why you left as so soon. Fiza thought.

You should go fiza and check it out what is going on. Asma asked fiza. Yes, you are right mom fiza agreed.

Go and get ready till then I make some lunch for you its about 1o' clock said asma as she is trying to show some care for her daughter.

Fiza what happened to you as I was seeing that you were not fine today, you just ran away as we had an important discussion today. Sumble asking fiza on telephone in a friendly manner. Nothing happened my dear friend you just felt that actually I was getting late so I decided to leave nothing else. Fiza tried to explain sumble. But sumble was not agreed with that explanation. Fine I'll visit to you soon because I am worried about you sumble said fiza and showed her concern towards fiza. It was our last day at university and sumble and I had this conversation fiza though while she was on the way to sumble place for her funeral.

Please pick up the call Maha fiza muttering while she was calling to her friend.

Hello! Maha said. Thank GOD you have received my call. Fiza suddenly had that words for her. What happened fiza are you alright why are you sounding so much worried. Maha asked fiza.

Have you heard about a bad news about sumble? Fiza asked Maha. What kind of news? Maha curioused. Actually in morning I had a call from some unknown person and he said sumble got died and her funeral is at 3o'clock. Fiza explained. What??? Really is that true? What happened to her? Maha bombarded on fiza. You don't have any call regardinging this? Fiza asked Maha. No, no at all my dear I heard from you. We should go at her place because its a worst thing happened. Maha suggested. Yeah you are right but I can't believe it happened sumble is not receiving my call that's making me more and most worried. So, I am on the way towards her place. Fiza said and do not cry maha control yourself I am gona pick you get ready. Fiza trying to make Maha calm. Yeah sure come faster.

After discounting the call fiza got so upset why only she had a call from someone for this saddest news. Should I call amina and kinza? Fiza asked herself. No I should not firstly we should confirm that because its just beyond my belief. Fiza trying to make her ready for such situation.

How are you? I am really upset about this sumble was our sweetest friend we have ever had. Maha said after getting into fiza's car.

It beens 3 years we have ever met each other and I can't think to meet all of you ins uch way Maha stared crying while sharing her feelings to her friend fiza. Calm down we have to confirm that news first because that person only said those words and cut the call. Fiza explained her feelings.

Who was he? Maha asked her. I don't know I had that call on my land line and our land line had no display. Fiza answered.

There is call for you fiza Maha trying to check fiza's mobile that was on the dashboard. How's there? Fiza asked. Darling mom is showing. Maha said. Ohh! Give me that mobile. Fiza said. Yeah sure Maha said and handed over fiza's mobile to her. Yes mom what happened. Fiza asked her mom. Have you reached my dear? Asma asked. Not yet mother I had to pick Maha too with me. Fiza explained. Whenever I get there I'll inform you fiza said to her mom. Yeah sure and take care of yourself too. Love you asma said to her daughter. Love you too my mom. Fiza answersed her mom and cut the call.

Your mother is so lovely fiza after your father she really worked harder to brought up you. Maha said. Yeah Maha I had only my mother in my life and no one alse she is my whole world. Fiza answered.

I had a thought. No one had my landline number from all of you because we have that connection last year and from last 3 years we had no talk. How that man had that number who called me about sumble and how he knew about sumble, fiza suddenly stopped car and shared her curiosity with Maha.

Yeah even I don't have your number. Maha was also amazed.

We should go for sumble's place. Maha suggested

Here we are that's a sumble's house.yeah right? Fiza asked Maha. Yes, this is sumble's house. Get off the car and we should go inside. Fiza said to Maha.

Maha ringed the bell. Who's is out side someone asked from inside in a very gentle voice. It's me Maha stumble's friend. Maha said

Someone opened the gate both fiza and Maha was waiting for her to come out side. Sumble? Who's Sumble a woman with short grey hair and in a beautiful cottons dress. Dress was elegant. She was looking so sophisticated as we even can't imagine that is she joking to us. She asked in a curiosity. Am.. Shhh...she is our friend we had a university together. Fiza explained as she got confused in front of her personality. Fine dear but this is my house and I had only one son and his name is khushal and meanwhile he is out of station. I am living here from last 2 years and I heve no idea whom you are talking about. Woman said to Fiza and Maha. Sorry! Madam actually this was our friend's house and we wanted to meet her after so long we wanted to give her surprise, but.... Well thank you so much giving us your precious time Fiza thanked woman as she thought she have wasted her time.

No need to be sorry come inside and have a cup of tea with me you both looked so tired. Woman offering her tea.

Oh! So nice of you madam but we have already late. May be at some other time. Fiza felt nervous while refusing that graceful lady.

My name is Sidra don't call me madam. Woman said with smile. Your smile is so beautiful mam. Maha said. We should leave now fiza interrupted Maha. Thank you sidra aunty God bye. Fiza said while holding Maha's hand and started walking.

If stumble is not leave here who was that man? Fiza thought in her heart. What are you thinking Maha asked. Nothing think about that man his voice was full of sorrow and now there is nobody what is going on fiza said to Maha.

We should leave for home is too late to be at somewhere. Maha said. Yeah you are right mom would be also worried. Fiza said and left for their destination.