
Chapter 12.

That’s why I learned to keep them close.

Because the people that we think are our friends are actually our enemies

Trying to keep us closer to them selfs.

Because After all they do say keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

And we are their enemies it’s just we think we their friends.


A broken heart is one that was broken.

Because of someone that you love.

Or because of someone that loved you.

But did I love my fake husband?

Yes, yes I did.

But did he love his fake wife?

Hell no.

He actually despised me.

And finally I knew.

He didn’t care the minute.

He accused me of cheating on him.

~ SofiaValentines

Benjamin’s POV.

I stood there frozen. Not because I was scared or anything but because Sofia was here. She may have been the one-shot right now.

The gun was pointed at me but because of Damien being quick he shoots the gun in the hand. As soon as the guy dropped the gun, Damien spoke.

“The only person who will pull the trigger of the gun that kills Rick can ONLY be me.” He snapped at the guy angry. People say I’m heartless, yes they call me Evil but Damien is the demon that created all of the evil. His worst compare to me.

“She’s not here!” I said as I finished looking around for Sofia. They must have taken her somewhere else.

“She’s gone Rick.” He whispered as if Sofia died.

“It looks like they were torturing her. But why ?” I asked him demanding answers but I knew he didn’t know.

“I’m sorry!” For the first time in a long time, he apologized. I know he meant it.

“We have to find her quickly before they kill her.” God help those behind this because the next time they won’t be so fucking lucky.

“At least we know they don’t want to kill her yet.” He said not taking his eyes off the guy.

“And we have a traitor!” I snapped at him. Because not many of my people knew about this. The once that knew I could trust.

“I don’t care if you don’t want to hear this Rick but it’s from your side. My fucking people are so loyal and they know the rules. Next time you tell no one from your side and we will see who has the mole!” maybe it is someone from my side, after all, why would Damien’s gang members want to kill Sofia.

“We need him to know where they took her.” He said trying to pick the guy up.

“Don’t Damien. Your heart.” He dropped the guy and looked at me. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.

“Doesn’t mean I can’t carry anything Benjamin.” And for the first time, he used my name. I didn’t care at that moment if he was pissed but at least I know somewhere in that heart of his he is my best friend.

“You can pick him up if you want, I don’t want to have blood on my clothes anyways.” he left me and I quickly knew I had to pick the guy up and catch up with him.

So I picked him up and carried him on my shoulder. As soon as we got to his car he opened the door.

“Put him here, he may be trained to get out of the boot if we put him there.” I throw the guy in not caring if he gets hurt because I would’ve killed him if Damien wasn’t here.

“Don’t think I forgot what you did, Benjamin.” He said to me as I got in the car and he started driving.

“I would’ve killed you if--” He stopped, I don’t know why but he just couldn’t finish whatever he wanted to say for some reason.

“Grow the fuck up is what everyone tells me Damien, but you.” I took a long pause before I got out of the car and added “You just never want to stop living in the past.”

He stared at me and drove off not saying anything back.


Two weeks past and yet that Elijah boy still didn’t come to school. It is as if the universe is punishing me. He’s the only thing that actually makes me happy.

They took Sofia away from me and now it’s that little boy. I haven’t spoked to him in a while. But I always watch him from afar. I just can’t put my finger to it but I know him.

Somehow I know that kid. I didn’t have time to investigate how I know him or where I saw him before. Or how the fuck I had a picture of him.

But if Sofia’s drama hasn’t happened. If Sofia was never kidnapped I would’ve found out how I know that kid by now.

But I can’t focus on finding that out. Sofia is first. Because her life is a ticking bomb. No one knows when it’s going to explore.

Two weeks since we locked that guy in one of the cells and he hasn’t said a word. We did everything to him but he just wouldn’t speak. Now we know he knows where Sofia is. That’s why we still haven’t killed him.

He said that the person who has her is close to us. But he doesn’t speak any further he just laughs.

He also said four months from now and Sofia is dead. You’ll get her body delivered to you as Boss promised. Who is the fucken boss? I couldn’t stop thinking day and night.

I hardly slept. The biggest question is why is Sofia the target. I love Charlotte so why kidnap Sofia and not Charlotte?

It’s not that I want them to kidnap Charlotte, but why Sofia what does she have? And why the hell did they want to deliver her body to me? Why me?

