
Fallout: Braving the Wastes

Typical fallout trashy isekai right? Some fallout fan becomes John fallout forming his own assaultron harem right? Well no, our protagonist wakes up in pre-war fallout and decides what to do from there. Also little bit of a spoiler but our mc's a ghoul

MirukuTaku · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Fortunate Son

A/N: I've been really into fallout lately, and I really want this fic to be as lore accurate as possible so if you notice any discrepancies from the lore and this fic then don't hesitate to point them out and I'll do my best to fix them.


(Manuel POV)

Here I was, a transmigrator/reincarnate, sitting in the middle of a 1st grade math class listening to my teacher ask us how to subtract 10 from 32. Anyways, as I was pretending to listen to Ms. Ross I tried to think of a way to get closer to the Quimbley kid and the Foster girl.

There's no doubt that their parents would have some government connection on account that their families both deal in raw resources, more so the Quimbley family. The Foster girl will also have some military connections on account that her family's steel will no doubt aid in the future war effort.

I've noticed that the Quimbley kid likes to brag so in order to befriend him I have to basically be his Yes Man. Then there's the Quimbley girl, at first glance she seems to be similar to Quimbley in attitude, however she seems to be more reserved and tends to adopt a posh demeanor so it seems I have to act politely around her in order not to earn her ire early on.

As the class went on by the bell eventually rang which signaled to the other students and teachers that it was recess. Everyone rushed outside the classroom as fast as their tiny little children legs could carry them while Ms. Ross tried to get all of them little devils to calm down.

Eventually I also rushed out of the classroom to blend in with the other kids. As soon as I got outside I was greeted by the sight of children running around, monkey bars, 3 seesaws, and other numerous playground equipment used to keep children entertained, and since this is set in a 60's aesthetic that means barely any safety equipment of some kind.

Anyways I spotted the Quimbley and Foster kids together along with their little gaggle of children followers who think they're the next best thing since the invention of nuclear fission. I approached their little group and heard the two rich kids arguing. 

 "Well my family has 5 Mr. Handys'!"

"Well my family has 3 villas in Las Vegas!"

It seems the two rich kids were trying to one up each other, trying to see which of them are actually the richer one. In perhaps what seems like a foolish move I inserted myself into the arguement and tried to defuse it.

"Guys, guys, you're both rich, how about you kiss and make up? Start anew as friends?"

As soon as I spoke the both of them looked at e with a shocked expression, as if some magical creature just started to do the can-can while balancing on a beach ball.

"W-why would I kiss her!? She's got hair like a carrot and everyone knows that carrots are gross!"

"It's an expression you dolt! And what do you mean carrots are gross!? Carrot cake is delicious'

As the two still continued to argue I tried to defuse it once more but that only led to more fighting and more defusing. It was a whole back and forth exchange where I try to stop the argument and it only leads to one of them restarting the argument.

It lasted for a good while until I was finally able to stop the two from going for each others throats for good this time. I was able to get them to concede to a ceasefire for recess and we played tag and hop scotch for a while until the bell rang and it was time to go back to classes.

As I was heading back to class I noticed one of the girls in my class seemed to have tripped and is currently trying to tough out the scrape on her knee. I decided to go help her out since she seemed to be in a lot of pain on account of her tears.

As I walked up to the girl, who I now recognized as Alisson Duke, a short girl of around 3'4 with dark hair styled into twin braids that reached the middle of her back. With watery green eyes behind a pair of round shaped glasses that looked up at me with pain and shame I reached out my hand towards her and asked her a question.

"Are you okay?"

With her struggling not to cry she could only manage a short gasp and a hesitant nod. She then grabbed my hand and I helped her up. I then bent down onto my knee and showed my back to her and offered a piggy back ride.

With some hesitation she eventually got on my back and headed for the classroom. I didn't know the layout of the school yet so I didn't know where the clinic was yet so I decided to just head back to the classroom to ask my teacher where the clinic was and also to inform her that Alisson was hurt.

As I reached the entrance of the classroom Ms. Ross noticed me and started to ask me questions.

"Well Mr. Rodriguez I hope you have a good reason for why you're late for class? Also why is Ms. Duke on your back if I may ask?"

"Well ma'am Alice got here got hurt on her knee so I came to ask you where the nurse's office was."

I then crouched down a little bit to allow Alisson to show her scrape to Ms. Ross as proof.

"Oh dear! Well why don't you go sit down while I bring little Alisson her to the nurse's office?"

I complied and turned to go to my seat, however I felt my the sleeve of my shirt being grabbed from behind. I looked back to see Alisson who seemed hesitant to let go of my sleeve, then I looked up to Ms. Ross who, with slightly widened eyes, stifled a giggle as she allowed me to accompany the both of them to the nurse's office.

