
Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81

If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 _________________________________ Sico has always been hospitalized since he was a kid because his body is very weak and the doctor doesn't know what the reason is, so his parents always find a way to make him happy. They gave him a PS4 console to keep him from being bored and distracted. When he downloaded Fallouts, especially Fallout 4 it became his favorite game of all time but someday his body became deteriorated and became weak so he had to be bedridden. Because of that, he can not play his favorite game again and feels sad because of it. He asked his parent to cut his life support system so that he can rest in peace and when he slowly closing his eyes, he made a wish to be reincarnated in Fallout 4 world. Many people don't know because of that wish, a legend born in alternates Fallout 4 world.

Tang12 · Videojogos
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208 Chs

149. Inviting The Cabot's to join The Minutemen

If you want to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check out my Patreon!!!

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Sico and his companions accepted the caps with gratitude, their spirits lifted by Jack's generosity. With their mission accomplished, they knew that their journey was far from over, but they were determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead together.

Sico turned to Jack, curiosity in his eyes as he posed his question.

Sico: "What will you do now, Jack?"

Jack considered the question for a moment before responding with a thoughtful expression.

Jack: "I think I'll ask Edward to start recruiting men again to guard the asylum. With the raiders still lurking out there, we can't afford to let our guard down. Plus, we need to make sure that Lorenzo remains safe and secure."

Sico listened intently to Jack's response, weighing the importance of maintaining security at the asylum. However, a thought occurred to him, and he couldn't help but voice it.

Sico: "Jack, have you ever considered joining the Minutemen? If you join us, we could send the militia here to help guard the place. In exchange, you could lend your expertise to the Minutemen and help us in our mission to protect the people of the Commonwealth."

Jack paused, considering Sico's proposal carefully. The idea of joining forces with the Minutemen seemed to intrigue him, offering a chance to not only bolster the defenses of the asylum but also contribute to a larger cause.

Jack took a moment to contemplate Sico's proposition, the weight of the decision evident in his expression. After a brief pause, he turned back to Sico with a determined yet thoughtful gaze.

Jack: "Sico, I appreciate the offer. It's certainly something I need to consider carefully. Before making a decision, I want to discuss it with my family and Edward. This isn't a choice to be made lightly, but if it means contributing to a greater cause and ensuring the safety of the asylum, then it's worth exploring."

Sico nodded understandingly, acknowledging the importance of Jack's deliberation.

With a shared understanding, Sico and his companions accompanied Jack as they took the elevator back to the room where Edward lay injured. Upon their arrival, they found Edward in better condition, thanks to Sico's earlier ministrations.

Sico helped Edward to his feet, supporting him as they made their way out of the asylum. Jack led the way, his resolve firm as they navigated through the dark corridors, the weight of their recent experiences hanging heavy in the air.

Finally, they reached the entrance of the asylum, where the Humvee awaited them. With a sense of relief washing over them, they carefully helped Edward into the vehicle before climbing in themselves.

As the Humvee rumbled to life, they left the asylum behind them, the faint glow of the setting sun casting long shadows over the crumbling structure.

After an hour and a half of driving, the Humvee pulled up to the grand facade of the Cabot House, a welcome sight after the harrowing events at the asylum. Sico helped Edward out of the vehicle, while Jack led the way to the entrance, his expression a mix of relief and determination.

As they stepped inside the Cabot House, Sico and his companions were greeted by the anxious faces of Emogene and Wilhelmina, who were waiting for them in the living room. The tension in the air was palpable as they all exchanged worried glances, each eager to know the outcome of their mission.

Emogene rose from her seat, her eyes searching Sico and Jack for any sign of news.

Emogene: "What happened? Is Dad free?"

Jack took a deep breath, his expression grave as he addressed his mother's question.

Jack: "Dad is safe for now. The raiders tried to free him, but we managed to stop them in time. However, the threat isn't over. We need to remain vigilant."

Wilhelmina let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders sagging with the weight of the news.

Wilhelmina: "Thank goodness. I don't know what he would do to us if Lorenzo is free."

Sico and his companions exchanged somber nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. While they had succeeded in thwarting the raiders' attempt to free Lorenzo, they knew that the danger still loomed large, and they would need to remain vigilant to protect him and the asylum.

