
falling for Mr.mafia

NiharikaJain · Outros
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5 Chs

burning up?

Sumaira San is in her college days doing a part time job sometimes... Having a lot of fun whenever required with her bestiie (Reiko).

When she finally gathers the courage in second year to have a boyfriend.. she goes to a fresher party in a pub... Which was quite popular and happy going club... She knew they are are going to be people... Especially handsome guys... Bachelors...

Sumaira puts on a red tank top and blue jeans shorts. A small pendent in her neck... Doing some make up and hair done..

She feels nervous like going on a blind date...

But she pulls herself together. And goes out with Reiko.

Arrives at the pub. The senior comes and hug them and shows them there table... Some dancing hot on the dance floor... The music explodes.. her ears. Talking to guys approaching her but none interested her... Bcoz they were simply... After a one night stand.

After avoiding some boys.. she made her way to the restroom. But a guy followed her thinking it is his chance. But for his mistake... As he laid hand on her cold shoulder.... She grabbed his hand and throwed him upside down. Making a 360° circle in the air.

"Bloody bastard" she says with gritted teeth.

She goes to Reiko and grabs her hand to go... But she didn't want to leave because she already found a date there.

Leaving Reiko... Sumaira made her way out.. to the taxi station.. but that person who approached her was high on drugs .. he came along with two- four persons to grab hold her...

Before she could fight them.. they made her helpless. One grabbing her mouth unabling her to shout. One grabbing her arms... One her legs . And one enjoying the scene.

Trying to rescue herself... Sumaira tries... Hard... Makes more efforts then suddenly a sharp voices helds them up...

"What do you think your doing here?" with that a strong man approach them with 5-6 bodyguards at the back.

"Who the hell are you?" A man asks.

" I am Hirotai Yaukai.. the boss of Yaukai syndicate. And your standing in my area..."

With just that voice and sharp glare those men... Started shivering. Sumair cold feel the intense that voice had on her..but ..they throw sumaira down.. making her flinch in pain.

The gaurds follow them. Hirotai approaches sumaira and helps her up. She looks up to say thank you... But those orbs.... Covered with glasses. Making her look in to them more... Like.. she was hypnotised by them . And that's the moment.. where she thought... Where will this get her now?

"Are you hurt my lady?" Hirotai asks making her blink a few times before answering... Looking at those lips.... She says..." Yes I am fine..." But could take her eyes off those lips...

"Shall I drop you somewhere?" He asks.

" Yeah I would like to go home..." She speaks.

"Than a man comes up and says... Something in Hirotai ears....

"The roads are blocked and I guess I can't send you back.. as the whole world is celebrating New years... " He speaks...

"Ohh" she looks down..

"You can join me at my place... Rather than staying in this down town pub... Anything you wish..." He says.

"Anything?" Sumaira repeats every letter with a sensual stress.

Looking at Sumaira ... It was burning up inside Hirotai.... He can't resist her... Her strength... Her figure... Her mentally... Everything... He was already into her but can't show it out.... As he is the mafia boss.... And has to carry this... Heavy face identity he goes...

"Anything" he speaks... Making there face lock.


Her mind was roaming on Mars right now... Because she avoided going iwth any boy tonight... But still ended up going with one... A huge white van reaches them. The bodygaurd clicks a passcode and the door slides open.

Hirotai shows her inside... She stands near the door and rethinks... If she made the right choice?

But still goes inside and occupies seat.

Hirotai sits beside her... But they could still feel the intensity building between them.

Sumaira was busy in thinking what is gonna happen now... ? Besides the tension inside her was making her go crazy...
