
Fallen Embers

Mana has Awakened The Modern world always thought that pollution would kill them, but sadly they were wrong....... Monsters of Myths and Legends from Nightmare to Fantasy are here to play........ An ordinary schoolboy that only wanted to pass his math test... In a world filled with Embers...... "Why must we face nightmares if we only wanted dreams." Will they succumb to death from a world against them "Monsters may be stronger, but we will remain unbroken.!" Or maybe they will turn the tide in the war against their world... "Even if the world is only Embers, my magic!" Find out if you dare to read... "Will be our Salvation!

ZeroMorningstar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

We are Fucked! But we got Treasure!

Allie looked at Ash as he jumped around. Taking pride in winning first place. There were only dead teachers and students around them. Their faces as they died looked like pure agony and despair. Anyone seeing this would throw up at the scene. While Ash and Allie treated this situation like normal.

"Well, I wonder what the rewards are going to be. I want a cool weapon that can destroy a mountain with ease. Or maybe a giant eyeball of flames."

Allie looked at Ash as he rambled about all the cool items he wanted as they waited for their rewards. Having waited for a long time, they walked into the hall in an attempt to spot any survivors. All they could see were bodies that were eaten or poisoned to death by spiders. There were only them and death in this school. All their teachers seemed to be dead as well in their lounge room. There were not even any monsters left in the halls.

"Ash, we are the only ones left in school," she said."I was thinking that after we get our rewards we should try and find a place to settle and make a base to stay at. We are going to need a place to stay."

After nodding, he skipped through the hallways stepping on the dead bodies. You could hear bones breaking when Ash jumped on the bodies without any remorse as he continued down the halls heading to the entrance. Upon entering the school's main entrance, the duo reached the main lobby. As they reached the entrance they saw the same blue energy starting to form words in front of them.

[Congratulations on completing the tutorial! For all those who survived good luck in this new world. May you evolve and grow in this brand-new world!]

[Now for the rewards for the people who were at the top of the leaderboard in this area. Hopefully, these items will help you in this harsh world.]

[1st - Ash Morningstar - 700pts

2nd-Allie Mistwalker-400 pts]

[Rewarding Top Three... Error…. Only two remain... Extra rewards are given as compensation…..]

In front of the duo, a swirl of blue energy appears. It makes a miniature tornado in front of them. They stared at the energy as it continued to build in front of them. Then it dissipated and what was left was a chest that seemed to be glowing blue. They both looked at the chest and then at each other. Ash rushed to the chest with a childlike glee. Allie just looked at Ash and sighed and walked towards the chest. The duo opened the chest together and saw a few items in there. The items seemed to glow with red and blue energy.

Ash and Allie looked at all the items in the chest. He reached out to take one of the items. He looked at the book with a red cover and what seemed to be a picture of a man with a fist on fire. He focused on the item and the words started to form again.

[Spark Birth > A Mana Cultivation method that helps the body be able to set its body ablaze with Fire and heat. The user is able to set their body parts and or weapons ablaze and is capable of doing extra damage by putting enemies on fire.]

Ash looked at the book in excitement. He turned it a bit. He looked at the words in the book He started to read about how to take energy into the body and use it in different ways. This book was a gold mine to get more powerful. The moves in the book seemed to be tailored to him and his element. Then as Ash was reading his book, Allie grabbed an object that looked like a book as well. She focused on the book as well and words started to form in front of her.

[Freezing Mana > A Mana Cultivation method that allows the user to harden their body with ice or cold. Allowing the user to do extra damage and freeze their opponents at advanced levels with just a touch.]

She looked at the book and found it very interesting. She could torture her enemies. In her mind, she wondered if freezing would work on any part of the body. Because if someone tried to force her to have sex or something of that nature. She could freeze their private parts. For some reason, Ash felt like covering the area near his pants at that moment. They both were reading their books for a bit until they put them down and looked at the other items in the chest.

They saw two fans that seemed to be made of some type of metal. There was something about the fans that made them appear to be very sharp as if they could cut through anything. The duo focused on the fans just like how they did with the previous items.

[Wings of Ice and Fire > Twin WarFans that can fuel the spells of the User. They help spread Flames and Ice in waves making them more powerful. Made of a metal material that seems to be tough enough to cut steel. Boosts mana to give extra power.]

"Wow, this is amazing Allie. Now we can make our spells more powerful and kill things much easier than using those metal poles. I can't wait to find more people to try it out as well.

Allie and Ash tested out their newly acquired weapons. They started to feed their weapons with mana. They started to glow in blue and red. Then they both waved the fan and sent a massive wave of Embers and Snow across the hall. You could feel the heat and the cold. They collided and created steam that covered the hallway. The duo continued to play in the hallway with their newly acquired weapons, leaving burn marks and frost around the hall. They finally stopped as Ash looked at the last item. It seemed to be a coin that had a 2X on one side and a 1/2 on the other side.

[Coin of Chance:

>when used after completing a dungeon can double or half the reward depending on if you guess the right side in the toss

>If the user is near death they can sacrifice the coin of the chance to get Final Chance from Coin to get a final chance of Life.]

Ash and Allie looked at the coin like they had just discovered the holy grail of items. Ash was holding the coin like it was his child. Ash made sure to put the coin in his pocket so they could use it later when they reach a dungeon. The duo made sure to take all the items from the chest. The chest started to glow blue and disappear with motes of blue light.

"Well, are you ready to see the outside world, Allie? I wonder how the world is right now with monsters and mana being awakened. Hmm, it is probably the same as always."

Ash and Allie walked out the door. The duo looked outside for the first time. They saw the streets cracked and destroyed. Stores were broken into all around them. Fire spread to some of the buildings. They could see people running and killing each other for resources for stores. This was nothing but chaos and destruction. Ash and Allie looked at the scene with impassive looks. Then Allie looked at Ash with a deadpan expression.

"You were right Ash. We are fucked."