
Fallen Guardian : The last Shadow

"I will make sure that they can't follow you. Run as fast and far as you can, don't look back and brace for impact when you hear it.. " "You see...the problem is, I don't go back on my words." He said in a high pitched tone, only god knows who he was speaking to. He lifted his sword and started striking the space in front of him fiercely, every strike left a glowing scar in the space around him. One could say that he was dancing with his sword. But it was a dance that courted death. "Now go back to sleep ARNUS EDIOS..!!!" The scars in the space around him reformed into a dark energy circle. It was an energy circle that no would dare to summon. He knew he would almost certainly die, but he had to do what had to be done, fulfil his vows. "Take my Sword and if it isn't enough take my life..." He said without an inch of concern for his life. He mustered all his energy one last time, every nook of his energy. He recalled everything that happened in his life. "Shadow Blood Seal...!!!" He released all his energy into the seal in one instance. The seal sucked in all the energy in an instant and there lasted a moment of peace in the air. The seal released enormous amount of dark energy that covered a great radius around it, even a Rank-S Protector would tremble in such a sight. It sucked in everything living which used darkness to live around it, sealing one of the seven demon kings, Second DEMON KING - ARNUS EDIOS and his army back in the underworld. A great crowd braced for impact as The Shadow, One of the Seven Guardians has instructed them to, every single person knelt in his honour, assuming that he was no more...But was he really no more..

Deep_Diver · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Sorry for being late.

Time : 3 AM.

"Everyone! Move it! Evacuate to the West side of the city Now!" Isao shouted as he drove his sword into the demon in front of him.

"Hey, you think we will make it?" Hisashi asked Isao as he panted heavily.

"Do you really need to ask that question?! Ofcourse we won't!!" Isao shouted as he gave a sarcastic smile.

"Huh...Guess so...let's move in deeper...Isao to your left!" Hisashi pierced his sword into a demon's gut.

"That was close...that would have been awkward...dying right after I said that line while posing." Isao looked at Hisashi who just saved him from certain death.

"Let's go...Isao." Hisashi ran deeper into the eastern region.

"Roger that..."

"Get a move on it men!! This side is clear, let's move to the next block, take all th..." Zeyner's words stopped in his tracks as he widened his eyes and looked back from the corner of his eyes as he tilted his head a little to his right.

"Second lieutenant, Kagami, you are in charge. Take the men and leave the premises immediately!" Zeyner shouted as he turned back to face a demonic presence from the shadows of an alley.

"You are good at hiding, but not good at hiding your blood thirst. COME OUT!!!" Zeyner shouted while his spirit growled as it stared towards the alley.

"You...are...strong...hrehrehre" A demon came out of the shadows with dark coloured gauntlets indented with dark energy. This was the one who lead the army inside the city, a Krynch, a kind of demons who are known for their strategic abilities, for this very reason they are appointed as the one's to lead other demons.

"That gauntlet..." Zeyner eyed the gauntlet with suspicions in his mind.

"Ah...the Soul gauntlet huh?...you like it...hree...I took it from some dead protector in Tristina...I didn't see his face cause he didn't have a head...hehe..." The Krynch walked over slowly as he riled up his dark energy.

Sparks began to fly as they started to fight, Zeyner was exhausted heavily due to many factors. Celeritas, his Cheetah spirit tried to distract the Krynch which would present Zeyner with an opening to strike him down. But the Krynch's are known for their tactical mind, he easily took notice of their tactics and countered it with effective methods.

"Celeritas, come back! We only stand a chance against him with our combined energy." Zeyner ordered his spirit, leading his spirit to retreat into his Soul sword.

"Ken!! How in the world did you do...." Izumi swallowed her words as Ken shouted "I don't know... I PROMISE!!!.... I got no idea how I did that?"

"I did get my seal weakened for casting conservation spells...but I never got my seal entirely broken..." Ken tried to contemplate how he managed to achieve what he achieved.

