
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 3: Feather of Pride

Duke felt a strong pain in his heart..a pain that reminded him of his did against his almighty's will. He placed his hand on his paining chest..looking at it at the same time.

"WHAT IS THIS!!!???" He said loudly with terror in his voice.. he could not believe what he was seeing..He rubbed his eyes and then looked at it again.."Why is it Black!?"

Christopher said with a disgust in his voice.."Isn't it obvious after what you did.."

Duke was already in the ocean of despair after receiving his banishing sentence but this one really made him go insane over his own actions..

He said with a stern voice "Tell me how can I get back my Feather of Pride? I'll do as you say"

"Feather of Pride" was a sign engraved on the chest of every single Angel, Devil, and other supernatural creatures of God's. And this sign was gifted to them by God after they became Angel or Devil or other supernatural beings. For Angel's specially it was a sign of Pride & their Devotion to their Almighty for being able to serve him as a loyal subject. For Angel's the "Feather of Pride" was White in colour but for Duke it turned Black.

Christopher said after a pause.."You'll have to make that girl you saved fall in love with you"

Duke exclaimed "WHAT!!"

Christopher was already enraged over all these matters so he said angrily "STOP SHOUTING..TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR DEED" he continued "In this universe Love is the only thing that can sacrifice itself for the lover's well-being purely..if she'll love you dearly only then she'll loose her life energy. As you saved her against her destiny that's why You'll become her "Angel of Death", Her love towards you will be the reason for her death"

Duke didn't expect something like this so he was a bit shocked to hear all of these but he had to do it because he disobeyed the destinyy.. & now it was his punishment for correcting his deed.

The "Angel of Death" left the room..

Angelo was standing there listening to all of this..he knew Duke very well.. he lacks emotions, specially for humans and for that reason it's a very difficult mission for him to accomplish..Duke isolated himself from all the humans for all this time on Earth but now he not only had to make A human conversations and contacts but also make someone fall in love with him..

Angelo spoke while resting his hands on Duke's shoulder "Don't worry you can do this.. I'll help you in every possible way I can..You will regain your Feather of Pride..and the trust of the Almighty" Duke also knew it was impossible for him to accomplish this mission but he was determined not to give up.

Duke raised his head and stood up.."I'll do it..no matter what because I've to show my apology to the Almighty by doing this mission..I'll regain his trust over me"...With this last sentence he took his human form and left for his "LAST MISSION OF LOVE".

Duke entered the hospital where the girl he saved was admitted.. Walking through the corridor he saw an older woman waiting outside the OT(OPERATION THEATRE)..

he was about to pass her when the the light of OT got off, some ward boys and nurses were dragging a streacher outside the the Operation theatre.

He stopped on his way and looked at the body lying on that streacher..she was looking like she was drained out of blood with thousands of pipes and channels attached to her body..."That girl" he uttered.

The old woman rushed to the streacher then to the doctors coming out of the OT. "Is she alright??" she asked worriedly to one of the doctors.

"The surgery was successful but can't say anything as it was a head injury..... We have to wait for the patient to wake up first to say further about her condition" with that they left and one ward boy informed the old woman that the patient was shifted to a personal cabin and if she wants she can meet her but shouldn't talk or stress the patient.

The old woman was going to the cabin when she lost her balance and was about to fell on the Ground. Duke rushed to her and caught her before she could touch the ground. She regained her balance and said " thank you young man"

Duke didn't said anything.. she again said " Actually my granddaughter has just come out of OT as she had an accident.. I didn't had a chance to eat anything before rushing here after getting the call from hospital" she forced a smile..Duke just hummed in response.. He couldn't not how to show emotions towards someone..still he tried to utter something "T-then go and eat"

After saying he realised he sounded very rude..but "Sorry" was the last word he would say to a human.

The old woman smiled and said "Are you here to see any of your relative?" He didn't reply because he couldn't lie...."Ah... it's ok you don't need to reply me though, but can you help me with something as to compensate your rude behaviour!?" Duke looked at her but didn't say anything as he was aware how he behaved just now..

He asked "with what?"

She said "Give this wristband to the patient in the room no. 1018, it's her lucky band, she forgot this today and met with the accident.. please give her this so that she'd wake up fast while I come back after the formalities of the hospital...will you..?"

He took the red coloured braided woolen wristband from her and left for 1018 without saying anything.

Thank you for reading..❤

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