Even though that guy is loyal to his boss, at least he warned me not to trust my friends. The only person I trust now is Damien. Yes, I will trust the others too. But I won’t be telling anything about Sofia’s case.

I haven’t left for London in months. I was supposed to go back a few months ago but because of Sofia, I had to stay. I had to look for her.

My phone rang so I snapped out of my thoughts.


But why is he calling? Did he find out something? I quickly picked up the phone praying.

“Damien?” I said his name but he knew I was asking him what he knows.

“We got more information. It’s better for you to come here, now!” Damien replied cutting the phone. God, why did he have to be so impatient like me?

Can this new information be that he found Sofia?

Or worst is she dead?

Oh God please don’t let her die for my sins.


Finally today I plan on telling Sofia the truth. I don’t care how long it took me but I plan on telling her the truth, even though she’s my fake wife.

“Benjamin will you stop thinking already ?” Jailson law asked me a thousand times. He was my friend a very close friend of mine. And I would do anything for him.

“Yeah, will you already brother.” Jay my other friend said, they all looked at me at the same time.

Jay, I trust him so much. I would do anything for them. Jay, Jailson, and Jacob. The three J’s I care about, And of course Carlos and Arlo. Damien is off limit when it comes down to them and they know it.

“What’s on your mind, Benjamin ?” Jacob always knows what to ask and say. He isn’t a dick or an idiot like the others. He somehow cared about Sofia and my relationship.

“I bet a hundred bucks his thinking of his wife.” Carlos spoke as he put his drink down.

“Trouble in paradise?” Jailson asked me in a flirty way.

“Do you plan on--” before jay finished talking Jacob got up and interrupted him.

“Will you guys just let him damn speak.” He was furious because he always hated how the others reacted to Sofia. He cares about Sofia I could tell.

“I need another drink first.” What I was about to say would shock them all, but I had to. They always supported me in everything and help me always make the right decision.

“five rounds of vodka.” Carlos told the bartender. And for the first time, I didn’t care about drinking. I actually wanted to drink, today. I needed it.

Round one came and we both took the shot. Round two come and we did it again.

Round three and four come and we drink again. Until around five come but then Jacob told the bartender to stop.

“Tell us, men. I’m curious.” Jacob said and everyone stopped drinking.

“Shouldn’t we go for another round.” Carlos and Jailson said the same time.

“No!” Jacob snapped. “Your best friend wants to tell you all something important and all you guys care about is drinks.” Jacob added he was furious with them. But Jay on the other hand was just quiet the whole time.

“Fine!” Carlos said angry.

“Okay. So I think I love to care about Sofia I’m not sure.” I said as I put my hand on my chest. How hard can it be just saying this? Love care seriously Benjamin you can do this I kept saying to myself in my head. But that wasn’t helping at all.

This is definitely not my kind of cup of tea.

“You mean.” Jay finally spoked but paused for a second. Before Carlos could speak, he interrupted him to finish his sentence. “You mean to tell us you love her?” Jay asked.

The three of them were shocked but Jacob was just so surprised. Jacob started to clap his hands.

“Congratulation brother. Finally!” Jailson said.

“I was going to say that. But I have to be somewhere Benjamin. Remember my ummm.” Jacob said trying to make me remember what he was talking about.

“Ooh, Tanzania.” I remembered Jacobs's girlfriend. She had a weird name, how could I ever forget her.

“Good luck. Tell her before you change your God damn mind!” Jacob said as he left.

“I didn’t see that one coming.” Carlos said looking at his drink.

“That makes the two of us Carl.” I never also expected to see that one coming. Not in a million years would I think I would care about Sofia this much or love her.

“So when do you plan on telling her.” Jay asked me. Tonight I wanted to say but I took a while until I finally spoke.

“Tonight!” I could see Carlos still drinking. Before I answered jay.

“Finally, one of us is in love!” Jailson said ordering vodka.

“Want one?” Jay asked as he also ordered a drink.

“Just one!” Looks like tonight is the night I finally tell Sofia.

No I’m not in love with her like they say. But all I know is that I would take a bullet for her. All I know is that I care so much about her. All I know is that I never want to see her in pain.

