
Falling While Running

Jewel Jules Munroe has been on the run from Mercury labs since she was eighteen. She got lucky for five years evading their capture until Captain Owen Matthews, SAS Offier captured her and brings her back . However , soon he questions whether or not he made the right choice bringing the girl who dreams back to the people who claim her to be Government Property.

Bonita_duba · Ficção Científica
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The ride to the hospital was filled with Ian and Frank questioning me about Edward. Had he done something to me or had he visited me? The questions confused me and after pressing into the matter, the boys shrugged it off as nothing. Just being protective of their best friend. Whereas Tanya was my girl best friend, the boys were my very first friends. We had met when I moved into town and they stuck with me until Tanya arrived at Freshman Year.

The hospital wasn`t dark. It was lit up with car lights and drunk teenagers.

The boys had parked and left the passenger doors open for me to sit and relax in. Tanya had managed to pull Edward away to dance and Timmy was already making out with a girl.

I smiled happily as I drank my soda. I refused to touch the alcohol the boys had brought over with them. I didn`t want to give it away to my parents that I had been out the entire night.

"Hey, did you hear, this hospital is supposed to be haunted?" Lisa, the President of the Drama club asked a bunch of other students in the car next to ours.

"What do you mean?" Lewis, her boyfriend asked.

Titling my head in order to hear them, I drank and eavesdropped. Maybe if I was smart, I would have taken their next words seriously and left.

"I heard that lights seemed to go on and off here at the back of the hospital for the last month," Lisa revealed.

A bunch of students exchanged grins. The thought of a haunted hospital seems to thrill teenagers a lot these days.

"The nearest inhabitants also saw trucks driving through the place," another student, Anna added.

Willow, a girl from my physics class, broke in saying, "I heard that sometimes gun shots are heard all throughout the night.

"No not guns, more like a sonic weapon." Henry, the boy that had a crush on Anna, spoke up.

"Like military stuff?" Anna asked.

Henry nodded, "Exactly."

"So is it haunted or are the military secretly running a base here?"

Lewis huffed, "Who cares? Either way, this place is just known for things going wrong so many people."

I pursed my lips and frowned. Was this place haunted, being used by the military or were these guys just making up stories?

Shaking my head, I foolish pushed the conversation out of head and took my phone out to watch an Anime video I had saved on it earlier. The world of My Hero Academia usually calmed me down.

I was moving onto my third soda can and season 3 of my Anime show when Edward came over to me with a worried face," Have you seen Tanya?"

I shook my head," I thought she was with you?"

"She was but she just took off."

"What?!" I exclaimed as I put my phone into my pocket and jumped down from the passenger seat," Where?!"

"I don`t know, I thought she`d come over to you."

My heart raced frantically," No, she didn`t!"

I threw away the can I was holding and ran towards the crowd. Maybe she was with Timmy? I pushed through teenagers of many states. Drunk, giddy, excited or horny and scanned their faces, hoping to see Timmy.

However, when I finally found her brother, it didn't look like he would be in the search and rescue kind of mood seeing as he was wrapped around a girl in a very intimate way.

I blushed and ran back to Edward but he wasn`t at the boys' car so I ran up to the Hospital and saw that the door was bolted shut. She wouldn`t be able to get inside. I then ran around and fished out my phone. Switching on my flashlight, I run around the place looking for her until I reached a fence at the aback of the hospital. I was about to walk away when saw a figure standing a few feet away from the fence.

Squinting my eyes, I felt my blood run cold. I gasped, "Tanya!"

She turned to me and shook her head with tears running down her face. Without hesitation, I ran and climbed up the fence and over it. The cold metal made my skin crawl and a feeling of dread settled down in the pit of stomach. I should have known then that things would be heading for the worst.

I should have listened to the red flags. The fence behind the hospital that had been closed for sixty years, the yellow 'do not enter' signs, the red 'Hazards' signs or the feeling of ghosts watching me and warning me not to climb the fence.

When I jumped down the other side, I heard someone yell for me. I spun and saw Frank, Ian and Edward running towards me.

"Get back here!" Ian yelled.

"It`s Tanya, I have to go and get her!" I yelled back.

"Don`t be stupid!" Frank yelled as well.

"Jewel , come back!" Edward yelled.

"I`ll be right back with her!" I replied to them.

"Jewel!" Ian repeated himself.

I ignored him and press on until I reached Tanya, she was walking backwards and drinking form a bottle.

"Tanya, stop! You`ll hurt yourself!" I yelled as she frowned at me and turned to keep going when suddenly she went tumbling down out of my sight.

I screamed and ran forward only to stop at the edge of what looked like a carved hole in the ground. I slide down and went tumbling face first into a sandy pit.

I heard sniffing and looked up. Tanya sat wiping her face and crying.

I pushed myself up and dusted the sand from my pants. I shuffled toward her and when I moved to grab her hand, she shook me off yelling.

"Let me go! Go back to your boyfriend! You backstabber!" Tanya yelled at me.

My jaw dropped," What? What boyfriend? What are you talking about?"

"Edward! That`s what! The guy won`t kiss me because he likes you. You, the plain Jane and my best friend!"

My thoughts then were jumbled and I struggled to make sense of what she was saying.

"Edward made you run away?"

"No, I ran away to get away from you and him. My so called friend. Just when I finally find a decent guy who likes me he gets taken away from me by you!"

Tanya`s shoulder shake as she cries and all I can do is sit there helplessly. Suddenly a loud horn was heard and lights surrounding the hole went on one by one.

I cursed out loud and tried to get my friend to stand and run but she was too depressed. She dug her heels into the sand and stood.

A low humming sound like a machine being switch on was heard before panels from the top of the hole slide open before a glass dome started to rise over us.

I panicked and moved to pull her up," Tanya! Please! We need to get out of here! Something`s happening!"


I looked up to see the dome seal itself before the boys came banging on the dome.

It was happening and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Tanya lurched forward and vomited before I heard the humming start to get louder.

Goosebumps rose and fear creeping in was all I could remember as sand rose up around us and a purple beam hit us. Tanya screamed and I watched helplessly as she vanished before my eyes. Her body just turning to dust before I fell and screamed as pain like nothing I had ever felt before coursed through my body before darkness hit me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Bonita_dubacreators' thoughts