
Fangirl From Another World | BTS FF

I was reborn as a character in a book I had just finished reading. It seemed like being reborn as a heroine in a fantasy story was every other reader's dream until you discovered you're a heroine doomed to die by the end of the story. I was so preoccupied with protecting myself that I forgot about the other characters. But, thank God, there was something wonderful about being reborn in this body. And that is having my idols as the male leads! I can't wait to avoid my death flags and spend the rest of my life with at least one of these enchanting men.

1_Rose_4 · Outros
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13 Chs

Sibling Rivalry

"His highness, the King, told us to send a letter instead of going to the palace. I heard it was because of the Crown Prince." Felix said.

He quickly noticed that Ara's expression changed.

"I didn't mean to intervene with your business. But did something happened between you and the Crown Prince?"

Ara grabs new flowers to create a new crown.

"In our last visit, I asked him to cancel our engagement," Ara said.

"WHAT?! Why? I mean, didn't you told me a couple of times that you love him? Even Aeneas gets irritated when you mention the Crown Prince in your letters." He said.

"Because I found out what kind of man he really is. Did you know what kind of answer he gave me?" Ara paused for a moment and removed her gloves.

"He gave me this. He said he would never let me go and ended up hurting me." She said as she shows him her bruised wrist.

Felix clenches his fist.

"Why... didn't you fight back?"

"Are you crazy? Canceling an engagement with a royal member was already a big problem. I must not cause any more stress for my family."

"But you're also a Princess, Ara. It's not as if you had to kill him. You should've shown him how a real royal should act." He said.

"Well, I'm still a lady. I think every woman would get at least a bit scared if someone stronger did that to them. At that time, my mind went blank, and all I could think of was to try my best to protect myself without hurting him because even if I was a Princess, he is still one step away from the King. He has higher standing than everyone I know. Once I touch him, it's game over."

'Those people...' Felix thought as he gets mad.

"Ara?" Aeneas came.

"Oh, brother!" Ara said and went to him.

Aeneas noticed Felix and glares at him.

'S***, Aeneas is here. How am I going to ask her to be my partner now?!' Felix thought.

"What are you doing in here alone with that trash?" Aeneas asked.

"Hmm...? Trash? Did the two of you fight?" She asked, confused.

"It's his nickname. Call him like that from now on." Aeneas said, glaring at Felix.

"Umm, isn't that rude, brother?"

"Ara is correct! How dare you call your only friend trash?" Felix said, pouting.

Ara chuckled at him, and Aeneas' glare gets worse.

"Bro, if you'll keep on glaring at me like that, I might melt."

"Hmm?" Ara looks at his brother, and his expression quickly changed.

"Just answer my question, what are you doing in here alone with 'that'?" Aeneas asked.

"Oh, he just went for a walk as well, then he saw me. We're just talking about random things. Were you looking for me, brother? You could've sent someone to call me."

"You're an important person. Of course, I had to come to you personally." Aeneas said and hugged her as he continues to glare at Felix.

*Royal Palace*


"HOW DARE you speak to me that way, Count?" Louisa said and gave Count Blair a very intimidating look.

"You truly haven't changed despite getting married and having children, my dear sister." Edric, the King of Ilya and younger brother of Louisa, said.

"Edric, I want you to cancel that stupid engagement right now!" Louisa yelled for the nth time, angry.

"Sister, let's not intrude on the children's business. It is up to them whether they'll get married or not-"

"But my daughter insisted that she wants to cancel the engagement! Didn't you heard what the Crown Prince did to her?! It's even a popular topic between nobles to commoners!"

"I heard about it as well, sister," Edric said.

"THEN WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING?! Persuade the Crown Prince and discipline him!" She yelled.

"Or perhaps he has indeed lost his mind-"

"I've had enough, sister! You're crossing the line!" Edric yelled back.


"I am trying. But that child isn't as easy as you thought." He said.

"Are you saying that a King cannot even handle his son? You've indeed become a great leader, but I can't believe you had failed as a father. Do something with your son and cancel this engagement, or I will do it for you." Louisa said and left.

"That woman is the one who has lost her mind, your highness-"

"Shut up. The Duchess might've married to another family. But she's still a royalty, Count. If father was here, you might not be standing there until now." Edric said.

"I-I sincerely apologize, your highness," Count Blair said.

"Someone call the Crown Prince," Edric said.

The King told everyone to leave as soon as the Crown Prince came.

"I'm expecting that you have finally learned how to control yourself, Prince," Edric said in a cold tone.

The Crown Prince didn't respond.

"Prince, it is normal for you, the first son of the King, to have the 'Crown Prince' title. But it is also my decision to make you one, so don't make me change my mind. You know how important Princess Arabella is. If she marries a prince, she can easily make him the next ruler of a Kingdom or Empire because of her status, talent, and power." Edric said.

"I-I understand, father. I'm so sorry." The Crown Prince said in a shaky voice.

'Be lucky she's not born as a boy because if that happened, she might've already stolen the throne from you.' Edric thought.

"If you failed to change her mind by the upcoming royal banquet, you already know the consequences," Edric said and left him all alone.

'ARA! THAT GIRL!' The Crown Prince thought.

"Brother," Max said.


"If you're planning to hurt the Princess once again, don't do it."

"Who are you to lecture me? Aren't we enemies?"


Max stayed silent. The Crown Prince stood up and glares at him.

"Since you already gave me an advice, I would like to give you one as well."

The Crown Prince grabs his collar and pulls him closer.

"Do you think I won't notice? That you had feelings for Ara as well?"

Max almost showed him a facial expression that he mustn't show. But thankfully, he kept a straight face.

"What are you saying, brother?" He asked.

"Oh, Max, I've always known that you always go and see her when she visits the palace. Isn't that's why you suddenly came out of nowhere and save her that day? Now, if you're planning to steal her away from me, don't do it, or I might end up killing the two of you together." The Crown Prince said and let go of him.