After sharing the news of Lorenzo's safety, Jack motioned for Emogene, Wilhelmina, and Edward to take a seat, a serious expression on his face. Sico and his companions observed quietly as Jack prepared to address the family.

Jack: "I want to talk to all of you about something important. Sico here has made a proposition that I believe we should consider."

The family members exchanged curious glances, their attention fully focused on Jack as he continued.

Jack: "Sico suggested that I join the Minutemen and request their assistance in guarding the asylum. In exchange, I would offer my expertise to help them in their mission to protect the Commonwealth."

Emogene and Wilhelmina listened intently, their expressions thoughtful as they processed Jack's words. Edward nodded in agreement, recognizing the potential benefits of such an alliance.

Edward: "It's worth considering, especially with the ongoing threat from the raiders. Having the Minutemen's support could significantly strengthen our defenses."

Jack looked to each of them in turn, seeking their input on the matter.

Jack: "What do you all think? Should I pursue this alliance with the Minutemen?"

Emogene, the matriarch of the Cabot family, was the first to speak, her voice filled with concern and consideration.

Emogene: "I understand the importance of bolstering our defenses, especially given recent events. If joining forces with the Minutemen can provide us with additional support, then I believe it's a worthwhile endeavor."

Wilhelmina, Lorenzo's wife, nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a mix of relief and apprehension.

Wilhelmina: "I agree with Emogene. We can't afford to underestimate the threat posed by the raiders. If the Minutemen can help us keep Lorenzo safe, then I'm all for it."

Edward, who had been instrumental in coordinating the defense of the asylum, chimed in with his own perspective.

Edward: "I've seen firsthand how relentless the raiders can be. If aligning with the Minutemen means we have a better chance of keeping them at bay, then it's a risk worth taking."

Jack listened to their opinions carefully, weighing the implications of their words. After a moment of thoughtful consideration, he nodded, a determined glint in his eyes.

Jack: "Thank you, everyone, for your input. I believe it's the right decision. I'll tell Sico that we will join the Minutemen."

After the discussion with his family, Jack approached Sico and his companions, who had been observing the conversation from a distance, eagerly awaiting Jack's decision.

Jack's expression was resolute as he reached them, his eyes meeting Sico's with a sense of determination.

Jack: "I've spoken with my family, and we've decided to join forces with the Minutemen. Your proposition has been accepted."

Sico's face lit up with satisfaction, relieved that their alliance would be solidified.

Sico: "That's great news, Jack. With your expertise and the support of the Minutemen, we'll be able to keep the asylum safe."

Jack nodded in agreement, a sense of purpose driving him forward as they prepared to face the challenges ahead.

Jack: "Thank you for suggesting it, Sico. Let's work together to ensure the safety of the asylum and the Commonwealth."

Sico turned to Jack with a determined expression, ready to delve into the details of their collaboration with the Minutemen.

Sico: "Let's gather your family and Edward so we can discuss the security measures and other important matters. We need to ensure that we're fully prepared to face any threats that come our way."

Jack nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of thorough planning in safeguarding the asylum and its occupants.

Jack: "Agreed. I'll everyone is already at the living room so we can strategize together."

Jack and Sico made their way to the living room, where Emogene, Wilhelmina, and Edward were already gathered, their expressions serious as they awaited the discussion ahead.

As Jack and Sico entered the room, all eyes turned to them, anticipation hanging in the air. Jack took a seat at the head of the room, gesturing for the others to do the same.

Jack: "Sico has proposed that we join forces with the Minutemen to strengthen our defenses against the raiders and other threats. After careful consideration, we've decided to accept this proposition."

Emogene and Wilhelmina exchanged relieved glances, while Edward nodded in agreement.

Edward: "It's a wise decision, considering the recent events. With the Minutemen's support, we'll be better equipped to protect the asylum."

Jack: "Indeed. Let's discuss the security measures we need to put in place and any other preparations we should consider."

The group settled into a serious discussion, brainstorming strategies and plans to ensure the safety of the asylum and its inhabitants in the face of looming threats.

As the discussion progressed, Sico outlined his proposal to Jack and his family, along with Edward.

