
The Kingdom Tournament

As the door of the capital of the Kingdom of Remark opens, Dacion, Luna, and Ahsian walks inside the capital of Remark. Dacion and Ahsian look around inside in the capital. "Who never expect a capital to look so nice" Dacion said. The capital was shining and clean all around, The floors were shining. The walls didn't have any dust. " Our king makes sure that everything is order. He also joins the battlefield if he is needed" Luna explained. Dacion, Luna, and Ahsian walks inside the capital hallways heading to the King's throne room. They walked inside of the of the room. Luna walked in front of the King's Throne and kneeled. "My king, these two are the ones that helped save the North Gate" Luna explained. The King stood and walked over the Dacion and Ahsian, He shook their hands. "I wanted to thank you both personal for your valid actions. My name is Charles Ken Rome, and this is the Capital of Remark." King James expressed.

"I only helped the citizens evacuate the area. Ahsian was the one that fought off the goblins" Dacion explained. The King looked at Ahsian and shook his hand again and spoke again "Thank you" King James expressed. "I'm just glad that I was able to help out" Ahsian said. The King sat back down in his Throne and said "For your actions here today, I would like to provide both of you a place to stay" King James offered.

 As The King offered Dacion and Ahsian a place to stay, Luna escorted them to their rooms. "Both of you can stay in these rooms and rest. If you need anything, you can come and find me in the front of the capital." Luna stated before leaving. Dacion and Ahsian walked into their rooms. Dacion notices that the room has a bathroom with two dressers and a big window. He sits on the bed and begins thinking.

 "Ahsian managed to beat goblins alone but i only help a little. Maybe Luna can help me with hand to hand combat." Dacion thought to himself before walking outside of the room.

 Dacion sees Ahsian walking down the hallway. "Yo Ahsian" He called. Ahsian turned around and walks towards Dacion.

 "I was just about to go find Luna and ask her about something." Ahsian said with a little blush on his face.

 "I can read this guy like a book. He's not evening hiding it anymore." Dacion thought to himself.

 Dacion and Ahsian walked to the front of the capital to find Luna. The sound of swords clashing came from the training grounds. "Luna is probably over there since she is a general after all." Ahsian stated. They walked over to the training ground. They saw knights training and sparring. Every time they clashed their swords, sparks came off of it.

 Ahsian points at Luna training with one of the knights. "Hey Luna" Ahsian called with joy. Luna looks at Ahsian before looking back and kicking the knight in the rib making him fall on the ground. "At ease" She stated. She walks over to Ahsian and Dacion with a smile.

 "What can I do for you?" Luna asked. "I was going to ask...umm..i kind of forgot." Ahsian replied blushing. "Oh ok that's fine, Dacion do you need something?" she asked. Dacion looked at her and said "I want to learn hand to hand combat". She smiled as she got in a fighting stance. Dacion looked confused as why she got into one. "You can't learn hand to hand combat just standing there. Now let's begin." she said. They both entered the sparring grounds.

 "I'm ready!" Dacion said before charging at Luna, he threw a punch at her, she countered with a swift kick to Dacion's midsection. "arghh" he grunted. She retaliated with a gut punch. Dacion dashed back holding his stomach. "She's so strong, No wonder why she's a general." Dacion said to himself. She charged at Dacion with a powerful kick that sends him flying against a wall. "Arghh!" Dacion grunted as getting slammed into the wall. The knights stop training to watch the fight.

"What made you think that you can beat a general" Ahsian thought to himself.

Dacion falls off the wall and fell on his knees, He got up from the floor and looked at Luna. In that moment, As Dacion looked at Luna, A flame appeared inside of Dacion's body but it was a small flame. "You don't hold back do you" Dacion smiled before charging at Luna with a kick which she blocked. "I can't hold back...because if I do, you wouldn't be able to learn." she said before throwing a right jab. Dacion caught the right jab and countering with a sweep kick making her fall on the ground. Dacion dashed back and looked as she got up from the ground. "That would be enough for today" Luna stated. He fell on his back and sat up. "Good job Dacion" Luna said shaking his hand. "i don't think getting kicked into a wall would be something to be happy about." Dacion sneered. Luna helped Dacion off the floor. Ahsian walked over and said "Damn Dacion you just got your ass handed to you". Dacion walked out of the sparring grounds and headed to the front. "Hey Dacion wait up" Luna yelled. Since your heading out, maybe you can do some errands for me. She handed Dacion some money and told him what he needs to get. "Alright im heading out" Dacion said before leaving to shops.




The sun beamed into Lawrence eyes, as it sun averted from the eyes. He could see the South Gate Entering the Kingdom. "I'm finally here" Lawrence stated. Lawrence walked through the South Gate and was shocked of what he saw and heard.

 Chatter of joy, Merchants selling goods, and Dozens of people roaming the Kingdom. "Where would I even start at a place like this.... wait Constance said I should head to the capital" Lawrence said to himself. He started walking through the streets of the city shops with his hood on. As Lawrence was walking in the streets of the city shops, He heard a familiar voice at one of the shops. He turned his head and saw Dacion talking to the shop owner.

 "Yes, I would like a bag of these and that would be it." Dacion said to the shop owner before paying him 5 slivers. Dacion took the bag and turned around to see Lawrence standing there, shocked. "D-Dacion...is that you?" he asked. Dacion smiled and said, "why wouldn't it be me". "I thought I was alone in this world" Lawrence stated. "Well I thought I was too until I found Ahsian, which gave me hope." Dacion expressed. Dacion and Lawrence walked down the streets heading to the capital.