'TRINK!!!' A demon broke through the window of Izumi's bedroom.

"Umm...We can talk later...time to go Ken...grab your Javelin." Izumi sheathed her sword as she put on her shoes in a frantic manner.

"Got it, let's head towards my house." Ken pulled the pinned Javelin out of the wall as the demon fell onto the ground.

Izumi and Ken quickly got out of the house and rushed towards the workshop. Izumi fought off the demons along the way with Ken's support as they made their way to the workshop.

"Yui!...let's go now!..." Wakanabe dragged little Yui out of their house.

"Papa!...the protectors will protect us right..?" Yui asked as her cheeks turned red with her eyes filled with tears seeing the horror in front of her.

"Yeah...they will Yui...but we got to take care of ourselves a little as well. We can't burden them too much, right?" Wakanabe dragged Yui towards the direction the protectors told them to flee as she tightly held her father's hand.

Time : 3:30 Am.

"Tch...we are completely surrounded...might be our end Hisashi..." Isao smiled as he looked around with his back relying on Hisashi's back to stand.

"Any regrets mate...?" Hisashi asked as he smiled back to Isao.

"Yeah...one actually..." They both resumed their fight as the demons ganged up on them.

As they almost killed all the demons that ganged up on them. Isao put himself between a demon's sword which he couldn't repel at the instant and Hisashi, who was the demon's target.

'Shiing!' The demon sword pierced through Isao's gut. hisashi noticing what happened immediately struck down the demon's hand continuing to chop his head off.

"Isao!!...You idiot..." Hisashi held Isao as he cringed down letting go of his sword.

"Hey His..as..hi...the regret I told you about...my daught..er...please find her and keep an eye out for her...please..." Isao gasped as he drew his final breathe.

"I will...you have my word...I will as long as I am alive, Isao...I will." Hisashi slowly put down Isao's body slowly and placed his sword on his body after removing the demon's sword from his gut. Hisashi ran back into the west side of the city towards Isao's house as he took one last look at Isao.

Time : 3:55 AM.

Zeyner panted heavily as he fought the Krynch.

The Krynch punched Zeyner's right shoulder with his energized gauntlet which resulted in Zeyner rolling off the ground and finally hitting a wall nearby bringing him to a stop. "I can see you are out of breathe and about to fade out off consciousness...time for your long sleep." Zeyner's right shoulder bones were entirely crushed and his hand let go of his Soul sword slowly.

At the same time the civilians along with Yui and Wakanabe who were trying to flee were cornered by the demons. "Yui, run!..don't look back...just run!" Wakanabe screamed as he pushed his daughter away while he stood between a demon charging towards them.

"PAPA!...NO!...I don't want to leave YOU!!!" Yui cried as she watched Wakanabe.

Ken and Izumi made it inside the workshop safely only to be ambushed by a group of demons.

"Master Ryu! My Soul sword!" Izumi shouted as she barricaded the door along with the Takahashi's.

"I am sorry, it is not ready yet...! We have to make do with normal weapons." Ryu looked at Izumi with no hints of fear.

Zeyner facing certain death, used the last of his energy to sense the state of the city. "This is it huh...I guess the city and I are done for..."Zeyner looked at the starless dark sky and looked back into the demon's eyes.

The Krynch clenched his fist as he prepared to smash Zeyner's head.


The wall broke as a body flew through it to the other side with a squished head.

"Sorry for being late..." This was the man with the demon aura, who woke up from his sleep sensing the distress signal.


A man with a dark energy mask landed a solid kick to the demon's gut forcing it to slice into two.

"Take your daughter and head towards Master Ryu's Workshop, Mr. Wakanabe...there are three A-Ranks in the workshop defending it. Everyone follow the man...." He spoke in a stern manner as he looked around to order everyone.

"Got it..." Wakanabe nodded at him as he said. He picked up little Yui as he rushed towards the workshop with the crowd following him.

"Not a problem...glad you are here..." Zeyner mustered his energy to complete his sentence.