
Fan-Fic Fairy Tail

A man was born, grew up, aged and died as an ordinary person, he wanted to reincarnate in a fantasy world like Fairy Tail, a world where he can live freely.

Xeeksot · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

My father Zarus taught me the basics for three months, I asked him if I could get in for a guild, but he strongly refused, said that I am too young to enter a guild and that I better stay at home learning fencing and better controlling my magic power, if i can better control my mayan, when i turn 8 he would take me the guild of my choice.

So I seriously studied fencing to have a solid foundation. The time was past, it was getting dark so I went home, the city is small so it didn't take long.

"Welcome back, son."

"I'm back".

When I got home my mom was already preparing dinner, I don't want to brag but my mom's food is delicious.

Most people should be afraid to call new people "Father" or "Mother", at first I had a little, but over time, the memory about my past life was more and more foggy, as if I had forgotten my past.

So before I ended up forgetting about everything, I decided to write in a diary about what was going to happen in the future, but when I went to write, not being able to remember about the Fairy Tail manga and anime, I ended up paunching, but soon I calmed down it is better because what would be funny if I already knew what would happen in the future?

But I haven't forgotten everything about my past life, I used Zatch Bell's Brago as my reference in magic, but before I tried to remember about magic.

From what my mother said, magic is the physical incarnation of the spirit. When the spirit of a physical organism connects with the Spiritual Flow of Nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of connection. Only ten percent of the world's population is able to use Magic, as it takes an enormous amount of concentration and mental capacity to use it successfully.

To use magic, a magician must use the Magic Power contained in his body. Magic Power is the source of energy for all magicians, it is composed of Ethernano. Each Mage has a container inside its body that determines the limits of its Magic Power. In case the container empties, the Ethernano from the atmosphere gradually enters the Magi's body and, after a while, its Magic Power returns is donated to normal.

There are two main classifications of Magic: Magic Holder and Magic Caster. Within both there are different sub-categories:

Magic Caster: it is that magic in which the user does not need any Magic Item, only his body itself to produce it.

Magic Holder: it is magic that requires the use of an external source to produce magic.

Magic Ancient: as its name implies, it is a Magic from remote times, so remote that they are often overlooked by the current magical population. It includes all forms of Lost Spells.

Magic Lost: is a type of Ancestral Magic that has been erased from the history of magic due to its immense power and the enormous amount of its side effects and losses that can manifest itself on users or the catastrophes that can cause, however, users of such a type of Magic still exist, although extremely rare.

Gravity is a Magic Caster, it is a magic that allows its users to alter the gravity of themselves or others. Users can increase the severity of the target by making them unable to move, it can also decrease the severity of the target that allows them to walk on walls. The user can also apply the magic itself by temporarily changing the shape of the body.

But my gravity magic is different from what my mom said, my gravity magic can alter all gravity within a field around min, I don't know the maximum range, but it must not be small, it depends on my control over my magic and the amount of my magic power.

I can also form gravitational balls and spears, my gravitational magic is different from others.

There is also Susanoo, but my current level of using it is unlikely, I can keep Susanoo's bones for 30 seconds until my magic runs out.

"Zafir, come to dinner."

"I'm already going mom."

After dinner, I did my needs and went to bed, sitting in bed I started training my magic control and using my spirit to feel the Spiritual Flow of Nature and transform it into magic inside my body.

To cultivate magical power it is necessary to use the spirit to feel the Spiritual Flow of Nature and bringing it to the body, a little below the navel where the magic is concentrated ( you can think like the chakra in naruto ), then you make the magic circulate through its magic circuits.

Magic Circuits ( based on fate stay / night ) are a pseudo nervous system that extends through the human body and qualifies a person to be a magician. it is found in the human body or in all magical beings, which extends throughout the body in a similar way to the nervous system. They are composed of main components, which are the real circuits, so to speak, and bridges that connect the components to the brain.

If once damaged, to be cured naturally it is extremely soon.

You can think of it as meridians from Xianxian novels, but here it is called magic circuits.

I started to concentrate, and I realized that the amount of magic power that I transform is greater than before, perhaps it is the fact that my spirit has strengthened and my container has increased.

"I'm going to sleep, tomorrow is a long day."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Xeeksotcreators' thoughts