
Fangs {vamp vs wolf}

Drexel Stone is a man with the stone cold heart of an assassin with a moral code which had served him so well but that moral code was broken which lead him down a dark path away from the world of humans, is this fate's way of punishing him or helping him prepare for the battles he has ahead of him. It's one vampire, one pistol and one choice to make kill! or watch the world get claimed by a bunch of undead anomalies. .............................................. Hello author here please note that I upload new chapters three times a week i.e Monday, Wednesday and Friday and note no form of romance included. Thanks

Daniel_Louis · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 2; The Rebirth


"I'm sorry what?" I asked incredulously. 

" Sir you've been awake before now but then you weren't normal you had fangs rather than teeth and attacked Xi'an while he was watching you" 

" Xi'an is this true?" I inquired, Xi'an who kept mute nodded in reply. 

" And what's the base of your conclusion?" I demanded. 

" Sir are you aware of some vampire legends?" Xi'an asked while I thought about the question. 

" Well I know that they got their powers from some special bats I think?" I said

" Bingo but that's not all, vampires also have no reflection and that are unable to digest normal food" Xander said. 

" What no reflection? Did you try this on me?" 

" Yes boss" Xi'an replied

" And what did you get?" 

Their hesitation was enough answer I ran and got a sword which I unsheathed and took a look the results stunned me, it was true my reflection didn't show on the sword's polished surface I returned to where they stood. 

" You said I attacked you guys right?" I asked again and saw them nod in reply. 

" And I didn't leave the house right?" 

" Yes boss when we noticed you needed blood we had to restrain you to take a bite of mine" Xi'an said making me notice his bandaged fist I nearly threw up in disgust at what I did. 

" Okay fine but what about the murder cases on the news?" I said and brought up a newspaper talking about people who had parts of their body dismembered. Xi'an and Xander studied the newspaper for a moment and said in unison.

" This can't be you" then Xi'an explained further " a vamp only goes for the blood not the body parts"


The rise of the alpha

I woke up to see myself in a room covered in blood when my gaze fell on my fingers to notice nails, no that was an understatement claws retracting into my fingers and last night memory came rushing back with the realisation that I'm no longer human. 

I remember having a feeling of joy as I could now stand against Drexel if we ever come across each other which is most probable as if there's one thing Drexel hates, it's betrayal. 

That night I let the beast in me take over again and set about for the next prey, I had already broken into an apartment to meet a family of three, I enjoyed the feeling of killing the parents heading towards the girl of maybe twelve years and had her cornered and heard the sound of her rapidly beating heart even as she stood boldly holding her teddy like if that could save her, I laughed inside me and went for the kill only to find myself stumbling back with a cut on my chest that closed up nearly immediately. 

I looked at the stranger in the room and recognized him even through the fury boiling in my veins I managed to come down on seeing Drexel in the room with a serious looking sword in one hand and Kel-Tek pistol in the other, where the hell did he come from? I wondered and shifted to my human self. 

" I see you've now completely forsaken your brothers and our code" he said and I scoffed

" We were never brothers atleast not by blood and the code's a piece of trash I'm no longer a human and so no longer enslaved by it" I said and watched my prey snuggle behind boss shit! He's not my boss anymore. 

" I figured it was you who killed Steiner and those people in the papers right?" He asked

" Yes Steiner was collateral damage for when I was working on my rebellion as for the people yeah why not and I enjoyed every last drop of blood that was spilled" I replied curtly and saw his jaw clench and unclench of its own accord. 

" The reward for breaking those codes is death" he snapped and came at me, I thought this would be easy.... I was wrong. 

I stood up as the bullet that lodged itself in my chest fell out who new lead bullets could still pack a punch? I looked around and discovered that I was outside the apartment with Drex approaching in a flowing dark jacket with a black handkerchief tied around his mouth and nose he came at me and dug his sword into my chest, making me laugh at the pain. 

" I could almost die from that" I said and gave him a kick that sent him some distance away giving me room to pull out the sword and break it. 

" Mano a Mano now " I said and came at him but was a little shocked when I saw him suddenly emerge his fangs like some kinda beast too, however I derived some satisfaction from giving him deep cuts in the gut, back and face. I could have eaten him if not for the enticing smell of that kid that wafted into my nostrils, where is she? I thought, seeing that Drex was seriously injured, I thought it safe and looked around to see her holding Drexel's pistol wait what! The little b*tch pulled the trigger and that hit the spot I went down to my knees immediately and suddenly saw Drex up again what! He's obviously not human I thought and before I knew it he was in front of me and landed a punch on my jaw making me stumble into the street I stood up in my human form to collide with an incoming bullet proof Jeep, that broke most of the bones in my legs but shifting seemed to help with my healing and I managed to escape. 


 Every man has a weakness.

I put Xander on the job of handling the girl making sure she was in safe hands and after trying to dispatch both he and Xi'an for I could pose a threat to both of them and receiving their refusal I finally sent them on a much deserved holiday. I needed to be alone to get my bearings I thought and settled down with a box of pizza and with my laptop googled down the possibilities of a vampire defeating a werewolf the results I got weren't so good, I saw in one comment that "'A vamp is no match for an alpha"' in another I read "' a werewolf is much more stronger, faster and more vicious than a vampire"' I also read in one "' it depends"' that one said simply but the menacing one was "' A werewolf will rip the vamp to shreds from the inside out"' seeing that made me throw up, sorry I think it that was rather the pizza I was eating damn this vampire thing has shortened my list of dietary requirements. 

Anyway moving on I follow the age long rule that I fully believe in and that is; every man has a weakness, so on that note I began searching for 'werewolves' weaknesses and got quite a few but they weren't confirmed as no one knew an actual werewolf will emerge you might be familiar with them; (I) Silver, (ii) Excessive flame, and (iii) some substance called ''Wolfs bane'' those were the few meaningful things I could select and saw that silver also worked on vampires that means I'll have to be careful with it. It's killing time I said and got to work ordering pounds of silver the following day and taking them to my armory for melting, it took a full three days to get the results I wanted and forged killer swords with serrated edges and I got rid of all the lead bullets I had and had it replaced with silver I looked at my creations with pride. 

" Bring it on!" I said aloud.