
Fallout Game Merchant

mc gets transmigrated to fallout new vegas with the merchant system. let the questionable adventure begin.

Tomas_Vega_2683 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
115 Chs

ED-E My Love

After two days of travel, the group finally arrived at Primm. Before arriving they were stopped by an NCR soldier, warning them to watch out for Powder gangers that are loose around the location.

"Has Primm been taken over by these powder gangers?"

Six noticing that There was a fully armed NCR camp on the left side of the bridge asked.

"Heaven's no sir. That would be the worst outcome to happen in Primm, can you just imagine it being taken over? While we're here right next to it. Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The soldier continued his laughter not noticing that Six was giving him a blank expression. Like he knew an inside joke.

"Betty, can I have Three pieces of scrap metal, two sensor modules, and one bundle of scrap electronics? For a side project, I'm working on"

Six asked Betty to send her son to scour around Her supplies, coming back in three minutes Junior gave Six all the equipment needed.

"For all you've done for my family this is nothing sex please take them for free."

Rubbing the top of his head Six accepted Miss Betty's offer in a flash saying

"No takebacks!"

Making her giggle.

"God damn fuck! This town is so burning hot reminds me of ASU"

Entering Primm, the group noticed that the whole entire city had pavement all over it. Feeling the increased heat, they started wiping the sweat from their bodies Foreheads and taking off excess clothing to cool themselves off.

Looking for a place to rest and get a meal. The group we're guided, to the Vicky and Vance Casino because the Bison Steve Casino and Hotel was abandoned months ago.

Entering Six saw that the casino was a little beat down, but it still looked presentable, so he went with the group went to get a table. They ordered a meal costing 80 cabs. He didn't mind paying for the meals, not letting Betty or Cassidy pay anything as a reward for the travel.

He then separated himself from the group once again and went for one of the Cashier tellers. To exchange his caps for playing ships. Trading 1000 caps for 1000 chips and started playing Blackjack.

Half past the game he noticed that he wasn't winning as much as he would be the game Even though his luck was at 8 points.

Having lost half his chips he started playing more carefully. only increasing his bets when he's nearly at 21 and not taking so much of a risk when he's going to go over 21. Doing this back and forth he received his first prize a Stealth Boy.

Afterwards, Six received the second prize in reinforced leather armor. As he continued to play and won 3500 caps. The receptionist came to six and told him that he was banned from playing this casino because he was winning too much.

Cashing out his chips Six then headed towards his group and told him he was gonna look around the town and left. Entering the Mojave Express he came across a securitron with a cowboy screen, finishing his order and leaving.

"Johnson Nash's my name. Husband to Ruby Nash. Lived in Primm going on eight years now, thick and thin. I'm a trader primarily, for what it's worth with things like they are. I also run the local Mojave Express outpost. I don't know what it was brought you to Primm, youngster." 

Johnson Nash was at the front desk With a half-destroyed robot on his right hand and stacks of paperwork in his left hand.

"Names Six. What was all that about with a securitron."

[Speech check pass: receiving 20 MSP]

"That cowboy robot had us hire six couriers. Each was carrying something a little different. A pair of dice, a chess piece, that kind of stuff"

"You selling that broken robot. I'll buy it off you to fix it, I'm a bit of a tinkerer if not I could just use it for spare parts."

"Oh... That beat up old pile of bolts? What do you want to know? nah youngster you can have it if you want it. A courier dropped it off a little bit ago. I'd hoped to get it up and running for some courier work, but never could get it running, it's just picking up dust here in this old shop."

Johnson gave the broken-down robot to Six.

Inspecting ED-E, he sees that he has a few options to repair it.

(A Repair skill of 65. A Science skill of 55, with a subsequent Repair skill of 35. Three pieces of scrap metal, two sensor modules and one bundle of scrap electronics).

Choosing the material option, Six Begins working on ED-E.

 With a little twirl here installing two sensors there finishing up with the scrap metal and scrap electronics ED-E comes back online.

"Eyebot Duraframe Subject E is both the prototype and the last functional model in this test group. – Whitley on ED-E." 

"So, buddy do you wanna join me in my travels throughout the Mojave."

Beeping Happily back and forth, ED-E acts like an over excited puppy. And I received a message.

(Installing companions perk Enhanced censor)

<This 10 perk greatly extends the player character's detection radius, equivalent of having a full in Perception>

"Well, when you look at that you got that thing up and running again. I got it working for a little while, but the darn thing pooped out. I haven't been able to get it up and running again. I was hoping to use it for some courier work, but that ain't gonna happen."

"ED-E You ready to meet the rest of the crew Because they're going to be in for a big surprise"

Leaving six takes ED-E And presents them to the rest of the group in which case little Laura is the most excited about meeting the cute little robot who beeps all the time. The group rented a couple of beds in the Vicky and Vance casino and spends the night over.

Waking up in the morning Six leaves the group sleeping and heads to the Bison Steve Casino and Hotel. Entering it, he goes directly to Back of the cashier of the Store market and kneels down towards its safe.

Six activates the Merchant System and looks for Gallium. Getting a 100 grams of gallium for 70 MSP. Six Covers the safe with a coat of the gallium and weights for an hour.

Coming back, Six hits the safe with the back of his shotgun and the whole front door crumbles like toilet paper. Then Six begins his looting, getting 'Lucky' a unique .357 Magnum pistol with a x2.5 Critical multiplier.

"Hell yeah Mojave, there's a new sheriff in town"

Six Does a fist bump in the air. Lastly, he picks up the copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor.

throwing caution to the wind. Six decides to use all the skill books he has gathered up to now and increases all his stats leaving him with the new stats of.














caps: 5025

MSP: 2550