
Fallen Angel.

Najin, an ordinary boy who had lived eons of years ago, lost his beloved and at the same time the Earth lost its people, after a tragic incident that completely wiped out the Earth's Layer. Until the confrontation with the higher beings, everything was peaceful as always. Well, at least until the gods destroyed the so-called eternal peace by starting the holy war, a war that changed everything. They were afraid. Afraid of the prophecy, "La Opresora de La Vida", a being from ancient legends that does not belong to this world. To keep track of this prophecy, the gods created four archangels who were forced to work together in the creation of the earth. „….“ „But where is the punishment for evil?“ „Why are the gods, in which you believe allowed to sin?“ „Why should I give up my revenge? On behalf of what? And what of the higher order of things, in which evil deeds are not punished? „So I ask, where is punishment for evil? Who has it and grants access?“

Kujiro · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

The Fallen Seraphim Blade

Folks, I am sincerely sorry if the quality of this novel has slipped. I'll do better, and I'm also sorry if certain characters don't show up much or often. Feel free to leave me a comment on how the chapter was. What I should do better, etc. I'll also be working on the other novel soon.

POV: Chitanda / Kida.

Hours have crawled by since that intense conversation with Kida and the others. The news has reached our teacher, and now, all we can do is anxiously await word on Najin's fate. But the questions gnaw at my mind—what the hell went down in there?

"Don't let it eat you up, Chitanda. Ares is on his way," Kida's attempt at reassurance falls flat against the rising tide of worry.

"But what if he's already gone? What if we've lost him for good?" The fear of losing someone is a torment, and when it's a colleague, it's like a knife to the heart. I can't shake off the embarrassment I feel for making a fool of myself in front of Najin. I just hope he's still alive and kicking.

"I say we hit the training hard. Maybe it'll help us get our heads straight," I propose, my determination swelling with each passing moment.

The next time, I swear, I'll be smarter and stronger, and I won't let anything or anyone stand in my way.

POV: Najin / Rhamiel.

I couldn't help but voice my disbelief, "How am I supposed to take down that beast? His powers are off the charts!"

"Sure, he's stronger, but that's the point, isn't it? Back in my day, it was an honor to face someone tougher. So, get to it."

Age didn't seem to matter; the challenge was universal.

Meanwhile, the wyrn circled, biding its time, perhaps hunting. Had it spotted me yet? The forest was dark, with trees blocking out most of the light, and the wyrn's looming presence added to the tension.

"But I don't have any special moves or techniques," I protested, feeling inexperienced in combat.

"Don't worry," Rhamiel reassured, "I'm here to help. Just aim for him, keep it simple."

Simple? This guy must be out of his mind!

Taking it slow, I inched closer to the wyrn, one step at a time. The sound of my heart pounding grew louder, and my nerves intensified. Could I really do this? Not against just any spirit beast, but against a wyrn?

In the dying light of day, a menacing growl echoed, accompanied by flames erupting from the creature's back. It was radiating a substantial amount of Qi. I couldn't help but wonder if I'd make it out of this unscathed.

The wyrn, an intimidating creature with glossy black fur, loomed before me. Its majestic body rose into the dusk, and its gaze pierced me like a glowing blade, while its sharp teeth flashed ominously.

Panic surged as the wyrn lowered its mighty head and charged with a deafening roar. I leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding its deadly bite, which effortlessly tore down nearby trees, shaking the ground beneath my feet.

"Damn, how do I even stand a chance against this monster?" I muttered, scrambling to my feet and preparing for the next assault.

The wyrn struck again, this time with a vicious tail swipe that sliced through the air. I managed to roll away, but the sheer force of the blow sent me crashing to the ground, kicking up a storm of leaves, dirt, and blood.

As I struggled to my feet, I felt blood trickling from a gash on my forehead. The world blurred, but I couldn't afford to collapse. I needed to find a way to survive this battle.


The wyrn lunged once more, massive claws snapping toward me. My heart raced as I leaped at the last second, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. The spirit beast collided with a tree, shattering it into splinters that filled the air like deadly projectiles.

Standing back up, I knew I was physically outmatched by the wyrn. I had to rely on my inner strength, my Qi, but it was easier said than done. Pain coursed through me as I tried to concentrate on my Qi.

"Come on, Najin, don't give up now," I muttered, focusing my Qi and channeling it into my hands.

The wyrn showed no mercy. It unleashed a blazing fireball with a mighty blast of breath. I hurled my Qi-filled punch at the inferno, but the searing heat was overwhelming. My skin burned as the flames engulfed me.


I cried out in agony as the fireball pierced me, hurling me to the ground. My clothes smoldered, and the stench of scorched flesh hung in the air. The wyrn roared in triumph as I lay there, my body glowing from the fiery assault.

My senses dimmed, and breathing became a struggle, but I refused to give up. With my last ounce of strength, I crawled away from the ashes, seeking refuge in a nearby temple, my only sanctuary in this dire battle.

In the dim, silent confines of the temple, I crumpled to the cold stone floor, wracked with pain. Blood seeped from my wounds, pooling on the ancient surface beneath me, a stark reminder of my defeat. But giving up was not an option. I had to find a way, no matter how tough, as long as it led to victory.

"My body can't handle much more of this. I've got to heal myself with Qi. Yes, that's it, spread my Qi over my injuries and mend them."

