
Quest Finished

'Damn, these goblins are such a pain. They like to hide and sneak attack their opponents.'

After killing the first goblins Nainoa went and checked the other houses, the house right next door, had the remaining six. It seems as if the goblins sent the first four as scouts. These goblins were a lot stronger and could fight properly. They had decent swords, though still rusted since the goblins didn't take care of them. Before going in Nainoa checked his stats since killing two goblins should have been enough to level up.

Level: 4 Exp: 5

Health Points: 20/20

Action Points: 55/55

Magic Points: 20/30

STR: 15

AGL: 10

DEX: 10

STA: 10

INT: 6

Stat Points: 5

'Not knowing what stats to put into I decides to wait for later. Though an extra boost of strength or agility can determine a battle. It might be a bit overkill, and putting stats mindlessly is also be a bad idea.' "Cooper, attack these goblins but make sure you come from the backyard." The goblins were in the living room of this specific house. The layout was open but had enough furniture and other items to hide behind or use as a cover. Cooper immediately left to go around the house and laid in wait. Seeing this I give the signal, which is a whistle that I had taught him while hunting. Which now that I'm thinking about it was the best decision in my life.

(A.N: In Hawai'i hunting using guns is frowned upon heavily, since a lot of hunting areas are surrounded by houses and the stray bullet can kill someone. Therefore a lot of people who do go hunting usually use dogs and traps. So having a hunting dog is very common in Hawai'i.)

Hearing the signal Cooper immediately pounced. Grabbing the Goblin by the head, not completely killing it, but left its life hanging by a thread. Seeing Cooper going wild I use the force to push the goblins from behind, distracting them for a moment, allowing Cooper to freely grab the others. Within a minute two of the six goblins are barely alive. As Cooper rushes another one, The others rush at me, I immediately use the force to trip one and roll its ankle stop it from moving for a bit. The other two jump and slash their swords. Though they jumped it wasn't at the same time. Grabbing the closest goblin's wrist, pushing it upwards disabling the sword. I swing its body and let it get slashed by the other goblin. Though the other goblin sliced its partner in half it didn't flinch and landed to ready another attack. 'They are brutal, not even faze from cutting a comrade.' Seeing it getting ready to attack again, I use the force to pull a vase from the counter, though it didn't hit it, it was distracted from the noise. Snapping the goblin in my arms neck, I push it towards the other one, startled from seeing a body flung at it, the goblin dodges it. Seeing it move I step forward and grab its arm and pulling it closer causing it to lose balance, then strike it right below its jaw. The goblin lost consciousness. I look over and see that the other goblins were already bleeding out, and about to die. 'Damn I wish Cooper was this fast beforehand. Now I am really glad that Cooper evolved, having a fully trained dog was worth having. Though I taught it not to kill hunting prey it's still pretty smart from not letting instincts take over, although I wouldn't be able to do anything if it did.'

Grabbing one of the swords that the goblin carried, Nainoa starts to stab the goblins confirming each kill." With each kill, a text shows up with 'x20 Exp' until... *Ding* "Host has leveled up". *Ding* -10/10 goblins killed. Quest completed. Rewards are being distributed.-

x50 Exp -received

x1 random weapon -received

x1 mysterious box -received

"Would host like to open 'random weapon' and 'mysterious box."


Host received Weapon 'Enchanted Iron Sword, fire aspect, Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 3'

Host received Pokemon 'Ralts female'

Host has leveled up from rewards.

Level: 4>6 Exp: 10

Health Points: 20/20

Action Points: 55/55

Magic Points: 20/30

STR: 15

AGL: 10

DEX: 10

STA: 10

INT: 6

Stat Points: 15


Off-Road Running (Lvl: 6) 'This skill makes running on paths that are not paved easier, and cost less Action Points (AP) for the Host'

Minor Stamina Recovery (Lvl: 3) 'This skill recovers AP when Host is not using AP'

Throwing (Lvl: 4) Increases accuracy when throwing any objects.

Tracking (Lvl: 1) Increases the Host's ability to track animals.

Force Sensitivity (Level: 3) youngling Jedi level.

-Force Powers: (Telekenisis: Lvl 4)


Ralts (Female)

Store Points: 10

'System how do I summon Ralts?' I'm hella excited to summon a pokemon. I think it has been every kids dream at one point of becoming a pokemon trainer. Who wouldn't want these strong pokemon and battle with them, while traveling the world.

"To summon ralts for the first time all you have to do is just call its name."


