
Fangs {vamp vs wolf}

Drexel Stone is a man with the stone cold heart of an assassin with a moral code which had served him so well but that moral code was broken which lead him down a dark path away from the world of humans, is this fate's way of punishing him or helping him prepare for the battles he has ahead of him. It's one vampire, one pistol and one choice to make kill! or watch the world get claimed by a bunch of undead anomalies. .............................................. Hello author here please note that I upload new chapters three times a week i.e Monday, Wednesday and Friday and note no form of romance included. Thanks

Daniel_Louis · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 3; The bite of the alpha


In preparation I began discovering the things I could and couldn't do starting with the ability to endure sunlight; i couldn't transform in sunlight but atleast I could withstand it. Speed; I can move almost at the speed of sound which is a good thing. Strength; well I'm a little stronger than humans but not extraordinarily strong and yes I can't touch silver without gloves. 

After a day dedicated to discovering my strengths and weaknesses I sat down at my laptop with a cup of blood right from the blood bank beside me I took a sip still a little bit disturbed with the way it tasted sweet, if a little bit tangy in my mouth. When I discovered an article titled"' The bite of an alpha"' reading this alarmed me when I saw that all those people he had ever killed were not truly dead here's a text; "'The bite of an alpha has the ability to turn others on a full moon most especially it's first bite as long as the body remains whole and undecayed"' damn today's a full moon and heaven knows how many people that bastard has bitten I said and checked the time; seven thirty pm.

All the mortuaries around the city plunged into a state of chaos as werewolves emerged for the call of their alpha making people run for their dear lives. 

I saw all this from a rooftop and put on the hood of my dark leather jacket, cocked my pistol, took a few steps back and lunged forward jumping of the roof and falling steadily before I got covered in a thick black mist and turned to dozens of bats and shifted back upon reaching the ground. 

I landed in front of a guy who was about to get attacked and wolf's chest came in contact with the barrel of my pistol before I pulled the trigger the beast came down immediately. I went around saving those I could and killing as much as I could telling some people to call the cops ASAP. They got there not too long after that but their guns were nothing to those beasts making me dispatch some of mine leaving me with just my newly forged sword made out of ninety percent pure silver. 

" Let's do this my style" I said and threw a couple of ninja stars made of silver before bringing them down with my sword we fought until we all heard a loud roar then it seemed they began retreating in a specific direction I managed to get a coin inside the pocket of one of them as he didn't fully shift just stayed in that half human half wolf state. 

 *** *** ***


 The Dark alpha's pack. 

I was a little surprised when that roar came outta me, well the beast in me and suddenly saw some werewolves came in the skyscraper undergoing construction where I sought shelter and bowed down. It seemed this alpha just got his own pack good it makes my plan a little bit easier. 

I began discussing my plans to two of the strongest looking of them when I heard a commotion and walked to a floor in the building that hadn't been fitted with it's tainted glass and looked down.

Below was Drexel viciously shooting at a werewolf bring it down with a powerful roundhouse but suddenly stopped upon hearing my voice. 

" I see you're very persistent!" I yelled

" You're not fit to be in the midst of humans as you pose a threat" he replied. 

" You're in no position to talk about my being a threat, you're not human yourself Mr Dracula" I said watching to make sure he understood what I meant. 

" You'd find out sooner or later" he replied. 

" Let me make this easier for you, you know that in physical strength you're no match for an alpha, most especially one with a full pack, you're just a fleck with fangs whereas I am a powerful immortal beast so you're given a choice either you work with me or..." I said menacingly and watched him chuckle. 

" Or ?" He inquired 

" I wouldn't like to consider that train of thought." I replied. 

" I understood you said something like immortality right? Let's find out!" He said within the time it takes a person to blink a bullet was on its way towards me only to be taken by one of the wolves I was discussing with earlier and he fell down from that height to the ground. That does it I thought. 

" Kill him" I ordered and watched him rapidly slash five wolves dead at frightening speed but still even with the extra effort, he was outnumbered and he knew it, just when I could say all hope was lost for him, that same bullet proof Jeep jammed it's way through the crowd an occupant firing rapidly from his assault rifle wait isn't that... Xi'an, I should have just killed him when I had the chance. He and Xander got off had a quick word with Drex and began firing wildly at my pack who surprisingly were going down where those guns specially made? I wondered aloud while turning to head back into the building. 

" Nah but I had an hand in the bullet creation" a voice behind me replied which was none other than Drex's immediately without command the last of the two wolves shifted into his full wolf form and ran towards him without blinking Drex who never misses his target threw a dagger which dug it's way into the werewolves neck turning him back to human, to wolf and to human again as his body started convulsing and the wound darkening


 The test for "Immortality". 

I let myself feel the power of being a vamp and saw a dark mist oozing out of me my fangs stuck out in preparation for battle just as he readied himself too. 

" Let's do this" I said and we came at each other with speed I threw attacks at him equipped with a silver sword and he threw attacks at me equipped with his claws fighting just as we used to before his betrayal but while then was just to master the art of it, now it's for the sole purpose of killing the loser. 

He gave me everything he'd got everything he'd ever learned from me and more fighting like the alpha that he slashed at me in the arm with hard claws but was careless and I was able to give him a little cut in the thigh he nearly fell from the pain and watched for a moment in horror as the blood from the wound sizzled, he raised an inquiring eyebrow at me. 

" Every man's got a weakness" I said " or beast" I added and charged again this time harder and more furiously he attacked viciously in his half human half wolf form all the while coming towards me and managed to push on my back leg seeing the opening he went for the kill with a powerful wave of his hand cum paw he managed to hit away my sword and used his body to crash me through the building's wall. 

I had barely stood up when he came from nowhere with his large jaws opened, subconsciously I raised my hand in defense which got caught in his jaws and given the opportunity he crushed my hand between them and used it to throw me some distance further into the building. I struggled to my feet and saw him actually pleased as he shifted to his human self. 

" I'm glad I'll also have the opportunity of killing the leader as well" he said with something strange sounding in his voice. 

" What do you mean by that?" I asked trying to summon strength for another round. 

" We always praised you that nothing ever gets past you but I guess you're imperfect after all, the mission at Egypt what do you think made that alarm go off?" He asked leaving me puzzled. 

" I got in contact with Scar and collaborated a perfect plan to bring you guys down for a price" he revealed. What! Scar was my age long enemy ever since we learned under the same master, and had been looking for any opportunity to kill me, I was the reason for the scar on his left eye as a result of my favourite weapon the crescent dagger hence his name. 

" You arranged with Scar to get us killed!!" I fumed. 

" Yeah but It was botched when you managed to escape you were really a lucky man that night" he said and grinned.