
Fangs of the fallen

Could you ever imagine your peaceful turned to ruins in just one day. Well Elias could thanks to Werewolves They had supposedly ravaged the lives of humans since the beginning of time. No one knows where these beings came from but what everyone including Elias knows, is that Werewolves were nothing more than myths to scare little children into obedience. At least that was what he used to believe untill his village was attacked and destroyed. Vowing to take revenge he joins the Establishment - a magic welding group of humans set to defend earth. This story follows the journey of Elias - a boy fuelled by the death of his beloveds - as he progressives from a normal teenager to a mage adept at killing werewolves. But will his morals and motivation stay firm as he realizes that perhaps the world wasn't as black and white as it seems. extract lines "I , Elias , vow to murder everything single Werewolf alive and I will not stop until I die " "perhaps you shouldn't make promises like that too quick you might regret it " "who are you really ......."

Dante_Vlayd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

A sickening truth

"no way.... she has to be alive .... she can't be dead " he cried as tears filled his eyes. Although he claimed that Elaine had to be alive he knew deep inside that she wasn't. When he had noticed the bones and blood on the floor before, he had also seen a pendant - one that was given to her by him as a gift. she wore it everywhere and was never seen without it so no matter how hard his heart tried to persuade him otherwise he knew for sure that she couldn't be alive.

Elias fell to ground, his feet had lost all their energy after the shocking news. Not only Elaine but his entire village, his entire life had been destroyed in one day all thanks to that wretched creature. The Werewolf.

It felt like his whole world had come crashing down , his body started to shiver a great deal. Truth be told , Elias had been terrified since he saw the fire in village but he had held it all in so he could save Elaine. His poor sister who was to be married in a few weeks but had seen her life cut short.

Lines of tears trailed down his face and he held the floor for support. Suddenly he felt a warm hand stroke his back and he looked up to see a boy . perhaps a few years older than himself crouching in front of him, just waiting patiently, upon meeting eye contact the unnamed boy smiled ever so gently. His hair was like dirty blond and his eyes were brown like hazel nuts. His face free from scars gave an initial perception that he was some sort of noble but his sword tied to his hip said otherwise. " you saved me right ? " Elias muttered his face still covered in tears and his voice sullen from crying. The brown eyed boy merely smirked as he brought his arm to Elias's face and proceed to wipe the tears with his sleeves. Throughout the whole situation he maintained eye contact with Elias who couldn't help but blush at the situation. Elias had been weeping on the floor in front of his saviour like a pathetic child , but he must of looked more foolish when he had fought the werewolf.

" How.... how did you kill it " Elias enquired, his head filled with anticipation. The wolf had gotten murdered in just one slice , to anyone it would be impressive. But again the unnamed boy just smirked and this time he got up (quite gracefully) and picked Elias up as well. Now that they were both standing Elias had realized how short his statue was in comparison. Elias was not a short teenager in fact he was a bit above average within in his town but around the stranger he had felt extremely tiny. " wait where did Liz go " pondered Elias, he had forgotten about the young girl's existence, she had just vanished. but again the boy just kept smirking. " if you are not going to talk , I'm going to leave" Elias claimed, his voice rising , he had never been good at holding his temper. As he turned to leave he felt a hand grasp his wrist and instantly he tried shaking it off but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't. The boy's grip was too strong for the injured Elias. "let go , are you not going to to let go!" Elias shouted angrily , attempting to release himself for the stranger's grasp. The stranger walked , closing the distance between him and Elias. Elias could clearly see the boy's face , which was pale like Elaine's.