
Falling for my Alpha

Strikingly beautiful Amelia Brighton, an innocent 25-year-old human girl, mourns the death of her father and the disappearance of her mother. Bitten by a rogue wolf she is thrown into life as a werewolf. Jax Keaton, a werewolf Beta, comes to her rescue and instantly falls in love with her. Taken back to his pack she meets their Alpha, Blake Saint Claire. She initially doesn’t understand her attraction to the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, but eventually can’t hide her feelings. Being in a love triangle is the last thing that Amelia wanted. Blake is promised to Stephanie Taite who will stop at nothing to make him hers. But does he return her love? Can hardass Blake, known as a womanizer, change his ways for Amelia, and will she eventually give into his advances? Blake clashes with Connor Olden, a rival pack Alpha, who will stop at nothing to get his hands on Amelia, wanting what Blake has at all costs. Will Amelia readjust to her life as a werewolf and will she be able to choose between two loves?

Charmaine_Sims · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 14

Connor was headstrong and put together the strongest hunting pack that he could. He obviously included Christian, his best Beta, as well as Pierce, his Second. The pack was stacked with their strongest wolves, but Pierce knew that they were no match for Blake's. He just had to find a way of making sure that he didn't get killed in the bloodbath that he was sure would ensue.

Connor stayed at the compound. It was too risky for the Alpha to be out for in case a war began. Losing an Alpha would be catastrophic.

There was no talking Connor out of the attack, Pierce tried but failed. They were going through with this attack come hell or high water. Connor was an Alpha on a mission.

Pierce braced himself and left the camp with Connor, knowing what was waiting for them. Knowing that they were walking into a death trap.


Blake's Hunters were readying themselves for a daily run. They patrolled the area around the compound at least twice a day and this was their morning run.

They didn't expect anything out of the ordinary but still took the usual precautions. An organized wolf was an alive wolf and that was all that counted… coming back alive.

The Hunter pack was made up of about twenty strong fighting machines. The Saint Claire pack had the best Hunters out of all of the neighboring packs. They were calculating and ruthless. They protected their pack by holding nothing back. They gave their all and they always won the fight.

Blake came out of his cabin to wish them well on their run, as he always did. He was a loving Alpha who cared deeply for his pack. He made their safety his mission and therefore made sure that his Hunters had the best training, food and rest. He looked after them very well and they in turn were faithful and always gave it their all when out on a run. No one would get past them.

"Good luck, men." Said Blake as he wished them goodbye. "Be safe out there. Don't take any chances."

"Yes, Alpha," they answered in unison. They respected their Alpha with all that they had, for he had hand chosen them one by one. He knew their strengths and their weaknesses. He always made sure to work on their weaknesses during training, therefore, making them the best Hunters he could ever ask for.

The Hunters waved their significant others goodbye and walked towards the gate to leave the compound.

They were strong men who turned into their wolf form as soon as they walked through the compound gates. They always needed to be ready should they need to fight.

The Hunters took their usual route. It was one that covered the entire surrounding forest. They took their time, making sure that no Rogue was lurking nearby.

They were about halfway into their route when they smelt the Olden pack. They had a distinctive scent. One of rot and hatred.

The Hunters readied themselves and waited for the Olden pack to come into view.

The Olden pack came over a ridge and stopped dead in their tracks. They hadn't anticipated meeting the Saint Claire Hunters on their mission. This was an issue.

The Saint Claire Hunters could smell the fear in the air. They knew that they had the better hand over the Olden pack.

If the Olden pack wanted a fight they'd surely be getting one.

The Saint Claire Hunters stood their ground, waiting for the Olden pack to close the gap.

The Olden pack slowly made their way down to the Saint Claire pack. Never breaking eye contact. They wouldn't show it, but they knew that they stood no chance against the Saint Claire pack. They were outnumbered and not strong enough.

The best fighters they had were Pierce and Christian, both of whom they couldn't afford to lose.

The weaker fighters moved towards the front of the Olden pack, so as to shelter the stronger ones.

The Saint Claire pack knew that that was a rookie move. They would easily take over the front weaklings and have their straight path to the strongest Beta and the Second, thus wiping out the strength of the Olden pack.

Connor was crazy to have sent Pierce and Christian along. They should also have stayed back at camp to hold down the compound as they were now left weak and defenceless. All they had was Connor and he wasn't really going to put himself in danger, he'd rather let the women and children fight before he got his hands or rather paws dirty.

The Olden pack were nearly upon the Saint Claire pack when the Saint Claire Hunter leader called out "are you sure you boys want to do this? We outnumber and out strengthen you. This will mean sure death for you all."

"We aren't afraid of your idle threats!" Replied Pierce, even though he knew that what was said was true. The Olden pack stood no chance against them. They were too weak and too small.

The Saint Claire wolves towered over the Olden ones, only Pierce and Christian were the same size as the Hunters.

"Okay, you asked for it. Let's dance!" and with that, the Saint Claire pack jumped into action.

They charged forward and with a few swipes of their paws took out the first line of defence of the Olden pack. They were thrown around like ragdolls and put up barely a fight. Any of the Saint Claire Omega's would probably have been able to take them on. They were weak and ill-trained. Typical Connor style.

Pierce and Christian watched in panic as their first line of defence was taken out without the Saint Claire pack even breaking a sweat. It looked as if they were swatting flies, not fighting. They almost danced they were so in sync with one another. They'd hate to admit it but they envied the Saint Claire pack for their strength and numbers.

There wasn't much difference when it came to the Olden's second line of defence. They put up more of a fight than the first line but were still no hindrance to the Saint Claire pack. They were taken down within minutes. Bitten and bruised they limped back to camp, along with the first line of the Olden pack. They left the fight immediately, tails between their legs, not looking back.

All who were left were the Deltas, Betas and Pierce and Christian.

"Should we carry on and risk our strongest fighters?" whispered Pierce to Christian. "You know that if they get past the Deltas and Betas we're next and I'm not ready to die today. Are you?"

As much as Christian hated to admit it, Pierce was right. They stood no chance against the other pack. They were like sheep lead to the slaughter. Their first two lines of defence put up as strong a fight as they could, but it wasn't enough for their enemy.

"It's time to call it!" shouted Pierce to the rest of the pack that was left.

"We're leaving now, but you can bet your asses that we'll be back stronger than ever, ready to fight!" Shouted Christian and Pierce secretly smiled to himself for he knew it to be a lie.

"Run back home to your mommies!" Said the Hunter leader of the Saint Claire pack. This pissed Pierce and Christian off but they turned and left nonetheless.

The Olden pack felt defeated and broken. Another hiding dealt with by the Saint Claire pack. With another loss under their belt, would they ever be strong enough to take them on and win? They doubted it but no one voiced it. Too afraid that their Alpha might get wind of it.

The Saint Claire pack howled as the Olden pack retreated into the forest. They had been beaten yet again, something that they should be used to by now.

Pierce and Christian dreaded conveying the news to their Alpha when they returned to camp. They both knew that he would be furious and no doubt be in even more of a foul mood.