
Falling in love with my immortal kidnapper

Emilia was extraordinary, juggling two jobs to maintain her independence, cherishing her solitude above all. Damon Winston stood in stark contrast. As the chieftain of a formidable vampire lineage, his presence was as captivating as it was chilling. With hair as dark as the night and eyes that glowed crimson, he was a mesmerizing figure. Yet, within him coursed the blood of a born predator. Their paths crossed under a cascade of misfortunes, and Emily found herself ensnared by the enigmatic being who had taken her. As her heart unwittingly surrendered to the very creature she should fear, the question lingered: what fate would their entwined destinies bring?

mina_jinhoo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

The sweetness behind a vampires bite(The other pov pt2)

Damon's feast was interrupted by the blare of loud sirens that echoed through the hall and all the rooms in the palace. He groaned, realizing what might be happening.

"Naive human girl," he muttered to himself before dropping the half-filled blood bags to the ground and exiting the room.

Outside the feeding room, there was a loud commotion. All the vampires in the palace were rushing towards one specific destination, and among all the scents that filled the air, it was human blood that stood out—there was only one human Damon had brought into his home.

Damon sped through the hallway, managing to overtake all the vampires that were once ahead of him. Once in front of the vampires, he encountered Rafael.

"I told you not to let the human out of your sight," he said coldly to his second in command.

"It was a moment of weakness; her scent overwhelmed me," Rafael replied, met with silence from his leader.

After all, his leader couldn't reprimand the second in command, as he too had succumbed to hunger for her scent.

"What do we do now?" Rafael asked, as it seemed all the vampires were drawn to the lingering scent in the air, their eyes turning blood-red with hunger.

"We're nowhere near her home, and she's not foolish enough to run into a place she knows nothing about," Damon stated as he made his way towards the main gate, noting how the scent grew stronger the closer they got to it.

"Isn't that what brought her here in the first place?" Rafael inquired with a hint of sarcasm.

"Let's hope she's not foolish enough to do it again," he said as he continued towards the main gate.

As Damon and Rafael approached the main gate, the scent of human blood became overwhelming. They burst through the gates and found themselves in the midst of a chaotic scene. The human girl, disoriented and scared, was cornered by a group of younger vampires, their fangs bared and blood-red eyes wild with hunger.

"Looks like they got to her before we did" Rafael said, staring at all the blood hungry vampires that were approaching the scared looking girl.

"Round them up" Damon said coldly, receiving a firm nod from Rafael before they both dispersed, Rafel towards the vampires behind him and Damon towards the vampires in front of him, surrounding the frightened girl.

Without hesitation, Damon leaped into action, his presence commanding the attention of all. "Back away," he ordered, his voice resonating with the authority of an ancient vampire lord. The younger vampires, recognizing the power before them, reluctantly retreated.

He then walked closer and closer to the frightened Emilia, who's frightened brown orbs never left his piercing red ones.

His eyes scanned her body and noticed the cut on her upper arm, probably caused by the wires on the gate, transmitting the blood that scented all around the palace walls.

"You know, I thought you would understand me when I said that there is no escaping, but humans always have to learn the hard way, don't they" Damon chuckled darkly, his voice seemingly not covered by the loud growling of the vampires surrounding them.

Damon raised his hand, signaling Rafael.

"Stand down. Control yourselves" Rafael yelled with authority and power in his voice, and almost instantly it became dead quiet.

Damon kept a cold eye on Emilia, watching her every move like a predictor watching his prey. He took small, powerful steps towards her, and instinctively, she took small, frightful steps back.

This encounter was an encounter Damon was slowly getting used to. The constant fear in her eyes when talking to him. The exact steps he's taking now being the same steps he has taken towards her before, and her reaction being the same as all the other times he cornered her, everything was the same.

Come to think of it, all this variety of events has all happened in a span of one day, a day that Damon wished could end already. He shook off his thoughts and focused on the task at hand, showing the human who was really in charge.

Emilia took frightful steps back, noticing his piercing gaze. She knew nothing good was to come with this, she had been warned about leaving the palace, but even while knowing the full outcome, she did it anyway.

As Damon got closer to her, he hissed at her, her fangs coming out fully. Emilia took a large step back and felt a smooth surface behind her, a wall.

She drew in a sharp breath as Damon walked closer and closer to her, his fanged smirk growing wider, clearly enjoying how much power he had over her.

He walked closer to her, fully cornering her and nibbled on her neck, as he felt his hunger slowly coming back to him. He drew in a sharp breath and turned to face her, his piercing hungry orbs meeting her fearful brown ones.

"If you make one noise, I'm going to bite down on you so hard that I'll leave you bleeding then let my hungry vampires over there, tare you to shreds" he said coldly, making her visibly gulp. And with one swift movement, he bit into her neck and released a pained whimper from her lips.

He sunk his fangs deeper into her skin. No sound left her lips, but her body trembled, only a natural reaction considering the painful endorphins that a vampire's bite originally carried.

The other vampires quietly watched, as they knew better than to disturb their leader as he feasted on his prey.

Slowly, he began releasing Yin fen, releasing a slight amount of pleasure able endorphins into her system. A small, quiet moan left her lips, shocking both of them.

A smirk appeared on Damon's lips as he released more endorphins, his only reason being to hear more of the melodious sounds that left her lips a few moments ago, and hear them he did.

Her eyes closed as she felt the pleasure fill her body, she body stopped trembling, and small melodious moans left her lips, much to Damon's pleasure.

A few minutes past, the only sound filling the breezing air was the soft moans that left the girl's lips and the vampire who feasted on her blood.

To any other vampire, it would just be one feast, but to Damon, it was a craving that he needed more of. He had never wanted someone's blood more than this, it didn't feel like him… It wasn't him. This girl had sparked something inside him, he had kept hidden for a very long time, and in a twisted way, he liked it.

He pulled away from her neck and took a step back, allowing her now weak body to fall to the ground. He straightened his jacket and turned away from her.

"I'm assuming you have finally learned your lesson, human. I suggest you get a good night's rest because tomorrow will be a long day" he said coldly before walking away and signaling Rafael to follow him. Seeing their leader walk away, the other vampires too began to disperse.

As they walked back to the safety of the palace, Damon and Rafael knew that the night's events had changed the dynamics of their world. The presence of the human girl was a risk, but also a reminder of the fragile line they walked between their vampire instincts and the remnants of their humanity. The question lingered in the air: what would happen next?


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

mina_jinhoocreators' thoughts