
Fan-Fic Fairy Tail

A man was born, grew up, aged and died as an ordinary person, he wanted to reincarnate in a fantasy world like Fairy Tail, a world where he can live freely.

Xeeksot · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 6

After destroying the enemy camp, I leave towards the caravan, this time I didn't hide my presence, a delay could mean a life.

The caravan was silent, almost everyone was sleeping, with the exception of the "Watchers", who should be patrolling around the camp and helping to protect the caravan members, but are doing the opposite.

After leaving the Eisenwald camp, Revel headed towards the caravan camp. Arriving near the caravan, he calls one of those who stayed to "Watch" and protect the caravan.

"Onodora, the preparations are ready, you can tie everyone up and put them in the center of the camp, this is the best time to do this since everyone is sleeping."

"Okay boss, leave it to me.'

Meanwhile, Paolo has just entered the forest, wasting no time, chasing the trail left by Ravel, it didn't take long for him to feel something strange.


"What happened boss?". asked one of his henchmen;

"The environment is different, or did you not notice that the environment is silent? It's the night, not even the sound of animals and insects I can hear."




"As was to be expected from an official mage and an expert in assassinations, he was able to notice my presence so quickly, I didn't even have time to think about a surprise attack."

"Bastard, who are you, do you want to die? Do you know who we are?

"Yes, I know who you are and no, I will not die and yes, you will get hurt."

"Without further ado, get ready..."

Right after speaking, Zafir closes his eyes, puts his hand on his sword, removing all the gravity the sword has on him and exerting his gravitational magic on the sword, it's like I'm holding tons with my hand.

"I won't hold back!"

Right after he finished speaking, Zafir disappeared from his original position and reappeared in front of Paolo.

"Slightly Heavy"

Zafir swings his sword mercilessly;


Paolo couldn't react in time and his body was split in half.

"No, boss, what have you done miserable."

the five goons were scared, this is not the time to be soft hearted. if the sides were reversed, I would be dead by now.

Using the instant step technique, using the mana on the soles of the feet to push the body, using a little gravitational magic, makes the body ultra light.

"Farewell, Baber Gravidon."

Baber Gravidon is a massive gravirei so powerful it can be used on multiple enemies, crushing them to the ground, literally.

I don't even bother to look if they survived, with their level of strength, they don't have the slightest chance of being alive.

After running for 10 minutes, I approach the caravan camp

There I find the caravan members tied to a rope, the 5 henchmen are patrolling around while he asks the staff questions.

"So which one of you is the mayor's son?"

"hahaha, Ravel, how can you be so naive, there is no mayor's son or anything like that, this was all a trap to lure you in, I knew there was someone conspiring against us, but I didn't know it was you,"

"Son of a bitch, to think I considered you as a brother and now you betrayed me."

"The Eisenwald leader would never be able to send this information out of prison, it was obvious that it was a fraud, I will introduce myself, my name is David Luzemberg. a knight of the kingdom, I infiltrated the caravan to get as much information as possible from Eisenwald."

"Damn, you leave me no choice, it looks like the plan will have to be tweaked, regardless of whether the plan is a lie or real, I will execute it;"

After seeing that he was at a dead end, Revel pulled his sword from its scabbard and started attacking everyone who stood in his way.

Diego raising a knight's sword in the air and said: "Brothers, as you can see, this person pretending is helping us, but in fact he was taking us to the lion's den, as a knight of the kingdom I cannot let that go unpunished."

"Surround them"

And soon the battle began, Diego disguised 3 of his subordinates in the caravan. although they are outnumbered, but they are knights, and knight training is not for everyone.

Suddenly there is movement in the bushes and a familiar face appears.

"Zafir, run, Ravel has set an ambush!"

It seems that I arrived in time, there were no casualties, although there were injuries,

"Guys, thanks for taking care of me, but no need to run away, I'll end this farce"

"Baber Gravidon"

All of them were crushed to the ground.

"Lord Zafir, you are very powerful, are you interested in joining the royal knights?"

Soon a young-looking man, wearing casual commoner clothes.

"Thanks for the offer, but I decline, I have other priorities at the moment."

"But you should be careful, the Eisenwald base is not far from here, so you should be careful."

"OK folks, let's clean up the mess and get on with the journey, arriving at the destination, we decided what to do."

As the day breaks, Zafir is practicing his daily goal of 6k sword strikes, after I used the "light heavy" technique, I realized that my magic might not just be gravity, I feel there is something more, but I can't figure out what It is.


"I'm on my way."

This time there are no unforeseen events for the rest of the trip, the bodies of the deceased were buried there.

In addition to feeling this new power, I realized that I need to improve my magic circle, there is a standard magic circle, but it's always good to develop one that suits yourself, the magic flows differently, more perfectly.

It is a portal of direct connection with the astral world, where you guarantee physical and spiritual integrity during your work with Magic.

It creates a high energy space where you can safely perform your Magic.

The circle will ensure that your magic is not interfered with by any negative or harmful influences that might be drawn to your metaphysical energies during rituals.

To apply the laws of the elements it is necessary to go through the magic circuits and to apply them in the material world it is necessary to use the magic circles.

Whenever I am sitting on the earth meditating, I feel a pulse of a heartbeat, a gentle pulse and this pulse passes through my body leaving me with a feeling of lightness and invigoration, what will that be? I always feel like it's connected to what I've felt before, somehow it has to do with my magic.

We arrived in Oshibana and we have some things to work out with Eisenwald.