

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

We’re okay

[A/N: I'm sorry for the unstable release concerning the mass release, there was a major blackout where I live and my crappy laptop is failing me once again I deeply apologize. Also check out author's thoughts below.] 

"W…what…what… have... I done?" Xavier questioned himself with a stutter as he stared with empty hands at Jayden's unconscious body which lay still in his cradle, the life in her slowly extinguishing and her heartbeat getting slower after every given moment.

'Why, why is this happening?' he questioned once again, the thought of him being the one solely responsible for his friends demise loomed over him.



Xavier didn't know when but the tears which had already gathered in his eyes were finally let free as they streamed down from them, a few drops landed on Jayden's face which was slowly getting paler by the minute.

'Is this what I've become, a monster?'

'You just couldn't fucking control yourself'

'Jayden is going to die and it's all your fault'

'You monster!'

Multiple thoughts washed over him, his tears fell more profusely as his mind headed in a dangerous direction. He wasn't naive to think that she could be saved if she was taken to see a doctor, just the puncture wounds she obtained from his bite on her neck was more than enough to kill just anybody instantly, combined with the cuts and broken bones she had obtained, it was a miracle she was still alive albeit not for much longer.

"If… maybe as… a werewolf… maybe I can save her… my bite can turn her… right?" Xavier gave himself false hope, deep down he already knew he wasn't a werewolf Jayden already told him and most importantly, he was well aware he went berserk because of the injuries he had obtained from the gang war at Ashtray district not from the full moon.

'I need to do something, anything I can't let her die.' 

He gently dropped her body on the floor hoping he could find something that'll help, when the pain from the metal bar in his shoulder caused him to wince but without hesitation, Xavier held on to it before pulling it as his face contorted in pain and blood jetted out of it.


Due to his close proximity with Jayden, some of the blood had landed on her face as some inadvertently slipped into her mouth and further down her throat.


Immediately after that, the miraculous healing properties contained in a vampire's blood came into play as her heartbeat sped up, and her injuries closed up at a visible rate although not as fast as Xavier's.

He was too focused in his thought of finding a way to save Jayden within the little time she had left, while also sobbing knowing it was futile that he had failed to notice the changes happening to her.

Moments later, her eyes twitched before flickering open and her vision was met with the figure silently sobbing besides her, his tear droplets still falling on her face.

Seeing this Jayden had immediately understood what had transpired at least to some extent. Although she was shocked at how she was still alive, she knew her friend was already being mentally tortured.

"Xavier…" Jayden mumbled in an unavoidable hoarse voice.


His eyes snapped open surprised to see Jayden who stared at him back with a wry smile leaving him dumbfounded. 

Xavier hugged her tightly ignoring his own injuries which throbbed as a result. He then forced out the word that felt hard to utter from his mouth.

"I'm… I'm sorry." He mumbled.

She simply smiled deeper and gently patted his back with what little strength she had.

"It's okay, we're okay…" she assured him.


Xavier and Jayden weren't the only ones having troubles in the night of the full moon.

Somewhere else in Silvermist, in an abandoned warehouse, a handsome man could be seen present there. He possessed dark brown hair which was scattered and roughed out, one noticeable feature about his was that he was currently barefooted and shirtless. His bare body revealed a lot of scars and a couple surface injuries which seemed to be newly inflicted.

One odd aspect of this injuries were that they seemed to be caused from the claws of an animal of some sorts, but even the claw marks weren't able to hide his well-defined and chiseled muscles which made him look like a comic book impression of a muscular person 'almost exaggerated' but oddly enough he wasn't overly bulky as one would think, this man was none other than Viktor.

He currently stood in the midst of three individuals, they were Raven, Jade and Felix the young werewolves that made up the pack he was an alpha of.

Jade and Felix were currently laying still on the floor seemingly unconscious, although noticeable partial non-human features were seen on them like claws and fur that went all the way to their fore arms as a result of the full moon.

All three of them were newly turned werewolves or 'cubs' as older werewolves would say. And just like every cub, on the night of the full moon they couldn't help but give in to their primal urges and go into a rampage.

As an alpha, he possessed a level of control and authority over his pack members to which they reciprocated with submission, but all those becomes obsolete on the full moon as they will attack friend or foe alphas included. 

Unlike most alphas, Viktor used a very peculiar method to solving this dilemma which was 'Beating the shit out of them till they tire out' and that worked perfectly well at least initially until…


Raven released a low but aggressive growl as she faced her alpha. She was standing on all four, as noticeable black furs were seen on her hands all the way up to her forearms. These furs was also present at both sides of face making side burns which extended down to her cheeks adding to these, were her yellow glowing irises which shone brightly in the dimly lit building. Her dark sharp claws dug into the floor as she took a stance ready to pounce at him at any given moment.

"You've always been the feisty one my lucky star." Viktor said with a small smile a little affection laced in his voice to which raven on replied with a louder growl.

"Now, now no need for hurtful words." He said to Raven who was responsible for most of the claw marks on his body.

"You seem to have gotten a little stronger than your siblings so I guess I'll have to be a little rough than usual." Viktor stated to Raven who he wasn't even sure could hear him.


With one final growl she dashed at him at speeds impossible for any normal human to achieve before pouncing at him ready to slash her claws. Right before her claw could connect with Viktor's body, he speedily side stepped at a speed even more exponentially faster and proceeded to kick upwards at her who was still midair.



The explosive kick had connected cleanly with her gut area as a loud bang followed before her body was immediately sent flying upwards to the ceiling before smashing on it. Her body remained in place for a good few seconds before being pulled back down by gravity which Viktor quickly reacted by catching her effortlessly in a princess carry, before laying her gently on the floor.

"Sigh… the full moon is such a drag, but with this finally out of the way I can now focus on what brought us here." He mumbled with a small smile while glancing at the message which had popped up in his phone.

[New objective: Hunt down the Bloodonyx]

[Pay: 50000 creds]

[Duration: one month]


As Fangs and claws slowly progresses please try to support me for more faster and stable release, let's go premium. Check out my Instagram: blue00rchid

blueorchidcreators' thoughts