
falling for my driver

Heather sat back in the chair, her memory flashing back on what happened in the car... "Just have sex with me, I'll give you anything". Heather Martin's, a twenty-three years old CEO of the Martins entertainment industry, gets involved in a blackmail with James stelee, a supposed Uber driver who she drunkenly had car-sex with. she has no other option but, to bring him to her home. The media is searching for him, his ex-company wants him and they'll stop at nothing till they get him. but what if......it was all a blind chase. I mean, what if James was never a driver to begin with? He hated her father, and wanted revenge after all... Read on....in this romance-filled novel, with love, revenge, betrayal and sex.... lots of it.

Limpy_Limpy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

chapter eight

Don't..... don't you try to touch me with those filthy hands of yours. you think I don't know who you are?

quit blabbing and enter the car, you're drunk for goodness sake.

I may be drunk but, I'm not insane. I can tell when someone is trying to take advantage of me.

I'm not trying to take advantage of you, I'm a driver for Pete's sake. your driver! in fact Kim sent me.

How'd you know Kim?

He sent me here to get you. so we'd better get going.

Are you sure? heather asked again. I'm the owner of the Martin's Entertainment company. I could hunt you down within seconds if you try anything stupid.

I'm not going to do anything heather, just get in.

He opened the back seat for her but, she refused.

Let me sit at the front instead. heather said, with intimidation in her voice.

what you say miss, and he opened the door for her.

After they've both seated and ready to go, he offered her a medicine for her hangover.

Take you'll need it.

I really don't need any medication right now, I'm perfectly fine.

you sure?

yeah... so will you take me home?

yeah....yeah...miss whatever you say, he said as they drove away.

So...uhmm, how was your day? James asked, trying to lighten her mood.


oh...James answered, unsatisfied with her answer. Failed date?

heather seemed irritated for some minutes but managed to respond.

yeah. my stupid date refused to show up.

uhmm... maybe he forgot.

What do you mean he forgot? I'm his girlfriend for Pete's sake.

Well, I don't think he sees you that way. Maybe you're just his sex mate.

what do you know about sex or love? she tried intimidating him.

I know that once a guy can't even make up time just to spend with you, he doesn't love you. That kind of guy, will always forget date plans but, will never forget sex plans.

heather stayed quiet for sometime.

did I say too much? he asked her.

nothing. I bet you've never even had sex before.

he laughed, he knew he had won her. Let see how much she can keep this up.

I bet you've never had sex before.

he kept quiet.

hmmm... I guess I was right, you've never had sex before. so you're a virgin?

Virgin? he mumbled.

I was right, I knew it. she laughed, don't give me advice if you've never experienced something.

James came to an halt, making the tyres screech.

well if having sex just mean sleeping with anyone, anytime then you might as well tag me an addict. he smirked.

son of a bitc...

Hush...he placed his hands on her mouth. just keep quiet already, were here.

she stared at him as he held her mouth, and she had no idea why. maybe it was because if the way he gripped her, or his strong scent, or the was he talked. she felt strangely attracted to this guy.

could you kiss me? she asked suddenly.

excuse me?

I asked if you'll kiss me, I want to know if you'll do...

he reached in and kissed her.

stop talking heather, let's get this over with...
