
Fangs & Claws

Luis moves to a small town due to his mom's new job, but unexpectedly he finds himself entering a new world filled with twists and turns. This is my first time writing a book, so please, leave me a comment to let me know how you like it... BL, Fantasy and Drama Hello, readers, I’m planning to add some of the artwork of the characters in the comment section unfortunately I was unable to add it to the novel. Therefore, keep an eye out. The artwork was done by me

angelique_Torres · Urbano
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27 Chs

Chapter 21

We have always been close, but now I feel as though you are avoiding me more and more. But this wasn't the reason why I was looking for you. At eight o'clock, I want you to meet me behind the shed. I want to give you something.

(Cha) Why can't you give it to me now?

As she walks away, Ashely says, "It can't be until tonight, so don't be late." You'll regrade it later.

While Luis was lying on the bathroom floor, butt a** naked, he reaches over and grabs the towel to cover him up and shouts, "I'm in here." Can you leave?"

Luis is pulled up by Yaus, who says, "It's not like I've never seen you naked before." As Luis holds the towel covering his number,

(Luis) That was when we were together, and it was only once, plus I had boxes on

Yaus then picks up Luis, tossing him on his shoulders as he is leaving the bathroom.

(Luis) put me down. What are you doing as he kicks and screams? Yaus then lays Luis on the bed and locks the bedroom door.

(Luis) Why are you locking the door?

Luis cautiously rises from the bed and rushes over to the bathroom door. Yaus searched the side of the bedstands for something, but before he could reach the door, Yaus had already stepped in front of him. Luis tries to flee in the opposite direction while still clutching the towel to hide himself. As he reaches out to open the room door, Yaus, who was already blocking the door,

(Luis) Yaus pause

Yaus then picks up Luis, holding him against his chest, and lays him back down at the edge of the bed, bending down as he reaches out to Luis's leg and says, "Your foot."

(Luis) What about my foot?

Luis then looks down and notices his leg is bleeding from the fall.

(Yaus) We need to clean it up before it gets an infection.

After applying the creamer and bandage to Luis's leg, Yaus reaches out and places his palm on Luis's lips. He then carefully rubs his thumb across Luis's lips while giving Luis a kind smile.

(Luis) Why are you staring at me like that?

Luis, I love you and I'm so sorry. Yaus gets up from the floor, leans in, kisses him on the forehead, and leaves the room without saying another word.

Luis then gets up from the bed, lost and confused about what just happened, and heads to the restroom, locking the door behind him. He is shocked by what just happened. He turns to the mirror and touches his forehead.

Luis then reaches out, places his hand on his chest, and says, "Why can't I stop loving him?" As tears stream down his cheeks from the pain he is experiencing,

The feelings I have for him won't just go away. This isn't right; I shouldn't be feeling this way; I'm with Cha; I love him and I want to be with him, but the feelings I have for Yaus are still there.

A few hours later,

It was almost time for Luis to meet Ashely downstairs. He gathered his items and walked out the door to head to the elevator. As he turned the corner, he spotted Cha talking with someone. As Luis approached Cha, he could overhear their conversation.

(?) Yeah, tonight, meet me in my room and I will give you the goods then.

(Cha) I might be a little late. I have something I need to do in a few minutes.

(?) Okay, later.

(Luis) * who is he talking to and what goods?* As Luis was about to call out to Cha, his phone started to ring.

Ring, Ring

Hello, Luis. Where are you?

(Luis) I'm coming down now.

Once Luis was done taking the phone, he looked over to see if Cha was still there, but he was nowhere to be found. Luis then heads downstairs to meet up with Ashely for what he thinks is a get-together with some friends. Once he made it downstairs and was walking toward the back, he noticed Ashely waiting.

(Luis) Ashely: Where is everyone?

(Ashely) They should be arriving shortly. Would you be able to help me with something?

(Luis) Of course.

(Ashely) I got all the items for the get-together tonight, but I wasn't able to finish putting everything up. Can you give me a hand?

Ashely then takes Luis's hand and leads him to the shed. As she opens up the door, Luis notices that not much has been done.

(Luis) You know, I don't mind helping you, but you barely did anything, and why isn't there anyone here to help you? You could have called me sooner.

(Ashely) I know, but I had something come up and once I got back from the store, it was only 30 minutes left.

Luis then reaches over, giving Ashely a slight pat on her back and letting out a big sigh. Luis then starts picking up some of the party items out of the box and putting the decor up after a few minutes. "Hey, I'm going to make a quick call, and I'll be right back," Ashely says.

(Luis) Wait yo

Before he could finish his sentence, Ashely had already walked out, closing the door behind her. Ashely then reaches in her back pocket to take out her cellphone and calls Cha

Ring, Ring

Hello, I'm coming now. I don't understand why you couldn't give it to me right then. I won't be staying long. I have something to do.

As Cha hangs up the phone, he sees Ashely standing on the side of the shed and walks over and asks, "What did you want to give me, Ashely?" Ashely then takes Cha's hand and says, "It's in here." Ashely opens up the shed door, pushing Cha in and closing the door behind him.

(Cha) Ashley What are you doing?

(Luis) C chad

Cha then turns around to find Luis.


Hello, I sincerely appreciate all of your support. Please leave a comment or a like if you have any thoughts. Your encouragement really helps me continue writing.

While I am aware that this is long overdue, better late than never.

Luis: Luis has three birthmarks: two under his left eye and one under his lower lip on his right side. He also has one blue and one green eye. He's 5'2 and 120 pounds with long brown hair. He loves playing guitar and cute things. He is a very shy person.

Ashley: Ashley has blue-crystal eyes with a hint of golden brown and long pink hair. She weighs 120 pounds and stands 5'0. In addition to being half-wolf, Ashly is also half-human. Since she was born to a human mother and a full wolf father, her eyes stay the same color when she transforms.

Keep an eye out next week for Yaus and Cha

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