
Family Affair

Mistakes can lead to interesting and unexpected complications. That's something Aiden Hale found out personally. Suddenly becoming family with a spur of the moment, one night stand...Yeah, he didn't see that coming or what happened next. (Note: THERE IS NO BLOOD RELATED INCEST)

NobodyxydoboN · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

A Friend’s Advice

All too soon the winter break ended and it was time for school to start again. Yuki was listless ever since Christmas day and he kept replaying everything Mikael had said over and over again in his mind. He didn't have any idea what he was supposed to do with all the new information. Even though his questions were finally answered, nothing could change what already happened. Yuki's entire life had ended up being affected from his speech to his demeanor.

He couldn't blame Mikael entirely because it was such a complicated situation. It was true that Mikael made a lot of mistakes and caused a lot of misunderstandings but Yuki himself didn't handle things much better. If they had only had an honest conversation much earlier things could have been different but it didn't matter anymore.

While sitting at the lunch table poking his food with a spoon, Aiden loudly called his name to get his attention.

"Yuki!" Yuki flinched and looked up at his friend.

"Huh? What? I'm sorry, did you say something?" Yuki looked totally lost and clearly hadn't heard a single word Aiden had said. Aiden smiled and propped a hand under his chin.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" Yuki asked cluelessly.

"Whatever it is that's got you so distracted. I was just pointing out to you how you've sighed a few dozen times since you first got to the classroom this morning. What's going on?" Yuki hesitated about whether or not to talk about everything he was thinking about. In the end, he did.

"Well, the thing is…" Yuki told Aiden all about his past and his problems with Mikael for the last few years. Aiden listened intently to everything.

"Woah. That's…a lot." The bell rang and they walked together down the hallway. "So, what are you going to do?"

"That's just it, I don't know." Yuki sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

"Well, are you still angry with Mikael?"

"Yes!" Yuki replied immediately. "But also, no. Argh!! It's so confusing. I was sad, angry, and uncertain with everything for so long that it just became natural. It's strange and awkward around him now and I don't know how to act because I really want to be close like we used to be but I'm still hurt by what he did and angry at the both of us for allowing things to turn out this way." Aiden didn't know how but Yuki said everything really fast and in one breath.

"Okay, okay, calm down. Don't forget to breathe. It's just my opinion but aren't you overthinking things a bit? There's no need to plan out all of your future interactions and conversations in advance. Just go by how you feel in the moment. When you're angry about something, tell him. If you have doubts or questions, just ask. Get to know each other for who you both are now instead of who you guys were in the past."

"...It sounds rather simple when you say it like that." Yuki thought for a moment, nodded, and then smiled. "Yeah, you're right. I'll try not to overthink it anymore. Everything should sort itself out if we just talk to one another again and be honest. Thanks a bunch, Aiden!"

"You're welcome but I didn't really do all that much. You would have reached a conclusion on your own sooner or later." Aiden ruffled Yuki's cotton candy hair as they reached their next classroom.

Meanwhile, in a private room of an upscale restaurant across the city, Silas was sitting across from Issac impatiently waiting for him to talk. He had called Silas earlier that morning and asked if they could meet to discuss some things. The two had known each other since highschool and, although they weren't exactly close friends, they could be considered close acquaintances.

They had been sitting in silence ever since the waiter left and Silas wasn't sure if Issac would say anything at all. What on earth was bothering him for him to act in such a way. The ever cool and collected 'ice king' was clearly uncomfortable and uncertain about what to do. Silas leaned forward, placing both of his elbows on the table and interlocking his fingers.

"Soooo…Ya gonna tell me what you wanted to discuss all of a sudden or am I meant to guess?" Issac sighed, closed his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I just need a moment. I don't know how exactly to go about asking what I want to ask. I was hoping I could get some…advice about a complicated situation I've found myself in and, well, it's not like I have many people I can ask. I thought, at the very least, you weren't going to use it against me."

"You've had plenty of moments. Just spit it out already. I can't say anything if you don't tell me anything." Silas leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Out with it!"

"...I found out I have another son." Silas's mouth fell open.

"What?! Since when? How old is he?"

"He's…seventeen. I found out a little before the holidays. He doesn't know anything about me and I don't know if I should tell him or…" Issac was quickly interrupted by Silas.

"Tell him." Silas's tone had become much more serious along with his expression. "I don't know what happened in the past, how you ended up with another kid, or anything else about your situation but you absolutely have to tell him. If you don't and he were to find out later that you knew but didn't say anything, you'll be in some seriously hot water. Whether or not he accepts you or is willing to hear your explanations, that's up to him. Just tell him. Figure out the details later."

"But…!" Silas cut him off once again.

"No buts. Tell him."

"He'll be in danger."

"From who?" Silas asked.

"...My wife and her family. Once she learns he exists, I doubt there'll be a line she won't cross."

"Even more of a reason to tell him. Think about it. If you found out about him, then so could she. Hell, she may have already noticed. So, tell him. As soon as possible would be best. The longer you wait, the more chances of this whole thing blowing up in your face."

"That's…" Issac was going to argue but he stopped. "That's a fair point." It was indeed entirely possible that that woman would see the undeniable likeness between himself, Elara, and their son. After all, even William had noticed at first glance. When he thought about it, it was a miracle that she hadn't come across him already.

Just a few moments later, there was a knock on the door and the waiter entered with their food. After everything was placed on the table he promptly left. Silas's stomach growled loudly and he clapped his hands together.

"Alright! Now that that's settled, let's eat! I'm starving!" Silas didn't wait to hear a reply and started gobbling down his meal.

Issac ate without really tasting much of the food. He was too distracted to care. How was he supposed to tell Aiden that he was his father? What would happen after Amelia and their son, Logan, learned about Aiden's existence? Would his son even accept him and forgive him for not being there when he needed him? He just didn't know and he wouldn't until he spoke with Aiden. The uncertainty was nerve wracking.

After the meal, Silas slapped Issac on the back with a smile and said his goodbyes. Issac got in his car and instructed the driver to take him back to his office. In the meantime, he picked up the tablet sitting next to him and opened up a file with all of Aiden's available information. He had read it all before but he continued to look it over every chance he got. He still felt his blood pressure rise in anger when reading through everything.

There were medical records from several hospital visits that were caused by expected abuse but whenever it was investigated, no proof was found and Aiden never admitted anything. Reports from his previous school's stated that although he was top of his class in terms of grades, he had been in countless fights and been suspended a few times. There was no sign of Aiden being properly cared for or loved at all. He had been left to grow up on his own without any responsible adults to rely on.

Issac sighed and turned off the tablet. It was already too late to do anything about how he had been treated in the past. The only thing he could do was try and protect and care for him like he should have done from the start. He may have failed to protect Elara but he was wiser and stronger than before. He'd do everything in his power to keep his son safe.