Immediately a ball of light comes out of Nainoa and floats in front of him. The light starts to form a small human body of sorts and then shines brightly that anybody who looks would feel like a flashlight was being pointed towards them. As Nainoa removes his hand from his eyes, he sees a small Ralts standing in front of him. It was about 1'04" or 0.4 meters tall. Its Red horn sticking out of its green hair. The skin was a pale white color though but didn't seem unhealthy. It was a very interesting sight, seeing a pokemon in real life. Though most concept arts depicted them kind of like an ugly creature, the one in front of him reminded of a one-year-old child who just learned how to walk. "Hey ralts, I'm Nainoa... I guess I'm your new trainer, I hope we can become great partners from here and out." Cooper who was busy chewing on the goblins, looked at ralts curiously, but slowly lost interest, as he was currently busy eating. Ralts, looking at Nainoa nodded and immediately hugged him. 'System can I check ralts stats?' 'Yes"

Summoned Stats:


Lvl: 1

Move sets: Growl, Disarming voice.

As expected its freshly hatched. I'm not complaining though, see how it can evolve in the future to a Gardavoir, which can talk telepathically to me is a huge benefit later on. Also, since it is a psychic type, if I can buy a force training manual it would be beneficial for both of us. Although I gotta start increasing my intelligent stat since I never really experimented with that stat. 'System, what does the intelligent stat effect.' "It will affect the Host's ability to learn, and mana capacity. It also increasing the amount of information the Host can process at once." That is a very huge bonus, processing information quickly, could help in fights but also can help with training. It's decided I'm putting all points into intelligents. This isn't a mindless decision, with the increase intelligents it might give me more ideas on how to use future stats.

Level: 6 Exp: 10

Health Points: 20/20

Action Points: 55/55

Magic Points: 20/30

STR: 15

AGL: 10

DEX: 10

STA: 10

INT: 6>21

Stat Points: 0

Immediately afterward, except for touch, all the other's senses were enhanced by 3 folds. A lot of information was processed and left Nainoa on the floor gasping for air. After a minute of getting used to everything, Nainoa noticed a small hand on top of him, looking up he sees a small white hand trying to comfort him. "I'm okay ralts. Sorry, I wasn't ready for that." Ralts just nodded in relief.

After a few more minutes of resting, Nainoa got up to check his surroundings. Seeing as their were still in the house, he remembered something. 'System is there any Jedi manual I can buy for 10 store points?' "There are no items with the requirement." Seriously? 'How much is the cheapest manual?' It can't be that much, right? "50 store points, for the cheapest manual." Hmm 50? 'System what does said manual teach?' It must be something useless. "How to increase and become one with the force. Since it is the basis for training younglings in the force, and probably isn't needed if born in this universe, it is the cheapest." I see, make sense. But I still need something to increase mana without using stat points. "System is there any manual within 10 store points to increase mana.' "Yes, there is only one." It must be bad. 'What is the manual?' "It is called the mana ring. It can increase your mana capacity and recovery for every ring you form around your heart, which is the center for mana. It is one of the most common practices in many different universes. The downside is if the one who practice this manual does not meet the requirements one would blow up their own hearts, thus the reason why it's so cheap." That is a huge backfire, but it doesn't sound complicated. 'What are the requirements, to practice such a manual?' "Host must have at least 10 strength and 10 dexterity to form the first ring." That is a rough stats considering that a normal adult male would only have a stat of 7 and if trained maybe 9 barely reaching 10. 'System how many rings can one form?' "In theory as much as you want" That is good, but that is only in theory. 'System buy the manual' "Buying 'mana heart' manual. 'Mana heart' manual received." The moment the system had spoken, a black book with a hardcover and accurately drawn picture of a heart with 6 golden rings around it. After observing the book a bit, Nainoa immediately went home since the sun was starting to set, and he was getting hungry from fighting all day. "Ralts let's go. We gotta explain your existence to my little brother and figure out a way to train you up a bit." As they head home Nainoa looks senses something coming from the South East, towards the Honolulu area, which is a bustling city all year round 24/7 because of all the hotels, and offices in that area. Not knowing what it was, and seeing as that same sense disappeared in an instant. He then decided that it was not something to worry about at the moment.

Alright, so I know that I don't really upload much, mostly because I am a "essential" worker, and am still very busy. Including that I am doing school at the same time, which I was supposed to graduate but you know the rona got us all on that one. But a lot of of you guys love my book that I was writing to help with stress, so Imma try to get stressed more, and write more. Thank you for the support and I hope you guys keep enjoying. Also if you have any suggestion with grammar or story inconsistencies , just put into the comment section and I'll make adjustments if needed. I'm not gonna change the story line, but I will make adjustments depending on a lot of small stuffs that I might write, so please do let me know. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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