Sico: "To fortify the asylum and ensure its safety, I propose sending a contingent of 50-100 militia members to guard the premises. Additionally, we can renovate the asylum to make it a more livable and defensible space. This would involve building guard posts, watchtowers, and reinforcing existing structures to withstand potential attacks."

Jack and his family listened attentively, considering the practicality and effectiveness of Sico's plan. After a moment of thoughtful silence, Jack nodded in agreement, a sense of determination evident in his expression.

Jack: "That sounds like a solid plan. With the Minutemen's support and your expertise, Sico, we can turn the asylum into a stronghold against any threats."

Emogene, Wilhelmina, and Edward voiced their approval, recognizing the importance of fortifying their defenses in light of recent events.

Sico then turned to Jack and his family, his gaze thoughtful as he posed a question.

Sico: "Now that we're fortifying the asylum, the question arises: where would you prefer to stay? Here at the Cabot House, remain at the asylum, or perhaps relocate to Sanctuary?"

The family members exchanged glances, each considering their options carefully. After a moment of contemplation, Emogene spoke up, her voice filled with determination.

Emogene: "I think it's best if we stay at the asylum. It's our home, and with the upgrades we're planning, it will offer the best protection for all of us."

Wilhelmina and Edward nodded in agreement, echoing Emogene's sentiment. They recognized the significance of remaining at the asylum, both as a symbol of their legacy and a fortress against potential threats.

Jack glanced at Sico, conveying his appreciation for considering their preferences in the matter.

Jack: "We'll stay at the asylum then. Thank you, Sico, for your assistance in fortifying our home."

Sico listened carefully to their decision, his brow furrowing slightly with consideration.

Sico: "Are you sure about that? While the asylum holds sentimental value and can be fortified, the Cabot House itself is still in pristine condition. We could turn this place into a Minutemen outpost as well, renovating the other buildings to accommodate the militia and ensure the safety of everyone here."

Jack and his family exchanged hesitant glances, contemplating Sico's suggestion. After a moment of silence, Jack spoke up, his voice reflecting their collective uncertainty.

Jack: "That's an interesting proposition, Sico. Let us discuss it further and come to a decision together."

Sico nodded in understanding, recognizing the weight of their choice. With their safety and well-being at stake, it was essential to consider all options before making a final decision.

Wilhelmina spoke up, her voice carrying a note of hesitation as she expressed her reluctance to leave the Cabot House.

Wilhelmina: "I'm not sure about leaving this place. It's been our home for hundreds of years, and it holds so many memories. I'd feel safer staying here."

Emogene nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Wilhelmina's sentiments.

Emogene: "I have to agree with Mom. As much as I want to ensure our safety, I can't bear the thought of living at the asylum, knowing where our crazy father is there. I'd rather stay here."

Edward, ever loyal to Jack, chimed in with his support.

Edward: "I'll follow your decision, Jack. Whether we stay here or relocate to the asylum, I'll be with you."

Jack listened to their opinions carefully, weighing the implications of each choice. After a moment of reflection, he nodded decisively.

Jack: "In that case, we'll stay here at the Cabot House. We'll renovate it into a Minutemen outpost and fortify it against any threats."

Sico and his companions nodded in agreement, respecting their decision and ready to assist in whatever capacity necessary to ensure their safety.

Sico nodded, acknowledging their decision and the importance of maintaining their connection to the Cabot House.

Sico: "Understood. I'll arrange to send 50 militia members here to bolster the defenses. With the addition of the sentry bot and Mr. Gutsy, we should have a strong security presence to protect the Cabot House."

Jack and his family expressed their gratitude for Sico's assistance, relieved to have the support of the Minutemen in fortifying their home. With plans in motion to renovate and reinforce the Cabot House, they could face the challenges ahead with renewed confidence.

As they finalized their arrangements, a sense of determination filled the room, driving them forward in their mission to safeguard the asylum and its inhabitants against any threats that may arise.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 8,44

P: 7,44

E: 8,44

C: 8,44

I: 9,44

A: 7,45

L: 7

• Skills: advance Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, intermediate Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, Hacking, Persuasion, and Drawing Skills

• Inventory: 53.280 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, Furious Power Fist, Full set combat armor blueprint, M240 7.62mm machine guns blueprint, Automatic Assault Rifle blueprint, and Humvee blueprint

• Active Quest: -

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