
Falling for the bookworm

Peanut, an introverted and bookish omega, cherished his simple and solitary life. He found solace in the pages of his favorite novels, indulged in delicious snacks, and sought comfort in the company of his beloved plushies. His world revolved around these simple pleasures, shielded from the chaos and complexities of the outside world. However, everything changed when two charismatic and confident alphas, Michael and Jeremy joined his class turning his life upsidedown.

Ashley_Ashanti · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


Peanut found solace in the library. Amongst the rows of bookshelves and the hushed murmurs of fellow book readers, he could lose himself in the worlds contained within the pages of his favorite novels. Today was no different he was immersed in a captivating story, his plushie perched beside him.

However, his peaceful haven was shattered when a beta approached him. The boy attempted to strike up a conversation, but Peanut, as was his usual habit, chose to ignore the attempts at small talk. He had little interest in idle chit-chat, especially when it interfered with his reading.

The beta boy persisted, becoming increasingly insistent, even mentioning Levi, Peanut's boy-friend, friend, in an attempt to provoke a reaction. He spoke ill of Levi, calling him fake and a pretender. Peanut's grip on his book tightened as anger flickered in his eyes, but he didn't respond.

Instead, Peanut decided it was time to retreat. He gathered his books, gently placed his plushie on top of them, and made his way to the librarian at the front desk. Politely, he asked if he could check out the books. The elderly librarian, who had known Peanut since the first day he walked into the library,smiled and nodded, processing his request.

As Peanut turned to leave, he noticed that the beta boy was still following him, not even trying to conceal his actions.a nother stocker,Panic began to creep in as Peanut quickened his pace. He needed to get away from this person who seemed determined to bother him.

Thinking on his feet, Peanut ducked into the nearest establishment, which happened to be an ice cream parlor. He hoped that the boy would lose interest or be deterred by the sudden change in environment.

But to his dismay, the beta boy followed him into the parlor, his persistence becoming increasingly unsettling. Peanut's anxiety skyrocketed.

Desperate for help and a way out of this situation, Peanut fumbled for his phone and dialed Jeremy's number. He tried to keep his voice steady as he explained the situation to the alpha.

Jeremy, always protective and caring, immediately sprang into action. He assured Peanut he'd be there soon and told him to stay put. Peanut clung to his phone, relief washing over him as Jeremy's voice acted as a lifeline.

True to his word, Jeremy arrived swiftly, his presence a calming balm to Peanut's frayed nerves. Without hesitation, he approached Peanut and put a reassuring arm around him. "Let's take you home," he said softly.

Peanut nodded, leaning into Jeremy's comforting embrace. As they left the ice cream parlor, Peanut couldn't help but express how much the boy had unsettled him. Jeremy listened attentively.

getting to peanuts apartment door Jeremy kissed peanut without thinking "if anyone bothers you feel free to call me are Michael okay see you at school ,princess". he left peanut frozen by the kiss.