After a few minutes and a couple of left turn later we finally arrived to the entrance of the nurse's office. The door was a dark mahogany with an opaque glass panel on the top half of it with a painted on text saying "Clinic" in a bold font.

As we entered the nurse's office Alisson didn't once let go of my sleeve which didn't go unseen by the nurse. The nurse was a kind and portly woman of a tall stature. She was wearing a white coat that went down to her ankles with a stethoscope wrapped around her neck.

She was a brunette with hair cut just above her shoulders with a few stray gray hairs littered all around her head. She looked at the current predicament I was going through with the clingy Alisson and just smiled down at me.

Anyways she asked Alisson to take a seat on one of the two beds found in the clinic. As she went towards the bed closest to the window she tried to drag me along with her but I decided that I had to set up some boundaries despite her just being a young child.

I stayed still as she continued to try and drag me with her for her check-up, but I remained still and held firm without showing any sign of budging whatsoever. I then spoke to the girl in the most sincere way possible.

"Look Alisson, I know you want me to stay but I have to go to classes now."

As soon as I finished what I was saying she looked up at me with eyes the size of dinner plates, and after a few moments her eyes started to water and glisten. I didn't expect such an immediate and emotional reaction so I just responded with the first thing that came to my mind.

"Hey! We'll talk together later ok? We'll also be able to spend some time together before we get picked up."

After I said that to her she looked back at me with slightly less wet eyes and with a quiet and squeaky voice asked me a question.

"You promise?"

"Let's pinky swear on it to make it official."

I raised up my right arm with my pinky extended to show her my honesty, and after what felt like hours she brought up her own hand and extended her pinky and intertwined it with mine. She then looked up at me with a small glare that only mad her look adorable.

"You better keep your promise."

I smiled at her then nodded and I headed back to the classroom.

(A few hours later)

Once I had arrived back to the classroom I proceeded to have English class which was entertaining at most because a lot of the kids stuttered a lot when trying to read. Then when English class ended Alisson came back into the classroom just as Science class started.

After a few more subjects not worth mentioning the final bell had rung and it was now time for dismissal. I remembered my promise with Alisson so I walked with her towards the waiting area where we saw Frederick and Sharon bickering again.

I decided to interfere before things started to get out of hand. Alisson stuck close to me, hiding behind my back, as I tried to defuse the situation once more. After a few minutes I calmed down and we all took a seat as we chatted for a while about different things.

Me and Frederick talked about the Unstoppables! comics. Personally my favorite character was The Inspector, and his was surprisingly The Silver Shroud, I thought he'd have been a Grognak fan since he was bragging about the unreleased comic this morning.

The girls on the other hand were bonding over their shared love for La Fantoma. They seemed really enthusiastic about the character, both were just spouting out issue numbers and corny one-liners like a couple of nerds.

Anyways after a few minutes the first person to be picked up was Quimbley. He was picked up in a sleek black car that seemed to resemble a Rolls-Royce with much bulkier and more square design. Then Sharon was picked up in a car that resembled a Pontiac that matched the fallout aesthetic. Finally, I was picked up by my mom in a red pick-up truck that looked like it could substitute for a troop carrier.

As I waved goodbye to Alisson showed a sad expression, it was only for a moment but I noticed it, and I wondered what could make a girl show a such a face. As my mom drove us home shased the typical parent questions like 'How was your first day?' and 'Did you make any friends?'

As we pulled up into the drive way my father greeted us at the porch of our ranch house. I ran out of the car and tried to tackle him into the ground, only for him to pick me up by my arm pits and spin me till I got dizzy.

My mom scolded my dad for but a moment, but she gave up after seeing the scene as she joined in on the fun. As we entered the house I immediately turned on the T.V. to watch a new spaghetti western that I overheard from one of my classmates.

Instead of being greeted by a black and white Clint Eastwood knockoff, I was instead greeted by a Nation wide broadcast issued by the President of the United States. He was an old fellow, nearly reaching his 70's with white hair that was starting to bald and wrinkles that seemed to make his face droop down.

"My fellow Americans, I greet you on this fine afternoon to inform you of the actions that we as a country needed to commit. As of today September 8, 2051, I have issued the command for our troops to take control of Mexico."

As the president continued to make with his speech my parents started to do something after hearing about the recent announcement. My dad started to make some calls while my mom continued to watch the speech with a serious expression. After seeing the announcement there was only one thing that occupied my mind.

The Resource Wars


A/N: Hey guys back at it with another chapter, It's ya boi, MirukuTaku. Anyways I sincerely hope all of you are enjoying this novel so far. I've got a lot of ideas for what I'm goin to write so I hope ya'll are excited, anyways see ya in the next chapter.