

Lysander's heart had hardened over the years. He wouldn't be able to give his stone-cold heart to any woman. And he wasn't sure if any woman would want to marry a person like him! A man without emotions!! He wouldn't even have time for his wife to be able to give Edgeville a successor of the throne if he was married by force!

mckayy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Spirit Summoned.

Xenia could not believe all she just heard. She couldn't say she couldn't believe all she saw because it was certainly too dark to see a thing in there!! She could not believe how wicked a person could be! Xenia was here to save Anastasia but she realized she had underestimated the power of these non-humans! She thought it would be an easy task but it wasn't! Not even a little bit easy! She didn't even know where her mother and brother was? And now look how they were treating her sister, Anastasia just before her?

One of the three well body built guards came towards Anastasia and lifted her from the ground by the hair with just a hand. Anastasia's hands flew to her head as she wriggled her body to break free from his strong grasp and let out a scream! Xenia tried her possible best to help her sister but she could not! How would she be able to help her sister when she needed help herself ? Seeing her beautiful sister turned into a rag was more painful than any other thing she had ever seen before!

"Please let me go!! I have not wronged you in anyway, please let me go! Please!!! For my mother's sake!!!" she pleaded with screams but her voice could no longer support her screams which sounded like loud whistles. Her throat felt scratched and she thirsted for water! The guards enjoyed her little show and broke into laughter! The slim and youngest of the guards ambled forward and said....

"You people always order us! Do this, kill this , fight that without thinking we are blood and bones! We are going to follow exactly the order of the Princess! That is what we do after all!" They broke into another round of thunder striking laughter. The guard holding Anastasia threw her onto the floor and they turned to looked at each other thinking of what they would do to her next!!!

The first guard volunteered and went closer to where the pain stricken princess laid. He crouched down to her level and grabbed her hair. He buried his face into her neck and breathed in her smell. Even though Anastasia was covered in dust, she still had her unfading princess smell. He inched his face closer to hers and had the audacity to slowly bring his lips closer to hers but in a matter of a millisecond, he found his self a million miles away from her lips.

Lysander had pulled the man out of her face and threw him as though he was a piece of junk! The man went crashing and cracking into the walls of the cell. Lysander grabbed the two guards and slammed their bodies against each other before sending them crushing into another strong part of the dungeon's wall!

After a while of scrutinizing the environment his gaze settled on the almost unrecognizable Princess. He walked towards her and carried her upon his shoulders and then left for his room. Upon arrival to his room, his maids followed suit following the orders of the guards. Lysander left Anastasia in the care of the medical practitioners and the maids. He headed down to his sister's quarters.

Lysander did not like to hurt people who had nothing to do with hurting him. He knew how painful that felt. He on several occasions, had refused his begging sister who demanded that Anastasia be killed and her body sent to Rivendelle. And now in his short absence she does all this? He was a man of justice and would punish Henrietta not like a brother but like a king. If this is what she wants then she's certainly going to get it!

Lysander bolted into his sister's room where she was having fun with her friends and other sisters. When he came into her room with full force like that, it startled them all before Henrietta stood up from her bed and headed towards Lysander.

"Lysander you are all okay?" Henrietta said and moved in to hug her brother. After the affectionate hug, she introduced him to a well-known princess. Princess Minerva.

"Lysander Princess Minerva of Ashland. Where... where I seek Allies at but you refused!" She said shyly while looking between the princess and Lysander. The red-haired Princess who was from the land of blood thirsty people, drunkards and party goers came forward and gave a bow to Lysander. Lysander ignored all their facade and went straight to Henrietta. He wrapped his fingers around her neck and tightened his grip on her neck.

Everyone present gasped in fear and shock!

"Ly...(gasp for air).... Lysander what are you doing??"

"HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO DISOBEY ME?? I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT HER AND YOU DID?" He pushed her away and she went slamming her back to her closet!

Everyone exited the place , they feared for their own lives running out of there in great hurry, they were tripping over each other.

"Lysander! She is not an important person to you, why act this way?" Henrietta asked standing on her feet.

"Do you know how it feels to be punished for something you have nothing to do with? I have! And I swore to stop all those acts in Edgeville and this is what happens to an innocent girl who has nothing to do with anything at all?" Lysander yelled with his iris turning golden brown.

"Then why the heck were you sick when you and your enemy's daughter were in the same ROOM???" Henrietta yelled questioning him as her eyes turned red.

"I don't fall ill, Henrietta !"

"Then what happened to you? You don't fall ill but you did.... today... somehow?!!!!!"


Silence ruined in the room for a while.


"Yes! My spirit was being summoned to Rivendelle! There's someone who knows about us over there and I don't know who?" He said calming down a bit.

Henrietta realized her mistake and fell sorry she went too hard on Anastasia.Nevertheless, she still hated her anyways and was not sorry!

Lysander read her thoughts and then carried on with the punishment he decided to let go!

"Whatever you ordered to be done to the princess, will be done to you. Guards to the dungeon she goes!"

"What the heck is going on with you? Hey you don't you dare touch me she said and out of her mouth blazing fire escaped and burned the guards to ashes.

Lysander went over to her and carried her to the dungeon his self while she screamed out all the way helplessly. She couldn't throw fire at Lysander, she felt him activate his chill mode.It would only backfire her and she certainly didn't want to burn!

After she was thrown and locked up into the dungeon, Lysander went to check on Anastasia.

He had even forgotten he brought her to his room when he saw her room was empty. The maids were around her, tending to her wounds while Thyra, teary eyed placed a bowl of soup and medicine on the mini table by the bed.

They dried her hair and added fragranced oils to her skin and treated her wounds.Lysander leaned against his black and trails of white marble-tiled wall watching how the servants tended to her carefully. Everyone left after they had done their part of the job with the exception of Thyra and of course Lysander.

"Anastasia, please open your eyes!" Thyra whispered into Anastasia's ears with her compelling power and immediately her eyes fluttered open.

Anastasia's first gaze landed on the chandeliers above for a good fifteen minutes before slowly turning her face to Thyra's direction. Immediately Thyra looked at Anastasia's face, she gasped.

Lysander moved closer to see why she reacted that way. And he too was slightly taken aback. Anastasia's hazel eyes had turned into a mixture of complex colours of the universe. Half of her pupil was violet and half was golden yellow with things that looked like tiny twinkles of stars the other eye also had the same effect.

ANOTHER CHAPTER ^^. Thank you for the 6.2k views

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