
Fangless: The Alpha's Vampire Mate

“I'm on the hunt for someone special, someone who would howl at the full moon with me. And you, my dear, seem to check all the right boxes,” Thorin tried to seduce Riona with his mesmerizing gaze. “Not in this lifetime, not in any lifetime.” But Riona couldn’t stand the sight of that smug face. What did Thorin hope to gain from a fangless vampire who couldn’t even turn into a bat, anyway? There must be something seriously wrong with the brain of that infuriating Alpha werewolf. *** Since their parents died, Riona Kahler and her brother have been adopted by the King of Eira, who treats them more like overworked houseplants than a cherished family. As the only vampires in Eira without fangs, they're outcasts among their own kind, toothless and ridiculed. Riona's spirit remains unbroken until her brother falls ill due to the palace's cruelty. Determined to protect him, Riona vows to escape, but there's only one way to do that. Thorin Klein is one of the most famous Alpha werewolves, renowned not only for his charming looks but also for claiming the Alpha title at the tender age of thirteen. Despite his howling success, his mother’s powerful werewolf clan, the Klein, never acknowledged him because his father went rogue. Determined to prove his worth to the Klein clan, Thorin believes he has finally found a potential solution. Though Riona couldn’t stand being around Thorin for more than one second, Riona realizes that marriage is their only path to achieving their goals. It's a love story that bites and barks in all the right places. #werewolf #Alpha #vampire #fromslavetoqueen #enemiestolovers #strongFL #contractmarriage

merakifiction · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs

A Stormy Introduction

Everyone was screaming. Nearby servants ran amok, trying to avoid the impact.

"She's done it again!"

"Run! Run for your life!"

Those who could move swiftly knocked some sense into the frozen ones, pushing everyone they saw to clear the way.

"Get away! Hurry!"

"Duck! Cover yourself!"

The ground shook beneath them. 

Sir Orlo, panting, took a strong stance, planting his legs firmly to avoid being pushed back by Riona's power. He raised his arms in front of his face for protection.

"Riona, stop! You're going to kill innocent lives if you keep this up. Remember what I taught you! Calm down, resist the urge, don't give in!"

Riona slammed her fist into the ground. The impact sent reverberations through the earth, power flowing from her arm. The shockwave rippled out, causing the ground to crack and tremble.

The flowers in the garden were crushed, the ground splintering into pieces, debris flying into the air and returning with a loud thud.

Thorin watched from a distance, his amber eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. The chaos around him seemed to blur as he focused on Riona. He was in awe of her raw power and the danger she posed.

What came next happened so fast that Thorin almost missed it. The red-eyed girl lunged at Sir Orlo, her sharp nails emerging as she tried to slice the Eternal Scholar with every swing.

Sir Orlo had to match her pace, sweating and gritting his teeth. He focused more on defense than offense, revealing the nature of their relationship.

Punches were aimed at Sir Orlo, who did his best to evade them. At one point, either due to his inability to keep up with her power or his lack of stamina, she managed to hit him.

"Ugh!" he groaned, losing his balance. He raised his elbows to cover his face as Riona came at him with the speed of lightning. "Riona, stop!!"

The situation quickly spiraled downward. Sir Orlo became a punching bag.

Thorin considered intervening but decided against it. He was more interested in seeing how far this peculiar girl would go if left unchecked.

He admired her tenacity and noted the weakness in Sir Orlo's defense. Thorin's mind raced with possibilities—how he might use this knowledge in future encounters.

Thorin's eyes never left Riona, analyzing every move. He remained composed, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he thought, She's a force to be reckoned with. This alliance might be more interesting than I thought.

All of a sudden, Riona's outburst stopped, and she dropped to the ground, motionless. Thorin inspected his surroundings, scrutinizing every detail to understand what was going on.

He noticed that everyone was bowing in one direction. Following their gaze, he met the eyes of King Valentin, the ruler of the Kingdom of Eira, who was retracting his extended hand behind his back.

Thorin gave a slight bow, "Your Majesty."

"Thorin, my esteemed guest. Please forgive Eira for presenting you with such an unsightly spectacle," the king spoke in a raspy voice. During his youth, this man must have broken many hearts with his voice alone.

Other than his intimidating aura and naturally shrewd eyes, the king appeared like any other vampire. His royal cape billowed majestically in the wind as he walked.

"Come, Thorin, let me walk you to your designated room. You must be tired from your journey. I shall let you rest before dinner."

The more King Valentin tried to separate Thorin from the scene, the more curious Thorin became. He took one last peek at the girl, wondering who she might be.

As he walked with the king down the corridor, his mind wandered back to her. Though she wore commoner's clothing, a mere servant shouldn't possess such strength. Thorin was certain there was more to her than met the eye.

"Your Majesty, may I know who that girl is?" Thorin asked.

The king's expression hardened slightly, though he maintained a veneer of calm. "Oh, she shouldn't concern you. She's just someone we took in out of pity."

"What is her name?" Thorin pressed, his amber eyes steady.

King Valentin halted, turning to face Thorin with a gaze that could pierce steel. Though his face remained composed, the suspicion in his eyes was unmistakable. He was a man who rarely needed to show emotion to assert his authority; his mere presence was enough to intimidate.

"Why such interest in her?" The king's voice was cool and measured. "She has her antics, but she's quite the troublemaker. Best not to give her any undue attention, or else she might cause more mishaps than she already has."

Thorin held the king's gaze, unfazed. "I see. I was just curious. Such displays of power are hard to ignore."

"Curiosity can be dangerous, Thorin," King Valentin replied, his tone carrying a subtle warning. "Focus on the matters that brought you here. Leave the girl to us."

But Thorin was not one to be easily dictated. As they walked, he subtly signaled to Puck, his right-hand man, to investigate further about the girl. 

Puck disappeared into the shadows, swift and silent, but not unnoticed by the sharp eyes of King Valentin.

The king's gaze lingered on the spot where Puck had vanished, a flicker of annoyance crossing his otherwise composed face. 

"Have a good rest," he said, his tone carrying an edge of finality. "Someone will come to fetch you for dinner."

With that, King Valentin turned on his heel and strode down the long corridor, his royal cape billowing behind him. 

As Thorin settled into his chambers, his thoughts kept drifting back to the girl with the sky-blue eyes. He barely had time to reflect when a knock echoed through his room.

"It's time for dinner, my lord," announced a servant.

Thorin made his way to the grand dining hall, where King Valentin awaited him at the head of a long, ornate table. 

As Thorin took his seat, his amber eyes widened slightly at the sight of the girl from the garden. Riona stood at the side, a tray in her hands, her demeanor subdued but her eyes defiant.

"Tonight," King Valentin announced with a pointed look at Thorin, "we are served by our most... spirited servant. I trust she will show you the proper hospitality of Eira."

Thorin met Riona's gaze. The king's attempt to draw boundaries only deepened Thorin's curiosity. He smirked slightly, ready for whatever the evening would bring.