

In a world where different magical races struggle to live alongside one another, A series of wolf-killings pose a threat to the regime. Can an ordinary farm-girl with the help of a trapped dragon soul put a stop to a political plot?

Daoist431888 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


The Aristocratic murders were one of the numerous factors that led to the development of the regime that now governs fant-earth. It was the late spring and the people had had enough. The mage-smiths had worked long and hard to produce battle-ready and effective magical weapons to fund the numerous guards and protectors that worked under the wealthy families in the upper Terrarium. Unbeknownst to the mage-smiths until mush later, their weapons were forced to be sold at such a low price to the privileged private factions that it was practically stealing. Fortunately, the mage smiths were mostly working class werewolves, and so couldn't use the magical items they created. Unfortunately, the mage-smiths were mostly infuriated, powerful werewolves who were ready to die exacting revenge on their oppressors.

Laura was only ten years old when her aristocrat parents were murdered.

The killing started at the estate gates. What was recorded in the civil records as intending to be a peaceful protest was soon transformed into a violent demonstration of what wolves can do when pushed to the wall. First, it was the ominous ringing of dozens of claws and fangs being projected from their sockets. The first one to fall was an estate owned patrol horse, brought to its knees by a troupe of wolves. The rider came next after, out of fear, he had attacked one of the bloodthirsty protesters. As if by magic, wave after wave of ironically well-equipped estate guards flooded out of the gates, ready to exact revenge. Imagine the anger in the protesters' minds as they were attacked by weapons they had toiled to create themselves. Wolf after wolf fell to the ground, either writhing with unending pain or eternally frozen in place by some expertly crafted spear or dagger. Laura watched from the windows as a wolf cried out in agony from reaching down to pick up a discarded magical hammer. He died convulsing, the hammer still clutched in his grasp.