As much as I know I care so much about her. That I would do anything for her, I don’t think I love her. I’m not so sure and the worse thing is when she told me I didn’t take it well because I never expected her falling for me. I hated how everyone labeled her the b*tch that felt for Mr billionaire.

I don’t even know what it means to love or to be in love. All I know is I fucking care about her so much.

After I drank that one drink I stopped.

“I have to go. See you all tomorrow.” I said as I got up and left.

“Good luck.” They all shouted together.

Do I need luck? Hell yes!

As I got in my car I got a message. It said

unknown: WATCH THE VIDEO!!

What video? I kept wondering. But as soon as I started the car. I got another message.

Unknown: CHECK OUT NOW!!

Who the hell is this person to tell me what to do? I hated people who did that and so I didn’t.

But then I got a third message.

unknown: “Don’t you want to know what sexy S has been up to?”

What the fuck is this person talking about

Me: whose sexy S? How do you know If I watch the video or not?

I was so curious about how this person knew if I didn’t watch the video or not.

Less than a minute and I received my fourth message.

unknown: “Sofia, the first or was that Sophia ?”

Me: how old are? fucking four?

I asked sending a message. Gosh, they annoy me.

After a minute they send another message.

unknown: “Watch the video, you will see how old I am, to watch those video’s every night. By the way, I’m watching you! Enjoy.”

Let me just see what it is.

If only I knew I wouldn’t have liked this then I wouldn’t have even bothered asking that person questions.

I opened the video, and what I saw was something I wish I never saw.


I shouted her name. What the fuck is going on?

What is wrong with her?

At that moment I wanted to get in that video to kill her myself. How could she do this to me? After everything, I did for her. After I trusted her. After I cared about her.

This is how she repays me. I knew the moment I let someone in my life they would just break me. But this? This? I can’t believe I was too blinded to see what she was up too.

That fucking cheater.

Even my cheap asshole father warned me. He even told me that Sofia was only after my money.

And god I can’t believe he was right. For once he was right.

The people she stripped for were my friends. The ones that I just told them about maybe being in love with her. I can’t believe it. My own friends. My close friends. So I just switch to the next video. I was already in tears. As soon as her making out with some guy I throw my phone in the seat and drove off. Millions of thoughts were going around my head.

I drove so fast, I couldn’t wait to go home to throw that cheater out of my house.


“LEAVE MY FUCKING HOUSE ?” I come home shouting. Anger wasn’t the only thing I was feeling that moment.

“Babe what’s wrong.” She asked but I didn’t give a fuck so I just started laughing at her foolish question.

“I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING LEAVE.” I shouting again glaring at her but it seemed like she didn’t understand me.

“Please Benjamin, Please don’t hurt me.” She was so scared of me, I don’t know why but somehow she looked like she was remembering something. She closed her eyes and pleaded. I was drank and angry and I knew if she didn’t get out of my face I would kill her. I know myself and I fucking know that I wouldn’t care if I killed her right this moment. I never expected this from her. She’s my f*cking wife.

“JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY DAMN HOUSE SOFIA.” I said taking a step towards her but she tried moving back but I grabbed her hand.

“What did I do to you.” I said pausing for a minute.

“I gave you a job. I stopped everything for you” And I did. I left the Omerta for her. I broke my whole side job just for because I knew it would be too dangerous for her.

“Nothing, I swear Benji.” She was so shocked but I didn’t care.

“Please calm down.” She pleaded again and started crying even harder and louder.

“Acting like you didn’t do anything when you went Stripping for my friends.” I said taking a long pause as She was about to explain herself I cut her off “YOU FUCKING CHEATER. YOU CHEATED ON ME.” I snapped at her and she just got more scared and started crying. I hated to see her like that but I had to do it. I couldn’t just let her get away with the fact she cheated on me. She’s lucky I didn’t ask her about the guy she was making out with.

Even though I know I didn’t have the right to get angry at her, I just couldn’t help it. She cheated on me. I kept repeating it.

She went upstairs to pack her bag. She took the card I gave her and just like that she walked out of the door. She turned once to look back but I didn’t care. I looked away as soon as she looked at me.

After she left I saw the table set. It was as she was planning something for me. But it looks like I will never found out what! And to be honest I don’t give a f*ck. I’m glad that I saw her for who she really is before ruining my life.



So who’s heartless Damien or Benjamin??

Who do you guys think the kidnapper is ??