 "You nearly died but a old lady helped you and told that you have the power of the Astral inside of you" Dacion repeated. "Yeah, I had to fight it off to get my physical form back, but he is still inside of me.... lurking and waiting for a moment to strike." Lawrence said.

 "Don't worry about it, If he does come out and take control, I'll stop him for you." Dacion replied violently rubbing Lawrence's head. "Also, Ahsian said the same thing, about him having powers of lightning." Dacion stated. Lawrence looked at Dacion and said, "It's possible that you have powers to then".

 As they made it back to the capital, they walked inside to find Ahsian beat up on the floor and Luna siting down in a chair with a book. "Oh, your back" she said as she grabbed the bags. Luna looked at Lawrence and asked, "Who might this be?." "This is my friend Lawrence, I found by the shops so I bought him along." Dacion explained. Luna shook Lawrence's hand and said, "Make yourself at home here". Luna walked over to Dacion and handed him a poster.


 It was a poster about the Kingdom's tournament and the prize you get from it. "I recommend you take part of this tournament. It can help you with your hand-to-hand combat training." she stated before walking away with the bags. Lawrence looks over at Ahsian on the floor beaten up. "Oh Lj...It's you...nice to see you." he said before passing out. Lawrence put Ahsian in the chair and looked Dacion who was still looking at the poster. "You should join it, It could benefit you in some sort of way" Lawrence recommended. Dacion smiled and said, "alright then I'll join".



The Kingdom Gates opens, Kemar and Darius walked inside the Kingdom. "You would never expect a Kingdom to have so many people around." Kemar said. "It's a city so what do you expect" Darius replied. Kemar walked to a civilian and asked "Do you know where the Kingdom's Tournament will be held?". "If you go West from here, you'll find a huge arena. That's where the tournament will be held. I think it starts in a hour." The Civilian explained. Kemar looked at Darius and said "We have a hour, I think we should hurry if we don't want to miss it".

 As Kemar and Darius walked to the arena, The civilian looked back at them and grinned. Kemar and Darius walked towards the front of the Arena. "Aye Darius, will you be fighting in the tournament." Kemar asked. Darius shook his head and said "Naw I'm kinda drained from the long walk to make it to this Kingdom so I won't be joining". Kemar signed himself in as combatant.

 "Thank you for signing in as a combatant, Please Enter the arena in the tunnel. Since you're a friend of this man, you can enter the tunnel too." The Employee explained.

 They entered through the tunnel and waited. At the same time, Dacion entered the tunnel and waited and looked around. "Everybody here looks very dangerous" Dacion thought to himself. Kemar and Darius was leaned back on a wall.

 As Dacion was about to lock eyes on Kemar, an announcer came in and started speaking. "ALRIGHT NICE TO MEETING ALL OF YOU, I'LL BE CALLING THE FIRST TWO CONTESTESTS!" The announcer yelled as he pulls out his clipboard. "AND IT WOULD BE D1 AND B5 THAT WILL BE FIGHTING TODAY!" he announced.

 Dacion and Kemar pulls out their cards that they got from the Employee at the front. "Of course, it's me" They both said. The announcer spoke again "If the two combatants will you please step up". "I'm so glad I stole this hoodie off one of the those Bandits" Kemar said before putting the hoodie on and stepping up. "Why did she want me to put this mask on....It looks weird though..." Dacion thought to himself again while stepping up. "Now please shakes hands" he said. They both shook hands and said, "Let's hope for a good match". They both walked to the battle tunnels. "Hey Dacion, are you nervous?" A voice spoke to Dacion.

 Dacion looked up and saw the King in his battle tunnel. "KING!?!" Dacion said surprised. "I heard that you trained with General Luna and that she roughed you up a little." he said. "Roughed up a little is a understatement....Wait how did you know I was gonna be here" Dacion asked. The King walked away and said, "good luck". As the king walked away, the gate of the battle tunnel opens, There was a lot of chatter and yells coming from the stands. Dacion and Kemar both walked up to the middle of the arena. "MAY THE BATTLE BEGIN!" The announcer yelled. They both dashed at each other and clashed fists. Dacion broke apart and threw a quick jab at Kemar, he dashed back a little to wipe his mouth. Kemar smiled as he performs a string of kicks to Dacion's stomach, Dacion blocked them but not for long. Kemar stopped kicking just to turn it to a uppercut, sending Dacion flying back. "Argh!" he grunted. Dacion gets up and wipes the blood off his mouth.

Meanwhile on the stands, "Dacion is getting destroyed out there....he better make his move or he'll lose." Ahsian said watching the fight with Lawrence and Luna. "For me it looks like Dacion isn't focus on defense. I think he just waiting for a perfect time to strike" Luna noted staring intensely at the battle.

 Kemar charged at Dacion with a punch, Dacion weaved it. Dacion clenched his fist and threw a right hook which collides with Kemar's jaw. "Gah!" Kemar grunted. After Dacion threw the right hook, He pivoted his foot on the ground and threw a roundhouse kick to Kemar's rib, sending him flying back. "OH YEAH" Lawrence yelled.

 As Kemar gets up from the ground, he sees Dacion sprinting at him. "This guy is good" Kemar said to himself before getting up. Kemar started sprinting at Dacion too and started exchanging blows. Dacion ducked one of Kemar punches and did a sweep kick causing him to fall on the ground, Dacion jumped in the air to perform a drop kick on him. Kemar quickly got up and kicked Dacion out of the air. "Ungh!" he grunted. "Kemar is gonna win this match. That guy is more hurt than he is" Darius said to himself. "Dacion has reached his limit" Luna stated. Kemar charged at Dacion with a charged punch. As Kemar was about to finish Dacion, A big explosion came from the entrance of the Arena.