The throbbing in my battered body threatened to pull me into darkness. My breaths were shallow, each one feeling like it might be my last.

With trembling hands, I reached deep within to find my Qi, weakened but still there despite my injuries. I closed my eyes and focused on activating it, letting it flow through me once more.

It was like diving into a deep, energetic ocean, with waves of Qi pulsing within. With every exhale, I tried to ease the pain and repair the damage. A comforting warmth spread through me as my Qi got to work.

Minutes passed, and slowly the worst of my injuries began to mend. Burned skin healed, fractured bones knit back together, and fatigue gave way to newfound strength. But I wasn't ready to face the Wyrn again just yet. I needed to become stronger, to perfect my Qi skills.

Carefully, I rose and stood before the temple's ancient altar. Flickering candles provided a dim, serene ambiance. I knelt down, closed my eyes, and delved deeper into my Qi energy.

The image of the Wyrn, its formidable attacks, and its blazing flames flickered in my mind's eye. I needed a strategy, a way to outsmart its overwhelming power. Inside my head, a silent dialogue unfolded.

"He's faster, stronger, and more ruthless. But I have my wits, my Qi, and the determination to survive."

My thoughts raced as I searched for a chink in the Wyrn's armor, a way to outmaneuver its sheer might. It would take time and hard work, but I was resolved to find a way.

The night drifted away, and I decided to spend it within the temple's tranquil confines, focusing on honing both my physical and mental prowess. My journey had already revealed its harsh nature, yet somehow, I had survived the initial skirmish.

During my meditation within the temple, as I delved deeper into harnessing my inner qi, an unexpected phenomenon transpired. My consciousness, like a boat on a tempestuous sea, regained entry into the profound sea of thoughts and energies. This was no ordinary occurrence. My focus reached its zenith as I ventured further into this mystical realm.

In the profound recesses of my consciousness, a vivid image materialized abruptly—a katana, gracefully adrift amidst a vibrant sea of flowers, its blade radiating like the brilliance of distant stars. A palpable air of mystique enveloped this weapon.

Inexplicably, I intuited that I possessed the capacity to manifest this sword by channeling my qi with precision and directing my unwavering focus towards this enigmatic target. This revelation left me awestruck, my determination and concentration bolstered.

With eyes shut, I plunged deeper into the depths of my consciousness. Every fiber of my being fixated on the image of the katana. My qi surged within my hands, and gradually, the blade began to take shape. It possessed a slender, graceful form, resonating with an intriguing blend of icy detachment and fiery passion. The guard shimmered akin to the moon's glow, and the hilt bore cryptic, inscrutable markings.

As the sword steadily coalesced, and when I finally grasped it, I could sense the concentrated potency imbued within. It was a tool transcending ordinary boundaries, emblematic of my indomitable will and the extents of my own capabilities.


I christened it the "Blade of the Fallen Seraphim," for it seemed like a gift bestowed upon me by the forsaken angels of heaven. The blade exuded a crimson aura, and as I wielded it, I felt the surging power.


As I gripped the fallen seraphim's blade, an intense presence surged within my mind, like power itself coming to life. A dazzling ball of light burst forth, blinding me with its brilliance. I couldn't see anything beyond the radiant glare, and my eyes throbbed from the sheer intensity.

Then, a voice echoed out – Rhamiel, my master. There was no visible form in that luminous sphere, but the tone carried an arrogant superiority that was impossible to ignore.

"Najin," he began with a mix of fascination and irony in his voice.

"What in the world have you done?"

I stuttered, thrown off by his sudden presence and sharp tone.

"Master Rhamiel, I've used my Qi to craft this blade. It's called the 'Fallen Seraphim Blade.' I felt it was necessary to defeat the Wyrn."

A sarcastic laugh erupted from the glowing sphere, followed by a lighthearted retort.

"Oh, you truly are a genius, Najin, a real beacon of hope. Let's just go ahead and create a dangerous artifact in the depths of our consciousness, just because we feel like it."

I hung my head in shame and uncertainty, deeply troubled by my master's presence in this surreal realm.

"Master, I had to do it. I really had no other choice," I admitted.

Rhamiel, figuratively rolling his eyes, but without actual eyes to roll.

"You might be a bit of a fool, but your ambition's commendable, I'll give you that. But, kid, you've ventured into the Sea of Consciousness, a place where ignorance is anything but bliss. What you did here is uncharted territory, and it's risky. You could mess up the balance in your own head."

"But, I didn't know what else to do. The Wyrn was too strong, and when I laid eyes on that blade, it felt like it was calling to me, like it was meant for me."

"A connection, you say? You're funny, Najin. These aren't just fancy toys you can pick up on a whim. These artifacts have their own power and life," Rhamiel warned.

"You could throw your own equilibrium out of whack or, worst-case scenario, even kill it!"

With that, Rhamiel let out a snort, more like a burst of blinding light, before vanishing as suddenly as he'd appeared.

I was left alone, gripping the Fallen Seraphim Blade, a silent promise, and the strange certainty that I still had a lot to learn.

"A life of its own, huh?" I pondered aloud.

"Can this thing even talk?"

"Hello? Hello, hello, sword, are you there?"

No response. It made me wonder how you were supposed to communicate with weapons like this.

Speaking of which, I had no desire to face the Wyrn again, not now. My body still ached, and I'd poured nearly all my qi into this sword. I hoped he wouldn't come looking for us today.