
Fan-Fic Fairy Tail

A man was born, grew up, aged and died as an ordinary person, he wanted to reincarnate in a fantasy world like Fairy Tail, a world where he can live freely.

Xeeksot · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 9

Arriving home, I went straight to the bath with Nero.

"Aaah, nothing better than a hot bath in a bathtub, isn't it Nero?"

"Yes, quite comfortable."

"Nero, is it okay to get in the bathtub with me? You're a girl."

"It's okay, being you, it doesn't matter."

I see that she is opening her heart more, I hope she recovers soon.

"Nero, can you remember anything? anything.

After hearing what I said, she was sad again.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I'll understand."

"Alright, I can't remember yet, as soon as I recover, I'll tell you."

"OK." It looks like she's still scared, little by little she'll get better."

Next day, Mr Asfold's shop.

"Mr. Asfold, I will continue my journey, I don't know when we will meet again."

"Hahaha, don't worry, everything is fate, if it happens to be so then it will be, I hope I can meet you again in the future."



"Zafir, Zafir, what is this iron fortress? The one that is moving."


"What is a Train?" Nero asks with a questioning face.

"They are wagons connected to each other, capable of transporting people from one city to another, they move on top of these iron rails"

"Um... Zaf-"

"Nero, that's enough, I want to get some rest, later you ask more questions." It doesn't even look like the same person, all day asking me questions.

"Stop asking nonsense and get on the train, let's go."

Getting on the train, I looked for a more distant place, I didn't want to share space with strangers, besides, Nero is not used to being in places full of people.

"Nero, I'm planning on going to Bus Town. I don't plan on taking any breaks until I get there."

Between Bus Town and Oshibana Town, there is a town called Kunugi, a town that uses a small train station as its center.

After finding a seat, they were finally able to get some rest, so Zafir delivers some snacks to Nero.

Suddenly a girl with pale skin, black hair streaked with blue, sat next to me. I was intrigued since there were so many different spaces, and she sat down and took some of her cracker and started chewing.

"Iou, how are you guys?"

"Woo, what a cute kitty, come to mommy, come." She was very excited to see Nero.

And Nero, as she's still adjusting to her new surroundings, was obviously scared.

"So where are you from?"

"I should be asking that question, and besides, isn't it common to introduce yourself first, before asking someone else's origin?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Selina Alcântara, I'm from Oak Town, nice to meet you." She replied sheepishly.

"Now yes, my name is Zafir Olívin and this cute kitten is called Nero, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"First of all, I'd like to ask, why did you sit here? So many empty spaces."

"Oh, is that what you were worried about? Don't worry, hahahaha, I was just curious about the kitten, no big deal. Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the magnolia." This girl asks a lot of questions!

""Let me guess... You want to join Fairy Tail, right?"

"Oh... impressive..."

"Buuuh, what a dull reaction, have more sense of humor and less seriousness, life is short and you have to enjoy it, or something might happen, and when you least expect it..." After that, Selina fell silent.

She whispered something I couldn't hear, at least she stopped talking.

"Hey, I'll be your guide in Bus Town, and I refuse to take "no" for an answer!"

"Uff(sigh), ok ok, I accept your proposal, but we still have to go through Kunugi first.




Kunugi Station.

"We're here, let's go, I'll show you a little about this small town, although it's nothing interesting, but for a country person like you, everything is new."

Uh, from the rock...

"Okay, okay, no hurry, let's go Nero."

"Hmm." Nero said shaking his head.

"So let's start with the clothing store."

Followed Selina to the clothing store, decided to change the look a little and buy some clothes for Nero,

After buying new clothes, I went to visit the rest of the city, although there's not much to look at here.


On a mountain, I was, Nero, Selina and I, admiring the sunset.

"The sun is beautiful, isn't it!?"

"I wish this sunset could last forever!"

Selina always has this thoughtful look on her face, I wonder why.

"Come on, I didn't want to travel at night, but I don't want to waste time."

"Selina, if you want, you can accompany us."


Entering the train, we returned to our usual position and noticed that it was empty.

"Strange, the train is empty, and at high speed."

"Girls, stay alert."

"Jie, jie, you're pretty smart, hand over the kitten and I'll pulp you." Suddenly, seven people appeared armed as criminals.

"Damn, I'm sorry, I underestimated them and ended up getting ripped off.

I've been feeling really tired lately and it's affecting my writing, I'm sorry.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Xeeksotcreators' thoughts