

Lysander's heart had hardened over the years. He wouldn't be able to give his stone-cold heart to any woman. And he wasn't sure if any woman would want to marry a person like him! A man without emotions!! He wouldn't even have time for his wife to be able to give Edgeville a successor of the throne if he was married by force!

mckayy · Fantasia
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24 Chs

Arrogant and Ugly

"Your highness! King Magnus of Windstorm claims, your family, the Queen and her children have not yet arrived there!"

"NO! It's been three days since they left. There's no way they cannot be there by now? Haven't I been to Windstorm myself? I know how long it takes for one to be there!"

"I advise my king to be patient and keep calm in perilous times like this. There might be a little glitch somewhere!"

"Okay, yes you are so right! Half of the farms in Rivendelle have been burnt up increasing the fast rate of famine and drought. My people, both children and adults are dying of dehydration and hunger. Half my army is gone! My soldiers haven't returned from any mission I have embarked them on! AND TO TOP IT ALL, MY DAUGHTER HAS BEING KIDNAPPED FOR ALMOST A WEEK NOW AND YOU ASK ME TO KEEP CALM?????? IMPRISON HIM!!!" King Labhrainn roared out of deep frustration everything was just a mess in his life now. He was growing sick with worry, pain and fear.

"Your highness, we've run out of enough men to fight for the safety of Rivendelle! We need more men!" Rex who had gotten better all ready advised his king.

The king pressed the space between his eyebrows.

"Do what you have to do. I am tired . I'm going to have my rest!". He said and left.

"I will sacrifice my life for Rivendelle! That man! Whoever you are supposed to be, I swear to kill you and hand your head over to the dogs!" Rex said with his confidence intensifying.He was going to train mad hard! Even if his army would not be able to take Lysander down, he plans to use them as a distraction to Lysander.


Anastasia laid on her bed facing upwards.

'He can fly? But how's that possible? Infact, everyone here flies! Why did God have to create some people special and different from the others?' She wondered if how she saw Lysander save her earlier today was all nothing but a silly joke.

'It's not a joke! But I guess you humans have to take time to get used to us' The voice of Thyra played in her mind.

'It really is true! It's not a joke! Humans can't fly? Thyra said this! How I have missed her! But that wicked, ugly and cruel man..... Well, he's not all that ugly? Okay maybe a little bit? Or maybe he is hand..... No! A man with an ugly character as his deserves to be called ugly!'

"Really?" Lysander answered her thoughts out loud. Forcing Anastasia to subconsciously, let out a gasp!

"How did you....?.....You read thoughts too!" She asked curiously.

Lysander just stared at her averting her question.

"I am the most handsome man you will ever come across in your life!"

"Oh wow! Your arrogance adds up to your ugliness too? Great! But you are indirectly insulting me, you know? I have being surrounded by handsome males all my life...my brother, my father.....!"

Lysander's gaze and aura sharpened at the mention of her father! Anastasia noticed and realized the mistake she had been doing! She was talking freely with her father's enemy! She wanted to ask him if he was the one who kidnapped Casimir. But she already knew he was the only one who could have dared to beat up a prince. But she just wanted to be very sure.

Lysander turned to leave but the words Anastasia spoke next stopped him.

"Uhm... this place is a very different place...

you know what I mean. It's made of....of creepy people and...." She couldn't continue because of how much his aura had sharpened when she mentioned the word 'creepy'.

"And....you people can read thoughts, appear at cree.... I mean...at odd times and fly can too! What are you?" She asked searching his eyes for answers.

But when she got nothing but a hard glare from him, she continued with her main question.

"I...I wanted to ask if there's some type of magic that is commanded to carry a person who accidentally sleeps off in...in....the bathroom to bed?"

Lysander turned to look at the curious look in Anastasia's face! She innocently looked into his eyes searching for answers. After what seemed like much... much staring, Lysander answered honestly.

"I carried you from the bathroom to your bed!" He said as if it was no big deal.

"You....you....mean... you....you....you... entered my room...trespassed into my bathroom and.... and...you.... carried me.... to the bed? AND THAT TOO WHEN I WAS COMPLETELY NAKED????????" She freaked out.

"Yes". He said with confusion written all over his face.

'Isn't she supposed to be at least thankful that I didn't just watch and left her cold in there? Who even sleeps in a bathtub?' he asked in his thoughts confused at the shocked look on the princess's face.

"I am a princess! A woman! You were not supposed to do that!!!! Oh my God! I hate everybody here right now!" She said grabbing and pulling her hair hard.

"Okay, let's be truthful here okay? Your joke is not funny anymore! You saw my nakedness??? Like really? With your eyes??"

Lysander just glanced at her and left the room.


Xenia opened her eyes into the world of darkness. She tried looking around for light but she could not sight any! A moment ago, she was all happy travelling to safety with her family. All of a sudden their Carrosse stops, she goes to check it and sights a man standing tall holding the head of the Carrosse rider! She freaks and tries to run! But several more people comes to capture her and she wakes up here.

"Mother?? Mother?? Casimir?? Casimir! Where am I??" Xenia called out to her family but the only answer she received was the echo of her voice.With how bad everything was going, she gave in to defeat.

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