
Fangs & Claws

Luis moves to a small town due to his mom's new job, but unexpectedly he finds himself entering a new world filled with twists and turns. This is my first time writing a book, so please, leave me a comment to let me know how you like it... BL, Fantasy and Drama Hello, readers, I’m planning to add some of the artwork of the characters in the comment section unfortunately I was unable to add it to the novel. Therefore, keep an eye out. The artwork was done by me

angelique_Torres · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 20

Two days had gone by since the incident in the temples. After returning to the hotel, Cha and Luis weren't on speaking terms. Although he's not sure if Cha witnessed the kiss between him and Yaus, Luis tries to make an effort to explain what happened. Each time Luis attempted to speak with Cha, Cha would leave before he could start.

The conflict between Luis and Yaus grew more serious. Despite knowing Luis' feelings for him, Yaus is angered by Luis' rejection to date him. Due to the fact that they share a room, Luis makes a conscious effort to avoid running into Yaus.

Ashely is unsure why the incident between Cha and Yaus occurred, as well as why Cha has been so cold recently and the reason for him avoiding Luis. She comes up with a plan to get Cha and Luis alone, not knowing the situation that will take place.

(Luis) *Cha has been avoiding me whenever he has the chance. He didn't come down for breakfast this morning, and I ended up dozing off while waiting for him to return to his room last night. The fact that I share a room with Yaus makes it difficult for me to avoid him completely. * If only I could find a good chance to catch him off guard.

(Ashely): Catch who off, guard?

(Luis) No one, I didn't notice you standing there,

(Ashely) Luis, are you hiding anything from me?

(Luis) N-no, of course not, Should I explain what happened to Ashely? Despite the fact that she is my best friend, I don't think it's a smart idea to tell her right away.

I don't know what's going on with you two or what occurred at the temples, but that isn't the reason I came to find you, says (Ashely). Since tomorrow is our last day here, I'm inviting you to a gathering I'm throwing with friends later tonight.

(Luis) "This might take my mind off things and help me avoid seeing Yaus." That sounds like a good plan. Okay, meet me in the woods behind the shed at 8 o'clock.

(Luis) Okay, I'll see you then.

(Ashely) "All right, I'm heading off to gather the necessary supplies." I now need to come up with plans to convince Cha to attend. He hasn't talked to me much, and last night, when he unexpectedly showed up, he barely said anything.

Luis returns to his room, trying to avoid running into Yaus, as Ashely leaves to hunt for Cha. He opens the door to the room and peeks inside to check for any signs of his presence. Luis rushes to his suitcase, which is in the right-hand corner of his bed, as soon as he opens up the door.

(Luis) *It doesn't appear that anyone is here. All I have to do now is gather my things and take a quick shower before tonight's party.

After searching the area and struggling to find Cha, Ashely takes out her phone and tries to call Cha for the third time as she overhears a group of girls talking.

(?) He's super hot and his eyes are gorgeous.

(?) Do you think his hair is natural?

(?) Do you think he has a girlfriend?

(?) I hope he doesn't so we can get his number.

Ring, ring

Hello, can you hear me?

(Ashely) Cha

I got you. I'm not here right now, but I can take your messages. Hang on, I'm going to open the drawer and look for a pencil. shuffle shuffle, you still here? Okay, what would you like to tell me?


(Ashely) Cha, where are you, and why is your damm phone switched off?

As this is going on, Luis is in the shower, about to turn off the water when he hears the room door open. He quickly grabs a towel and steps out of the shower as the bathroom door begins to open, shouting, "I'm in here!" and trips and falls.

When Luis looks up, he sees Yaus standing right in front of him.

As she hangs up the phone, Ashely can still overhear the same group of girls talking about a handsome guy. As she turns to see who it might be, she notices Cha gazing out over a frozen lake. When Ashely notices the same group of girls heading in the same direction, she rushes over before they can and yells, "Cha!"

(Cha) Ashely Why are you here?

(Ashely) I've been trying to call you. Why is your phone off?

(Cha) Isn't it obvious? I don't want to bother you, so please leave.

Ashely was about to say something when the same group of girls approached and said, "Hello! We were wondering if we could possibly buy you lunch.

(Ashely) Can you see we are in the middle of a conversation?

"I believe I wasn't talking to you," the girl says to Ashely, with a disgusted look on her face.

(Ashely) I don't care who you're talking to, he's far out of your league, too.

(?) What did you say? You four-eyed freak!

(Ashely) Was that supposed to hurt my feelings? This is so childish. You can lea


Before Ashely could complete her sentence, one of the girls slapped her across the face, causing her glasses to fly off her face.

As Luis looks up, he sees Yaus standing right above him.

(Luis) C... can you see I'm in here?

Then, Yaus crouches down and reaches out to touch Luis' face, asking him, "My sweet little kitty, why have you been avoiding me?"

Luis then slaps Yaus' hand while remaining silent. "You're not going to speak to me now," Yaus says while pinning Luis to the bathroom floor. Luis tries to push Yaus off as he lies on the floor butt a** naked with Yaus directly on top of him, screaming, "GET OFF ME." Suddenly, Yaus grabs Luis' hands and holds them down so that Luis cannot move.

Do you realize how seductive you look right now, baby? Yaus bends down to kiss Luis and says, "Because you're really turning me on."

hmmm s..s.. hmmm, s..stop

When tires begin to trickle down Yaus' face, he moves one of his heads, gripping Luis' face to stop it from moving, and says, "Why, why can't you come back to me? I can't bear seeing you with someone else. "


As the girl attempts to hit Ashley once again and says, "Who do you think you are talking to?", someone grabs hold of her hand. When she turns around, the handsome man is holding her hand back and saying, "I dear you to do it again," with a rage expression.

Ashely then picks up her glasses off the ground and approaches Cha, saying they aren't worth it. Cha releases the girl's hand and says, "Today is your lucky day," as his eyes start to change.

(?) Uhm, sorry as they ran off

(Cha) Are you all right?

(Ashely) Yes, Cha, we need to talk.

(Cha) I don't feel like talking and I don't want to be bothered.

(Ashely) I don't know what happened that day, but I wish you would open up to me.


Why can't you just come back to me? As he gets up, Luis, I need you back.


Thank you so much for your support, everyone. Please let me know what you think thus far by leaving a comment or giving me a like. Please let me know in the comments area whether you would like me to make more drawings of the charters or if you enjoyed the ones I've already posted.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

angelique_Torrescreators' thoughts