
The meeting

Today is Wednesday or maybe not, checking on my clock it's 9:00 a.m. Yes! not yet late. I have a meeting with my dad, Mr Brian kags. My name is Kylie Kags aged 18 and I have two siblings. Well, am not the oldest Kysha is the oldest and then me and lastly my baby brother Kelly aged 12.i just like calling him a baby cause he is the youngest and the only boy. As for my mom, she is called Larenzo. I don't have much to tell you about her but I just love her. Back to the meeting, I have to get down stairs by 10:00 a. m. I got out of bed went to the bathroom and had a bath. I came back to the room, looked in my woderobe. "I don't really need to look for clothes cause it's not like am going for a date it's my dad" I said to my self as I picked out a black Jean and a white crop top and a jumper. I quickly threw on the clothes and combed my hair backwards and headed downstairs. On reaching down I met my dad ready to listen to me.

"hi dad" I said as I headed for a sit.

"Morning,hope you are already set for the school you are joining for college" he replied

"ummm yes, dad I want to do finances so I think I will join Neritella college in Miami."

Since my dad was some well known rich guy, he said I could join the school but I felt sad for a moment since I was going far from my family for the first time and I was definitely going to miss home. But anyways emotions away, I was still happy cause I was joining college I hugged my mom and I told her that I am soon leaving for college in Miami. In the next two weeks I would be leaving.

I then walked to my room. I talked to my friends about everything and it seemed like everyone was happy for me.

I kept on packing my bags and changing clothes cause I didn't know what to pack or leave. It clocked dinner time. I went downstairs for my dinner because I was starving then off to bed.

I would like to ask for your forgiveness because the beginning chapters are short.. I just can't wait to see how this goes.

Tiebash_Devishcreators' thoughts