
Can't Force Because of Whom The Sadness & Happiness Comes

Jade gasped when she heard another knock on her door. But this time he knew who knocked him without having to smell his body. Because after his ex-lover came, he heard his steps approaching with Fabio.

There was not even a feeling of fear in him to meet Fabio. And Jade made up her mind to reopen her door which was knocked on by them.

Fabio looks so tense and stiff. Not because of his surprise, but that's how his character was.

"Hello, my dear Jade..." Fabio greeted.

"What's with you being here, Fabio?" Jade asked. Max who was by his side was silent tensely. All because Max who brought Fabio and Jade could only feel annoyed.

"May I come inside?" Fabio asked politely.

But Jade immediately got out of her apartment and closed the door. "If you want to talk, then we can talk outside." He preceded Fabio and Max to step out of the apartment building.